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Innovative Wedding Invitations

wedding invitations

Wedding Invites are an integral part of wedding arrangements. A wedding invite needs to be beautiful and elegant and at the same time. Couples today are on the constant look out for innovative wedding invitation ideas that will complement their wedding arrangements.

Every couple that decides to get married wants their special day to be truly remembered not only by them but by the families and friends who would be attending as well.  Many couples opt for destination weddings or theme weddings that have you exchange vows in a spectacular setting or have a mesmerizing theme decor set up.

Wedding Invitation cards have gone a sea change with so many options available now-a-days. Wedding Invites are highly personalized and is a reflection of the bride and groom themselves. A quirky, surreal and interesting invite sets up the tone for the magical extravaganza that is to follow.

Wedding Invites embossed in gold and silver, accompanied by flowers or sweets or having personalized photos of the couple were considered as an in thing till a few years ago. However as they say change is the only constant and the desire to be set apart drives the couples to look for more enticing options to emulate the perfect wedding invite.

wedding chocolates

The newest trend is to send out edible chocolate wedding invites. Weddings being a joyous occasion, what better way to announce your wedding date to people by adding a dash of chocolate to your wedding invite? It will not only get a quick RSVP from them, it will be etched in their memories forever.

ChocoCraft specializes in wonderfully made custom wedding chocolates which has the option of printing your wedding details on the chocolate bar itself in edible ink. There is a huge variety of chocolate invites that you can select from.  If the mere mention of chocolates makes your mouth water, your guests are sure to be thrilled to get one.

Edible chocolate wedding invitations are not only a treat for your taste buds but also for the eyes.  Not only they capture the essence of romance and love but set a sweet tone in the built up for your most special day. 


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