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This Rakshabandhan Gifts, be different. Want to do something exciting but don’t know how? This year, ChocoCraft launch a contest for Rakhi Gifts. Here you can choose the way they look and taste by win a personalised chocolate box from us.

How To Qualify?

How to participate in 3 easy steps :

1. Give us message on chocolate, photo on box and receipt message (optional). Email it on rakhi.contest@chococraft.in

2. We shall make a Graphical with your details. You need to share it on Facebook / Instagram tagging ChocoCraft as per the given message below.

3. You need to share the post and get minimum 495 likes to win the same box of chocolates.

1. Select Product


*Apart from the Above. You can also give your own message.

2. What we need from you?

Send us an email to rakhi.contest@chococraft.in with the below details:

Subject: Participation in CHOCOCRAFT Rakshabandhan Contest

Dear Team ChocoCraft,

I would like to participate in CHOCOCRAFT Rakshabandhan Contest. I agree to all terms and conditions. I confirm that I own the information that I am sharing with you.

Please find below the details:


TEXT: Happy Rakhi Rishabh

PHOTO: Attached

MESSAGE: Happy Raksha Bandhan my brother!!!
This Raksha Bandhan, I promise to you that I will
never leave to tease you, but whenever
you need me in difficult times, I will always be there
by your side to protect & support you.


Shivani Mehta

Mob: 9876543210

Address: House Number 345, Lane 1, Manohar Vihar, Delhi - 110073

3. What we will create for you?


You need to write the below message on Facebook:

Dear Friends, I am participating in CHOCOCRAFT - Rakhshabandhan Contest. (Tag CHOCOCRAFT)

Please help me win by liking, sharing and commenting on this post.

If you like to take part in contest, please visit: https://www.chococraft.in/pages/rakshabandhan-gifts-contest

Or visit: www.chococraft.in

Share Photos

Then you need to get minimum 495 likes to win the chocolate box!

5. Terms & Conditions

  1. You should give us detail / picture which you are owner of.
  2. Pictures to be given to us with the consent of the person whose picture you are giving to us (if it is not yours).
  3. You are liable for any damages if any details are shared with us which is not yours.
  4. Chococraft hold right to reject any application.
  5. In case of any dispute, Chococraft's decision will be the last decision.
  6. We will have 25 winners for the chocolate boxes. The boxes will be shipped within India.
  7. Contest winners after that will be given a cash voucher which can be used on this website in next 3 months.

We wish you all the best!