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Planning a Birthday Party

Celebrating someone’s birthday is a special event and should be shared with the loved ones. Adults tend to enjoy parties as much as a child. It is truly nice when people honor your birthday by sharing the day with you. Like most adults, chances are you will not remember your first birthday party. Around the world, a birthday is celebrated as the end of a year and the start of another. Friends and relatives gather together to share food and drink. They bring gifts for the birthday boy or girl and enjoy the special birthday cake.

Since this event occurs only ones in a year, there is a certain amount of pressure when it comes to hosting a birthday party.

Planning the Party

This is a great time to enjoy the company of your friends and receive gifts. You are the center of attraction for some time. Some adults tend to prefer intimate and small gatherings. Again, there are some who can’t wait to shout out their birthday from the rooftop. Thus, the first priority is to get to know the person for whom you are planning the birthday party. Thereafter, you should tailor the birthday party as per their interest and personality.

You need to use your creativity and imagination for planning out a birthday party. Make sure that you plan it in such a manner that the friends and relative do not ever forget it. Here are some things that you need to work on when you plan a birthday party.

1. Choosing the Birthday Party Theme

When you plan the birthday party, you have to make sure that you consider the theme. Thereafter, ensure that every detail is in accordance with the theme. This includes the decorations, the invitations, and the food. You have to ask the guest to dress in a certain manner for the birthday party. When you consider the theme, you have to some brainstorming. In case the party is not a surprise, you should let the guest of honor choose the theme. If it is a child’s birthday party, you can choose their favorite cartoon character or toy game. However, if it is for a teenager, the themes might range from favorite celebrity or sports. You can also adapt a theme from a movie. There are endless possibilities when it comes to themes.

However, when you plan the theme, you should forget the budget. The more elaborate is the theme, the greater will be the expenditure. With the help of imagination, you will be able to reduce your budget to a great extent.

2. Creating guests List

Even though it is of utmost importance to consider if you are arranging the birthday party for a boy or a girl, it is also necessary to create a guest list. Make sure that you ask the recipient who he/she wants to invite to the party. If you feel that the guest list is exceeding the limit, you can cross out the names of the unimportant ones. Also, take a look at the guest list. Keep in mind that you also have to invite the parents. Make an effort to make the environment pleasant and safe for the guests. For example, if you know a guest who has food allergy, make sure that there is something for them to eat. Moreover, if you are hosting a child’s party, you should always ask the parent is the child has any allergy.

It obviously goes without saying that you need to consider the number of guest when you plan the menu and the schedule. Five guests will be able to play the game in 15 minutes but 20 guests will take more time. If you have a large number of guests, it is quite difficult to keep them entertained. Always go back to your budget while making the guest list. Keep in mind that the more guests you invite, the more money you have to spend.

3. Choosing the Venue

The availability of space for the party will have an impact on the number of guests that you can invite. As a matter of fact, it will also have an impact on the theme, length, and entertainment of the party. If you have the budget, you can hold a party at a restaurant or rent a space. In case you are tight on your budget, you have the option of hosting the party at home. However, consider whether you have adequate space to hold the party inside. Make sure that you have an area which will be safe for your guest and the furniture you have. You do not obviously want to run around after the valuable vase during the party to keep it from falling down.

4. Preparation Time

If you are busy, you will not have the time to make a homemade invitation card or prepare a meal. Hence, you should opt for options such as premade invitations and decorations. You should not plan to make everything yourself if you do not like crafting. This is because by the time the party will be over, you will be frustrated. However, you should not leave the decoration to the last minute. If the party is in the morning, there is a high chance that you will not be able to get up early. Hence, you should look at the time and plan accordingly.

4. Sending Out Invitation

When you plan a birthday party, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. One of the most important thing that you need to consider is where to get your invitations from. Even though you will get many generic invitations in the supermarket, you should also check your local stationery store. It is better to send out invitations which are related to the party theme.

If you have time, you can plan on making the invitation all by yourself. For this, you will get loads of ideas and materials in the nearby craft store. Make sure that the invitation is simple and easy to understand. Mention where and when the party is. Do not forget to include the special instructions. You can keep a small portion for RSVP at the bottom of the card.

6. Fixing the Menu

If it is a small party then ice-cream and cake can be the only refreshment that is required. People tend to consider the cake as the focal point of a birthday. Make sure that there is more than one flavor of ice-cream. The menu that you plan for the birthday should take everybody into consideration. Make sure that everybody is able to enjoy their meal. You can give the familiar favorites a twist when it comes to food.

7. Planning the Birthday Return Gifts

People will give gifts when you invite them for the birthday. It is an expression of their appreciation and gratitude. Return gifts have become pretty popular in recent times. When you give return gifts to the guests, you will be able to show your appreciation. Moreover, it will make them special honored and special to have been a part of the birthday celebration. It makes them feel that you are grateful to have them on the special day. Return gift is also a way of making sure that your guests remember the special occasion. In some cultures, return gift is a way of sharing the good luck. Return gifts will help in strengthening the relationship between you and your friends and relatives. The return gift is a way of showing some extra love.

There are certain things that you need to keep in mind when you select return birthday gifts. These are,

  • Choose a gift that your guests will be able to use on a regular basis. Moreover, it will remind them that that they were a part of the special day.
  • Try to select something meaningful for your guests. This is because you have an emotional connection to them.
  • On the basis of where you live and where you are celebrating the special occasion, you should select return gifts which has some cultural significance.
  • In case you do not what you choose as a return gift, you can go for edible favor such as a basket of dried fruit or chocolate.
  • Make sure that you go for eco-friendly products like crafts, paintings, and hangings. This will show your appreciation for the guests. However, this can be expensive. Thus, you should consider your budget before buying them.

Whatever you choose as the return gift, you need to make sure that it is thoughtful and has some meaning to it. Give something that the recipients will be able to use for years to come.

If you follow the above tips, you will be able to plan a birthday party pretty effectively. However, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. It is necessary to be prepared for the meltdowns. Keep a stock of ice, tissues, and band—aids. In case you have any pets, you should keep it away from the guests.

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