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Happy Anniversary Message for Couple

Messages 1 - 100

  • To the most beautiful woman who has given me the most beautiful life, a very happy anniversary.
  • Every love story is special, unique and beautiful—but ours is my favorite.
  • When a love is true, there is no ending. I hope we get to celebrate for many years to come. Happy anniversary!
  • I want to love you, adore you, take care of you and make you the happiest person there ever was for all of time.
  • I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I did the day I married you, but somehow my love only grows. I love you today and always.
  • Happy anniversary to the only person in the world that I want beside me every day and every night for the rest my life. I love you, sweetheart. Happy anniversary!
  • I’m so excited about the future because I can’t wait to make all of our dreams come true. Happy anniversary and cheers to many more.
  • I believe everything happens for a reason because it led me to you. I love you, happy anniversary.
  • Forever wouldn’t be long enough with you. Happy anniversary, with all my love.
  • Having you by my side makes me the happiest, most grateful and luckiest person in the world. Happy anniversary to my soul mate.
  • There’s no one I’d rather sit on the couch watching TV with. Happy anniversary!
  • It’s pretty cool that we’ve been together for however long we’ve been together. Happy anniversary!
  • Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me, but then I remember that I put up with you too, so that makes us even. I love you!
  • You’re alright I guess. Happy anniversary!
  • Even though your snoring drives me crazy, I wouldn’t pick anyone else in the world to share my bed with. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary! Let’s order takeout and be in bed by 10pm.
  • I’m yours. No refunds.
  • You married this crazy. Happy anniversary!
  • Sometimes I get jealous of you. After all, you married the world’s most beautiful
  • Happy anniversary to my better-in-every-way half. Seriously, you’re amazing.
  • I love doing life with you. Happy anniversary!
  • Like the smiles in our selfies, you light up my life. I love you! Happy anniversary.
  • From sending you good night texts to wishing you good morning, everything seems sweeter since I met you. Happy anniversary.
  • The good things in life are better with you.
  • I am so blessed to be married to someone as wonderful as you. Happy anniversary.
  • I can never tell you enough how beautiful you are, how much you make me smile and how much you mean to me. Happy anniversary to my one true love.
  • Happy anniversary! Thank you for always loving me for who I am.
  • There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here by your side with your hand in mine. Happy anniversary.
  • In a world where so many things can be uncertain, you are the one thing that I will always be sure of. Happy anniversary!
  • There are no words to describe the love I feel for you on our [first] anniversary—unwavering, tender and boundless only begin to sum it up.
  • We may have changed since we first met [10] years ago, but through that we have only grown closer. I love you so much! Happy anniversary sweetheart.
  • I don’t care about life’s twists and turns, as long as I have you and our beautiful family. Happy anniversary my love.
  • To my beautiful wife, the mother of my children and my lifelong partner. I love you more than you even know.
  • Happy anniversary to the person who gave me the greatest gift of all time—eternal love and our beautiful children.
  • Today, we celebrate the best decision you’ve ever made—making me your wife and the mother of your kids. Happy anniversary, honey!
  • I want to thank you for everything you do for me and the kids. You make managing our home, taking care of the kids and having a career look so easy. How did I get so lucky? I love you, honey.
  • Even after all this time, my heart still melts when you walk into the room. Happy anniversary.
  • You are the peanut butter to my jelly and the macaroni to my cheese. We make a perfect (kid-friendly) pair. Happy anniversary, my dear.
  • Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that I would find you and that you would make my dreams come true. Our little family is everything I could have hoped for and more. Happy anniversary!
  • They say the greatest marriages are built on teamwork. Thanks for being on my side through all the tantrums and meltdowns. I love you!
  • Thank you for always believing in us and our future. Look how far we’ve come! Happy anniversary to the most amazing father and husband I could ask for.
  • I don’t know how I got so lucky to get a girl like you, but I’m thankful every single day.
  • No one makes me laugh the way you do. Thanks for being the best part of my day—every day!
  • You make me happier than I’ve ever been. Happy anniversary! I hope we get to spend many more together.
  • I’m glad I asked you out on this day [two] years ago. Happy anniversary!
  • From romantic dates to cuddles on the couch, you’ve given me some of life’s sweetest memories.
  • I think it’s time to let you know that I’ve been dating someone, and I really love them. It’s you!
  • You are my best friend, my lover and someone I’m happy to call my [boyfriend]. Happy anniversary!
  • I can’t wait to see what’s to come for us. Thanks for sticking with me—there’s no one I’d rather experience life with!
  • Life with you is much happier and sweeter than it was before you came into the picture. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to my favorite person! This year was so great, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.
  • Congratulations on another year spent together. Wishing you the most love, laughter and happiness for years to come.
  • Cheers to two imperfect pieces that fit perfectly together.
  • You two weirdos are perfect for each other.
  • Sending love to our favorite couple on their anniversary!
  • Wishing you an anniversary as special as the love you two share.
  • May you continue to love, cherish and honor one another for years to come. Happy anniversary!
  • Wishing a perfect pair a perfect anniversary!
  • You two are an inspiration to those lucky enough to know you. Happy anniversary.
  • May your lives be filled with adventure and your love be never-ending. Happy anniversary.
  • Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is something different. You did it. Happy anniversary!
  • It takes two very special people to really weather the storms of life together and still be smiling years later. Happy anniversary!
  • Dear friend, I wish you to be happily married for forever and ever! Happy wedding anniversary!
  • I wish you all the joy, happiness, and love a marriage can give. Happy wedding anniversary, my friend, you deserve it.
  • You two are the greatest – and together you’re even better! Happy anniversary, you guys.
  • I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Cheers to you on your anniversary.
  • These wishes come from a deep place in my heart. I wish you both will have an amazing anniversary together. I love you both so much.
  • Keep climbing the mountain together, they say the top is beautiful. Happy anniversary to the most brilliant couple I know. Congratulations.
  • I hope that your love grows deeper each year and your happiness together grows too. Happy anniversary!
  • There is nothing more beautiful to behold than a wonderful marriage between two beautiful people. Happy anniversary, my friends.
  • You are a dear friend and a wonderful person. Have a very happy anniversary.
  • You two have great chemistry and good harmony. Your marriage is like a beautiful song. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to two great friends- you two are a match made in heaven. Happy anniversary.
  • They say the moon is the reflection of the sun- but your marriage shines as bright as the sun itself. Here is a wish of love and joy for the best couple I know… happy anniversary!
  • An anniversary is a time to celebrate today’s moments of joy, yesterday’s great memories, and share hopes of tomorrow. Wishing you both a happy anniversary and many more to come.
  • Wishing you both another awesome year together. Congrats on your wedding anniversary.
  • Sending you and the wife happy wishes on your anniversary. Happy wedding anniversary.
  • Send you and the hubby happy wishes on your wedding anniversary. Congrats.
  • Like the stars that shine in the sky, the love you both share is a beautiful gift to the world. Happy wedding anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to my best friend who deserves all the love, happiness, and joy life can give. You’re the best.
  • Sending lovely thoughts and wishes your way on your anniversary. Congratulations.
  • May your love and lives together be an everlasting journey. Happy wedding anniversary.
  • Friend, you’ve been through it all- the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’m so glad you finally found the person that loves you for you and makes you happy. You deserve it. Happy wedding anniversary.
  • Friends like you are phenomenal! It is extraordinary to be acquainted with a couple who show each other unconditional love and patience. On your anniversary, may you know how awe-inspiring your relationship is!
  • Happy Anniversary to a beautiful couple, who I am proud to call my friends! May this day be a joyful celebration of your union!
  • Knowing people who are friendly, humorous, and kind is a blessing! Having this day to honor a couple with such rare qualities brings me great joy! Happy Anniversary!
  • Today, you are commemorating your marriage among people who love you and value your friendship! May this festivity be a fitting expression of your worth!
  • On the date of your wedding, we want to publicly display the esteem in which we hold you. Your marriage exemplifies what it truly means to be devoted to another person!
  • Happy Anniversary to the most understanding people that I know! The way that you listen to your friends, and the wisdom that you share with all of us is forever appreciated!
  • There is nothing more beautiful to behold than a wonderful marriage between two beautiful people. Happy anniversary, my friends.
  • May the adoration that you have for each other be everlasting! May warmth be reciprocated on all of your anniversaries!
  • As your friend, I have had the pleasure of witnessing the unwavering attention that you pay to each other. May the special care that you give each other be at the forefront of all of your interactions!
  • My friends, you are a couple who complement each other. May the balance in your marriage be continuous! May the coming years be joyful!
  • Happy Anniversary to an admirable pair! Both of you possess immeasurable dignity and integrity. There could not be two people who belong together more than you do!
  • Friends, the anniversary of your blessed union has been duly noted! May there be an excess of romantic attachment, that lasts through the ages!
  • Happy Anniversary to a friendly couple! You are such pleasant people to be around! May this day and every, single one you have together, be joyful!
  • Best wishes to a lovely couple, on your anniversary! You are a true example of how a couple should be! May love continue to be plentiful, in your relationship!
  • Wishing an incredible couple a Happy Anniversary! May your devotion to each other grow stronger, as the years go by!
  • Happy Anniversary to a couple who are perfect together! I have never seen two people who complement one another more! I wish you a multitude of years, consisting of balance, love, and joy!
  • Happy Anniversary to a perfect match! May you always go well together! May every anniversary find you on the same wavelength! May it bring gratitude to your hearts!

Messages 101 - 200

  • Best wishes to a fantastic couple, on your anniversary! May this day hold pleasant memories and reminders of the vitality of your relationship!
  • May you maintain your bond, as a couple! May your anniversary be cause to smile and enjoy good times with friends!
  • Being in the presence of a couple like you, lightens the hearts of your friends! May your anniversary find you happy, together, and among people who make you feel carefree!
  • Cheers to a couple who exemplify love and commitment! May your anniversary be splendid, like you!
  • Wishing a couple who brings jubilance everywhere they go, a Happy Anniversary! May today find you in good spirits!
  • It is not often that you meet someone who you are on common ground with. Some people never do. On your anniversary, may you acknowledge your beautiful and rare relationship! May the love in your hearts never end!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary to an amiable couple! Your friendship, warmth, and consideration are appreciated and cherished!
  • Happy Anniversary to a couple I am proud to call my friends! You are gracious and wonderful! May this and all of your days together overflow with happiness!
  • Wishing a friendly couple a Happy Anniversary! You are always hospitable and patient with me! May you continue to speak with, listen to, and understand each other!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary! The two of you show that fate exists! You have revealed to me that there are people who are meant to be together! You can find balance in a relationship and marry someone who will always be there for you! May your day be incredible!
  • Happy Anniversary to a couple who is welcoming towards everyone! You amaze me by how nice you are! May all the experiences that you share be pleasant!
  • Celebrating the Wedding Anniversary of a couple who exemplify commitment! You are devoted to each other and make outstanding friends! May tonight’s party be boisterous!
  • Happy Anniversary to a pair that I greatly admire! Both of you hold others in high esteem and never fail to stand by your friends! May you find yourselves in the company of people who hold you in the highest regard!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary! May your marriage continue to lift your spirits to new heights! May you constantly be a couple who is outgoing and a pleasure to be around!
  • When I look at you, I see a couple who truly loves and supports one another! Happy Wedding Anniversary, to two people who acknowledge the validity of what each person aspires to do!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary to an auspicious couple! Wishing you even more success and great delight in the company of each other!
  • Relationships can be quite difficult, but the two of you make relationships seem so easy. Happy one-year anniversary to the coolest couple I know.
  • Hurray!!! It’s your one-year anniversary! Today, being a special time in your lives, I’m sending your way lots of love and well wishes.
  • Wishing a happy one-year anniversary to one of the most wonderful couples I have ever met. May you, guys, always find comfort and happiness in each other’s arms. Congratulations!
  • It seems like with every blessed day that passes by, the love you have for each other becomes stronger and stronger. Wishing you a wonderful one-year anniversary and many more beautiful anniversaries to come. May your union forever remain blessed.
  • Happy one-year anniversary to the couple of the year! I wish you many more years of togetherness. Have a happy anniversary.
  • As you celebrate your one-year anniversary, I pray that your relationship grows from strength to strength and that you stay happily together all the rest of your lives.
  • Sending you heartfelt congratulations on your one-year anniversary as a couple. May you always love and cherish each other. Happy anniversary!
  • I must admit that I find it hard to believe that it’s already ten years now since you, guys, have been together. I wish you all the best for your 10-year anniversary together. Stay blessed.
  • Happy 10-year anniversary to a very wonderful couple. I wish both of you all the best in life as you commemorate 10 solid years of being married to each other. Congrats!
  • Being married to the same person for a whole decade is a remarkable accomplishment no matter how you look at it. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. May you always be happy together.
  • On your 10-year wedding anniversary, my one wish for you is that you always hunger for each other’s love. Happy anniversary.
  • You keep proving time and again that you have the formula to a successful and happy relationship. Wishing you a happy 10-year wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
  • As you mark the 20-year anniversary of being married to each other, I want to use this opportunity to congratulate you while at the same time wishing God’s blessings upon your marriage. May your appetite for each other’s love and company always remain insatiable. Congrats!
  • If your marriage isn’t a good example of how good marriages should be like, then I honestly don’t know what is. Have a wonderful 20th wedding anniversary.
  • Today marks exactly 20 years since you two have been married to each other. As you celebrate this remarkable milestone in the life of your marriage, do remember that your union is a beacon of inspiration and hope to others. Have a happy anniversary.
  • Despite being together for twenty years now, you both still act like newlyweds – an obvious sign that you, guys, are going to be together for many more years to come. Congratulations on 20 years of being happily married.
  • This day is a remarkable day in your lives, considering it is the milestone for 20 years of a successful and happy marriage between you two. As you celebrate this great achievement, I pray hat you are never separated from each other. Congratulations.
  • Having spent 25 years of marriage together, I think it’s great to say you can enroll as being professors of ‘being married.’ Happy 25 years!
  • Aside from being 25 years older in marriage, you are 25 years, happier, stronger, and prosperous, which is something worth more than all the hardships you’ve through. Happy 25th anniversary!
  • Congratulations on 25 years of success in marriage! You’ve surely proved that Fairy-Tales do exist! Best wishes for the next many years ahead of you.
  • Seeing such a great couple like you is like a dreamlike; 25 years of affection, 25 years of care, and 25 years of love. Happy Silver Jubilee!
  • For 25 years now, you guys have been responsible for your happiness. May your bond continue to get stringer and may you stay in each other’s arms forever. Happy 25th anniversary!
  • Indeed, you’ve unraveled the mystery of the much sought after love treasure. Best wishes in your Silver Jubilee!
  • Congratulations on the 25-year marriage milestone! You’ve surely come a long way, and I wish you the best in the next years to come. Happy 25 years of happiness, love, and magic.
  • Being together with the same person for 30 years is no small achievement. Congratulations for being married for 30 solid years and still staying madly in love with each other like you were on the first day. I wish you a happy 30-year wedding anniversary.
  • Congratulations to both of you on your 30th wedding anniversary. May the good Lord bless you with several more decades of togetherness and happiness.
  • I am super excited for you and your consort as you mark your 30th anniversary. I hope that this day not only brings you happiness but also strengthens your bond with each other. Congratulations!
  • Being in a happy and very meaningful relationship with the same person for 30 years is no easy task. Many congratulations on 30 years of a happy marriage. As you celebrate this remarkable milestone, may God bless you and continue to fill your lives together with happiness and peace.
  • Wishing you an amazing 30th wedding anniversary. May the love that you have for each other continue to grow and blossom. And may the Heavens always smile upon your marriage. Congratulations!
  • Even after 30 years of marriage, you still can’t seem to get enough of each other. That’s truly beautiful and admirable. Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary.
  • 30 years together as a couple is truly a remarkable achievement. I feel privileged to know a couple that has been together this long. Congratulations to the two of you as you mark this wonderful anniversary.
  • Happy wedding anniversary wish for 30 years of marriage on image of warm colors with hearts.
  • It is so easy falling in love and establishing a romantic relationship with someone. However, it is never easy to stay in a romantic relationship with the same person for four decades. I want to congratulate you, wonderful guys, for your 40th wedding anniversary.
  • Anyone who has ever found him or herself in a marriage would tell you that one of the most difficult things to keep in this world is a happy marriage. However you, my beautiful friends, have been married for 40 years and are still going strong. Congrats!
  • Not too many things in this world last forever, but your marriage seems to be joining the list of the handful of things that last forever. Happy 40th wedding anniversary. Congrats!
  • Happy 40th anniversary to the most inspirational couple I have ever known. May your marriage continue to be an inspiration to everyone around you for many more years to come.
  • The two of you keep proving to us that true love does not only exist in the movies but also in real life. Congratulations to you on your 40th wedding anniversary.
  • I want to congratulate you on your 40th wedding anniversary. As you celebrate this remarkable achievement, I ask that God grant you even more years of happiness with each other. Congratulations to the most wonderful couple in the world!
  • CONGRATULATIONS to you for 40 years of togetherness. The love you have for each other has stood the test of time and has become a shining example for couples everywhere to emulate. Congratulations once again on your 40-year wedding anniversary!
  • Only a handful of marriages in the world are capable of lasting 40 years, which is why your marriage is a big inspiration to everyone. Happy 40 years of living together happily as husband and wife. May you continue to be happy in each other’s company for the rest of your lives. Congratulations!
  • I wish you the best in your 50th Anniversary and merrier & happier moments in the next years to come!
  • I hope you spend the next couple of years together by each other’s side. Receive my warm wishes on your lovely 50th anniversary!
  • You being my favorite pair, I love to see how you two enjoy life with each other! With lots of love and prayers, I wish you a Happy Golden Anniversary!
  • You’ve proved it that day in and day out, love can be so great. May the Lord bless you as you enjoy a happy 50th Anniversary!
  • Receive warm hugs and love on your 50th Anniversary, and may your love keep on growing. Best wishes, dears.
  • May you enjoy every ounce of happiness as you celebrate a memorable 50 years of marriage – it would only have been done this well by the two of you.
  • May the Lord continue blessing the love in your lives and hearts with an ever-deepening faith. Best wishes as you celebrate your golden jubilee!
  • Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful couple. You both mean the world to us and we are so incredibly happy for you.
  • Best wishes on your anniversary! You remind me of sugar and honey. You are both too sweet for words! Love to you on your special day.
  • May you two lovebirds enjoy each other’s company today and always. Best wishes on your wedding day!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary! Best wishes to you both on your wedding day, may you celebrate in style! Cheers!
  • Warmest wishes to a lovely couple on your wedding anniversary. May you never go to bed angry, may you never be too prideful to be the first one to say you are sorry, and always keep a good sense of humor—throughout it all. But, you guys probably know all that! You’ve made it this far—just keep on keepin’ on.
  • Yeah. You guys are cute. A little too cute if you ask me. Just kidding. You are both an amazing couple with such huge hearts. I wish you nothing but the best today and for all the many more anniversaries to come! Congratulations.
  • Your marriage makes the world just a little bit brighter and a heck of a lot happier! Your love and joy is contagious! May God bless you both on your beautiful day.
  • God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought you two beautiful people together. You are such a radiant example of what marriage is all about. You fill people with joy and love just by being man and wife—together you make such an amazing couple. Congratulations to you both! Wishing you many more beautiful anniversaries to come!
  • I am so proud to have you both in my life! Congratulations and best wishes to you on your wedding anniversary. Togetherness and love can conquer all things even if they seem unsurmountable at the time—as a team you can continue to walk through the storms. Happy anniversary to you both and God bless you on this special day.
  • When God brought two incredible people together and made them into one, he released so much joy and happiness into this world. I can’t imagine it any other way. Best wishes to you on your wedding anniversary.
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary to the best couple that I know! May your life together always be incredible! May you always have mutual admiration and respect for one another!
  • Here is to a tremendous couple on your wedding anniversary! You are the epitome of true love! Thank you for showing all of us that the right person is out there!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary to my favorite couple! You are delightful to be around! The stories that you both tell make everyone laugh! May you celebrate many more anniversaries, enjoying each others company, and laughing, among friends!
  • Wishing a couple who I greatly admire and respect, a very Happy Wedding Anniversary! You are both incredibly gracious and dignified! May you have a multitude of wonderful years together!
  • Happy Anniversary to a perfect match!
  • Happy Wedding Anniversary to a very special couple! Both of you are so unique and have taught others, including me, what it means to find the person who suits you, and to honor that person’s presence in your life! Here is to numerous years of happiness!
  • To an amazing couple who shows us all what true love is meant to be. May your days be filled with peace and your nights be filled with joy. Happy anniversary, you two!
  • We are blessed to have you two in our lives. You are a shining example of loyalty and connectedness. May each day bring you more opportunities to share this love with those around you. God bless and happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary! We were honored to be present at your union and still feel honored having you as friends all these years later. Cheers to many more years of happiness and fulfillment!
  • Seeing you two together year after year reminds me there is good in this world. There is hope and beauty all around us. Thank you for being such examples.
  • Happy anniversary to two of the most amazing people in this world! With equal intelligence, talent, and wit, you were destined for greatness together. Here’s to you!
  • Here’s to a celebratory night of laughing, dancing, and pure happiness. You two deserve it more than anyone we know!
  • My love for you will never fade. I have loved you in all those years and I’ll love you till my last breath. Happy anniversary sweetheart!
  • Happy anniversary! Finding the right person can be difficult but I knew from the start that you, my friend, you have just found the right one for you.
  • I am really happy that you two have spent one more year of sweet married life. May the love and affection you have for each other continue to grow in the coming years!
  • May you love each other and look after each other till the end of the day. May the holy bond of marriage between you grow stronger and more romantic by each day!
  • I’m so much happy to have you in my life. Thank you for everything! Happy Anniversary wishes to my lovely wife.
  • Thank you for being my mate in life, thank you for making my heart filled with enormous happiness. Wish you happy anniversary my dear husband.
  • Once again, the time has come to look back a year and think about all the beautiful moments you shared together. My good wishes for both of you!
  • Only two good and pure hearts can form such a heavenly union. May the love you share continue to grow in your heart as your marriage continue to grow in days and in years!
  • There’s nothing as wonderful as seeing a happily married pair. Your happiness always reflects by the smile in your face and the delight in your eyes! Happy wedding anniversary!
  • Happy wedding anniversary! I wish you many more years like this one ahead in your life.
  • The love and respect you have for each other is unimaginable. You two are the sweetest, most adorable lovebirds I have ever known. Happy anniversary mom and dad!
  • May the love you have for each other continue to blossom like a rose with each of the passing year. Happy wedding anniversary to you!
  • The kind of love you share is unique and everlasting. It’s a kind that grows stronger with time and gives inspiration to others. Happy marriage anniversary!
  • I wish every year our love increases and reach to new heights. Happy anniversary to my soul mate.
  • Cheers to another year of creating beautiful memories together. May God bless you two together forever. Happy Anniversary!

Messages 201 - 300

  • This is a special day that is reserved for both of you because you truly deserve it. May you find more reasons to love each other as you grow old together. Happy wedding anniversary!
  • You have all the ingredients of love that a perfect couple shares. You’ve always been an inspiration for us. Wishing you a happy wedding anniversary!
  • Because of you I am me. Happy Anniversary to my better half.
  • May this special day be one of the most memorable days of your life. Sending my warmest wishes as you celebrate one more year of staying true to each other!
  • Congratulations! You have successfully completed another year of marriage with your beloved one.
  • I am so blessed to be married to someone as wonderful as you. I love you so much! Happy anniversary darling.
  • Wishing a perfect pair a perfect year ahead. I hope you keep on boosting each other and continue to be this amazing on your fantastic relationship.
  • You inspire everyone with your everlasting love. Thank you for showing us the right way to complement each other in a marriage. Happy anniversary.
  • Thank you for proving that marriage is a blessing and making me want to believe in fairy tales in real life. May Lord always bless you two. Happy anniversary.
  • Celebrate and enjoy this beautiful day which is only reserved for you. Sending you both love and sweet wishes on your anniversary.
  • May both of you live to celebrate a hundred years of your wonderful journey together. May each day you share be more beautiful than the last. May God bless you.
  • May god bless your heavenly bond and give you all the happiness that you deserve and much more. Happy marriage anniversary.
  • An anniversary is basically a reminder of all the ups and downs that you have gone through which your partner. Adore and love each other throughout your lifetime! Happy Wedding anniversary.
  • Having both of you as a couple in our life is nothing but a blessing! Happy anniversary, dear! I am so happy for you guys. Cheers to all the upcoming anniversaries.
  • It’s the day I was married to the sweetest, most beautiful person in the world. After all these years, I can’t believe you only grew to be sweeter and more beautiful!
  • Thanks for loving me, caring for me and fighting with me. I will never get tired of being with you under the same roof. Happy Marriage anniversary to my lovely husband!
  • Congratulations to one of the most romantic couples that we have ever witness. May Lord bless you and always keep you together. Happy anniversary.
  • Sending you lots of love, admiration, and blessing for your life together. Happy wedding anniversary. Enjoy your life together to the fullest. Seeing you two together makes me so happy.
  • People achieve all sorts of things. Some achieve success, some achieve the money. But I achieved a lover and I tied him up with me forever. Happy marriage anniversary sweetheart!
  • On this very special day of yours, sending you all my warm love. I hope you get blessed with the very ounce of happiness in the world. Happy Wedding anniversary.
  • Heartiest wishes for your wedding anniversary. May this anniversary bring you happiness, luck, and success in your lives. Have a great day and a great life ahead. Many happy returns of the day.
  • I hope you two know that you guys are each other’s soulmate. I feel so happy that you guys met and decided to stick with each other. Happy Wedding Anniversary.
  • The love that you guys share is one of a kind! Happy wedding anniversary, hold on to each other forever and always. May God bless you two.
  • Having a wife like you means a lot to me. Because of you, my life is so peaceful and enjoyable. Thank you for never leaving my side. Happy anniversary wife!
  • Without your love and sacrifice, there could never be home and a family of my own. You make me fall in love with you every single day. Happy anniversary!
  • On this day, I married the most beautiful woman on this earth. Happy anniversary dear. You are such a precious gem in my life.
  • We have been together for years but it still feels not enough. I can never get tired of falling in love with you. Happy anniversary dear wife!
  • Happy wedding anniversary to my amazing wife! A sweet and loving woman like you is a dream comes true for any man. I am lucky enough to have you as my wife.
  • When I look at you, I forget all the negativity of this world. Your smile makes me fall in love again and again with you. Happy anniversary!
  • The way you love me and look after my family is unthinkable. You are not only a woman with good looks but also a woman of a beautiful heart. Happy anniversary!
  • In case you didn’t notice, the butterflies I had got in my stomach after seeing you for the first time, never left. Happy Anniversary, my love!
  • You’ve been the source of strength and inspiration for me in all these years. A wife like you is a blessing for any man. Happy marriage anniversary!
  • Congratulations to you for accepting my laziness and congratulations to me for tolerating your tantrums for all these years now! We are indeed a power couple!
  • I fell in love with you right at the first moment I saw you. Thank you for marrying me and making it last all these years. Happy anniversary my love! We’ll make it last forever!
  • Happy anniversary to my husband! You put a smile on my face and ignite a flame in my heart. Every time I look at you my heart leaps with joy.
  • I cannot really express just how blessed I am to have found a husband like you. Happy Anniversary to us!
  • A very happy anniversary to the man of my dream. It has been an absolute privilege to walk alongside you my love.
  • Dear hubby, thank you for being literally the kindest and compassionate husband ever. Love you to the moon and back. Happy Anniversary handsome!
  • Today, I am happier than I have ever imagined. Thanks to the man I call my husband, for showing me the happy side of life.
  • Want to hug you tight not only today but every day, want to wish you a happy married life with me forever!
  • May the everlasting love keep on shining upon us forever so we can make many more joyful memories together. Happy wedding anniversary to us.
  • Even when everyone abandons you and your favorite things betray you, you will find me here with you. Happy anniversary to you.
  • A year has gone discovering each other and I can tell you; I have found everything in you I could possibly ask for. Happy anniversary dear husband!
  • For me, this is and always will be the best date in the calendar because I got married to the love of my life on this date. I love you and happy anniversary!
  • Being a good husband is not easy. But you do it every day as if you were born to be a great husband. Happy marriage anniversary!
  • Anyone can become a husband by marriage but not everyone can make a place in someone’s heart. You have a permanent place in my heart because you deserve it.
  • Years will come and go but our marriage will be there like a timeless gem, shining bright till forever ends. Happy anniversary!
  • Thank you for showering me with the kind of love that lasts. You are an amazing husband and I am lucky to have you. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy [11th], [Babe]. I love you more every year!
  • [Fourteen] years of marriage and mayhem! You’ve made me so happy through every single one.
  • Happy Anniversary, with all my love, to the strongest, kindest, funniest, best guy I know.
  • [Eight] years ago today, you made me the happiest man on earth. And I still feel like I’m the luckiest.
  • Every day I’m still discovering new things about you to love.
  • It’s been a tough year, but our love is tougher. Thanks for staying so strong through it all. Here’s to us…and to a brighter year ahead.
  • I’m so lucky to have you and your love. Thanks for putting up with me for another year!
  • So grateful that God gave me you to love.
  • It’s our [fourth] wedding anniversary and our first as parents. I’m so grateful to be sharing this adventure with someone so wonderful, and I look forward to all the love, laughter and wonder ahead for us.
  • I still remember the way my heart leaped when you got down on your knee and asked me to be your wife. Of course I said yes, and I’d say it all over again. Yes to you. Yes to this life we’ve made. A thousand times YES to our love!
  • Yours is still my favorite face.
  • Our anniversary marks 365 more days you’ve made me laugh, appreciate you, learn, grow and be oh so glad we’re together!
  • I never dreamed love could be this good.
  • Still in this together. Love that.
  • Love you even though I sometimes have a funny way of showing it.
  • Happy Anniversary to My Better-in-Every-Way Half. Seriously, you’re amazing.
  • Marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did.
  • Happy first-date anniversary to us! You bowled me over then and you still do!
  • Sending love and good wishes to some of our very favorite people.
  • Warm anniversary wishes to two dear friends who mean so much.
  • The two of you have your own reasons to celebrate on your anniversary, and as your friend, I have so many reasons to celebrate you both.
  • It’s so cool that two of my favorite people are married to each other. Here’s to [two] great years…and many more!
  • This is what happens when marathon runners get married. You’ve built a love made to go the distance!
  • You two are so great to know and be around. Can you adopt me?
  • Thinking of you and all the good times we’ve shared. So glad you’re in our lives.
  • Wow! I can’t believe it’s been [three] whole years since I saw you take the floor for your first dance together as man and wife. Not even your adorable dancing-machine flower girl could steal the spotlight from the two of you.
  • There are lots of quotes about lasting love but few couples who seem to do it as well as you.
  • Happy anniversary to the greatest people…with the garden we’re most jealous of!
  • So…going out to a great restaurant? Huh? Can I come?
  • No marriage is perfect, but if ever a couple came close, it’s you two.
  • The two of you have seen challenges this year, and you’ve met each one together. Celebrating that today!
  • Time out from real life to celebrate you and your love.
  • You two mean so much to us. Thinking of you with love.
  • Whatever life brings, love can handle it. Have a wonderful anniversary.
  • With all that’s going on, here’s hoping you find some time for each other on your anniversary.
  • You two clearly took that ‘for better or worse’ thing to heart. Wishing you lots of ‘better’ in the year ahead.
  • Wishing you a moment or two to celebrate you.
  • I still have a good feeling about you two.
  • Remember…love endures all things.
  • Happy Anniversary to a couple who’s wished nothing but the best, always.
  • When you’ve got a strong love like yours, you can make it through anything. So many who admire you are honoring you today.
  • To my husband, my soulmate, lover, companion, and friend, you mean so much to me. Even though we’ve only been together for three years, I can’t imagine life without you.
  • If I had a do-over and I had to choose again, I would choose you. Happy anniversary, my dear.
  • In the waltz of life, you have proven time and time again to be the perfect dancing partner.
  • I love you more than I can express. Thank you for choosing me.
  • This anniversary marks another year with the man of my dreams. I am so thankful for every happy year with you.
  • You are more than my number one. You are the only one.
  • If I could turn back the clock I would find you sooner and love you longer.
  • Amidst all the troubles, disappointments, and lost hopes and dreams, your love is always a breath of fresh air.
  • I can’t believe it has been 10 years! I love you more and more every year that we spend together. I can’t wait to see where life takes us.
  • With you in my life I know I’ll always have the support that I need to follow my dreams. Thank you for being my biggest dream come true of all!
  • How lucky I am to have fallen in love with my best friend. Happy two years, love.
  • I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.

Messages 301 - 400

  • The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
  • Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more.
  • All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.
  • Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
  • For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
  • For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.
  • The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.
  • You’ve a place in my heart no one else could have.
  • I am one of the few lucky men in this world who can say that my best friend, girlfriend, and wife are the same woman. Happy anniversary!
  • May the rest of our lives always be like our first anniversary — exciting, youthful, and hopelessly romantic. Happy first anniversary!
  • Through all of life’s mountaintops and valleys, I’m so blessed to be able to share this roller coaster of life with you.
  • One year has passed, but I will never forget that moment in my life when you said YES. You make my life complete!
  • It is not very often that a fairytale romance turns out to be a perfect marriage as well. That is what I have found with you.
  • It doesn’t matter whether we always agree or not. What matters is that I love you and you love me.
  • You are a strong, capable and beautiful woman. You thoroughly impress everyone you meet. I’m so proud to be able to call you my wife.
  • Marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did.
  • Every moment, from romantic dinners to simple walks in the park, is pure magic! Thank you for filling my life with joy for the past five years.
  • Thank you for always forgiving me, believing in me and for sticking with me through thick and thin.
  • Even if I got the chance to live this life again, I’d pick you time and time again.
  • My favorite couple is having their anniversary! Your love is my biggest inspiration.
  • Happy anniversary! Congratulations on another year spent together. May your life continue to be filled with love, laughter and happiness.
  • Anyone can fall in love, but not everyone can stay in love — happy anniversary!
  • Sometimes your marriage is slow like Waltz, sometimes it is peppy like Salsa, sometimes it is hot like Tango and sometimes it is soulful like Jazz — cheers to the couple who can dance to any rhythm of life. Happy anniversary.
  • For some couples, being perfect means being flawless. But for a beautiful one like you, being perfect means accepting each other’s flaws. Happy anniversary.
  • Congratulations on your anniversary! Many best wishes and blessings as you continue walking life’s paths hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart.
  • Anniversaries are reminders of the promises that couples have fulfilled in the past, the ones they are making in the present and those that are in store for the future. Cherish this milestone date and make yet another beautiful promise as you celebrate your wedding anniversary.
  • Like wine, marriage can be sweet or bitter, intense or mellow, flat or acidic. But a couple like you enjoys all its flavors, whether dull or romantic.
  • Most married couples hear each other’s words, you listen to each other’s heartbeats. Most of them admire each other’s looks, you compliment each other’s souls. Most of them commit to each other’s lives, you have committed to each other’s dreams.
  • Cheers to your special day. Happy Anniversary!
  • It's time to celebrate all over again. Happy Anniversary!
  • Here's wishing you another year of true love. Happy Anniversary!
  • Warm wishes to you on your marriage milestone. Happy Anniversary!
  • Here's to another love-filled year together. Happy Anniversary!
  • Every day, continue to love each other more and more. Happy Anniversary!
  • Dos. Deux. Duo. However you say it, this day is about you two! Happy Anniversary!
  • Best wishes to the best couple I know. Happy Anniversary!
  • This special day is reserved just for you. Happy Anniversary!
  • Skip the dress and tux, and enjoy some cake in the comfort of each other's company. Happy Anniversary!
  • Thanks for being the big spoon to my little spoon.
  • I'm still glad you met me.
  • Another year past, and I'm still achin' for your bacon.
  • You'll always be my stud muffin.
  • You are and will always be my happy place.
  • Sleeping by your side guarantees sweet dreams.
  • Thanks for being my handyman even when nothing between us ever feels broken.
  • For better or worse, I still choose you.
  • You're the only team I ever want to play on.
  • Marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did.
  • You're as beautiful today as you were on our wedding day.
  • I seriously won the lady lottery!
  • Thanks for not holding out for better.
  • Another year with you makes me hope we live forever.
  • I didn't think it was possible to love you anymore, but yet, here I am.
  • I looked up "perfect" in the dictionary and there was a picture of you.
  • As lovely as you looked in your wedding dress, you in yoga pants makes my heart skip a beat.
  • To my doe: I love you, deer.
  • I love you more than yesterday—yesterday you pissed me off.
  • Here's your annual reminder that you married up.
  • Congrats on rocking this marriage shit.
  • I know that loving me isn't always easy, but at least it's worth it.
  • Like a kick to the gut, you'll always take my breath away.
  • Year after year, you're still the only person I don't want to punch in the throat.
  • Choosing you makes up for all the bad decisions I've ever made.
  • Of all the love stories in the world, ours will always be my favorite.
  • On this day, and every day, I am reminded why we are meant for each other.
  • Every day, I love you more than the day before.
  • My love for you continues to grow each day, as I love you more than I did yesterday and less than I will tomorrow
  • No words can express the everlasting love I have for you.
  • Happy anniversary to the love of my life and here's to many more years of happiness to come.
  • Your face will always be my favorite.
  • Thanks for keeping my feet warm at night.
  • Owl I'll ever need in life is you and the nest we built together.
  • Thanks for never streaming a Game of Thrones episode without me by your side.
  • Another year together and I'd still choose you over a room full of puppies.
  • You'll always be the cookies to my milk.
  • Thanks for helping me believe that soulmates do exist.
  • May today be almost as special for you as the day I was born.
  • For all the love you gave us kids, thanks for never shorting one another.
  • Thanks for making "love" mean more than I ever thought it could.
  • Thank you for making it last as long as you have—the holidays are hard enough.
  • When it comes to love, I hope the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  • You planted the seed years ago, but it's your love that keeps our family tree rooted.
  • Like peanut butter and jelly, you two are better together.
  • You two give me #relationshipgoals.
  • Congrats to the coolest couple who knows how to keep it hot.
  • You two go together like popcorn and Netflix.
  • It makes me happy to know you'll always have each other...when you need a ride to the airport.
  • If your love is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  • At least celebrating your love this year doesn't require renting a tux.
  • One plus one plus equals another year to celebrate you two.
  • One year down; the rest of our lives to go.
  • May this year be merely the first of many great ones to come.
  • May this special day be the first year of many.
  • Here's to 365 days marriage #IRL.
  • 365 days later, and I'm still crazy for you.
  • Only one year in and you're making Mr. and Mrs. look easy.
  • High-five to your five-year milestone.
  • Five years, 60 months, 260 weeks, or 1,825 days—however you count it, it all adds up to love.
  • If a five-year wedding gift is silverware, then happy day to you two spoons.
  • Congratulations to five years filled with new memories and many more to come.

Messages 401 - 500

  • On one hand you have all the years of your marriage. May you run out of fingers and toes to count all those to come.
  • Thanks to this wedding milestone, five is my new favorite number.
  • One decade down; forever to go.
  • Ten years is only the beginning. So long as you're together, the best is yet to come.
  • May this major marriage milestone be one of many on your path to forever.
  • Cheers to a decade filled with love! Break out the bubbly and toast to your past, present and future.
  • May your vows mean as much today as they did a decade ago.
  • Happy Anniversary to the love of my life, the song in my heart. Love you always!
  • We’ve been making sparks fly for [17] years. Why stop now? Love you more than ever!
  • Always and forever. Year by year. Happy one more..
  • All the love. For you. Happy Anniversary.
  • I donut know what I’d do without you. Love you.
  • Falling in love with you is still the best part of every day. Happy Anniversary
  • All you need is love…that lasts and lasts. Love you more every year!
  • Happy Anniversary to You. Here’s to another year of good times with you! Love.
  • You’re my jam. Thanks for the sweetest days of my life.
  • There are days of my life I’d like to change, but I’d never want to change the ones with you.
  • Happy All-Our-Days-Together Day!
  • Happy Anniversary …to the only one I could picture in my life forever.
  • Owl always love you. My heart is home with you. Happy Anniversary, Babe. Happy Anniversary!
  • My life began when I found you.
  • I wake up every day excited for our next adventure together
  • and grateful for the ones we’ve already embarked upon.
  • I love you to the moon and back. Every day. Forever. Happy Anniversary!
  • I love you. On this special dayJust want to sayI love youIn so many ways!
  • Happy Anniversary To My Gorgeous Wife. You’ll always be the love of my like, Jenny. Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy Anniversary, Love. To us. To finding you.
  • Loving you is no probllama. You’re still my favorite person.
  • To the One I Love. I’m still so amazed, so happy that you said, Yes.
  • Forever Us – Every day I’m happy that we’re us. Happy Anniversary, Babe
  • Happy Anniversary to the Love of My Life – Here’s to many, many more years.
  • Hugs and Kisses just for you.
  • The first [4] years of our happily ever after have gone so fast, been so amazing.
  • I’m so lucky to have you…and vice versa!
  • I love you a little s’more every day. Thanks for a sweet life, Babe! LOVE YOU
  • Since we met, every day is a day I love you..
  • So happy to be married to you [3] years and counting
  • Seems like yesterday and yet forever. So we’ve been married, like, for yesterday?
  • Happy Anniversary, Babe!
  • I will never stop loving you. Never. Happy Anniversary..
  • Every day with you is a fiesta. Thanks, Gabe, for creating so much happiness in our life!
  • Happy Anniversary. You give flight to my best imaginings, my brightest thoughts, my highest love.
  • Happiness is found in loving and being loved.
  • I love you. Happy Anniversary, Dear!
  • All of me loves all of you.You’re the Love of My Life For as long as I live.Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart.
  • You’re the glaze to my donut. The sweet to my heart – and sweeter every year.
  • Love You. I still say yes again every morning. Happy [13th] Anniversary.
  • To My Wife. My snuggle buddy. My very best friend. Happy [12] years.
  • Of all the fish in the sea, you’re the only one for me.And what a catch! Love you, honey!You are my cup of tea.
  • Perfectly blended, a splendid brew!That’s us, Sweetie. I love you!Happy Anniversary!
  • You and Me. Always and forever. Happy Anniversary..
  • You’re bacon me crazy. [3] years and counting of crazy for you. Happy Anniversary.
  • Love you, Alice. With all my hugs and kisses. Happy [2] years together!
  • Suddenly, all of the love songs were about you. And they still are. Loving you always..
  • You are so loved. With all my heart. Happy Anniversary..
  • Happy Anniversary – Your hugs and kisses still make my heart flutter, Matt. Love you, Babe!
  • You’re so sweet! And so perfect for me. Happy [3rd] Anniversary.
  • My heart is always thinking of you. Always. Happy Anniversary.
  • You are totally my type. All the words for love are us. So happy to be married to you.
  • Ewe woolly stole my heart. And I’ve still got it baaaad for you, Babe!
  • My favorite thing about us? We still have so much fun together!
  • Here’s to another year of good times with you!
  • Mr. & Mrs. – I still like the sound of that, the forever us feeling. Happy [4] Years!
  • Just fur you …Be claws I love you! Happy Anniversary
  • Love You – On our Anniversary, for all our forevers. Love you.
  • I woof you. Fur-ever. Happy Anniversary.
  • Only you. Always you. Forever. Happy Anniversary.
  • I love your smile. It shines with love. Today and forever, I love you back. Happy [2] years!
  • Hey, baby, we get better with age. Pretty soon, we’ll be fantastic! Happy [28th] Anniversary!
  • I love us – more than you’ll ever know. Especially the half that’s you. Happy [9] years, Babe!
  • Kiss me, you fool! Happy Anniversary!
  • Hot Baby, Hot! [3] years of heartburn for you!
  • You and me, a pair meant to be. Happy Anniversary, Love.
  • Let’s dance! Celebrate! [6] great years of the loveliest love and romantic-est romance
  • Love you. Only You. Always. Happy Anniversary,.
  • Celebrate! Cheers to our years! Happy Anniversary, Love!
  • You shower me with love. My favorite weather! Love you,. Happy [3] years!
  • I heart you. If I had to rate you on a scale of 0 to 10, I would give you a 9 and be the 1 you need.
  • It didn’t take a potion to set in motion my love and devotion for you.
  • One look, and I was on the hook! Happy Anniversary.
  • Happy Anniversary 2020. Wishing you another year of love and laughter!
  • Happy Anniversary – Your love has bloomed so beautifully. Congratulations,
  • Opposites attract, similarities endure, and a little variety keeps things spicy!
  • Here’s to another year seasoned with love! Happy Anniversary
  • Happy Anniversary to You …two of my favorite people!
  • Another year and still going strong. Who’d a thunk it?
  • Happy Anniversary – Wishing you another year of loving well.
  • Happy Anniversary. It’s easy to see you two belong together. .
  • For a Special Couple, Anthony and Kim. Wishing you love for every day of all your years.
  • On Your Anniversary – Wishing you all the best.. Congratulations!
  • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Happy Anniversary .
  • Live. Laugh. Love. Happy Anniversary Congrats on keeping your life full of love and laughter
  • Adding another year of marriage to your story? Beautiful. Inspiring. Joyful.Happiest of Anniversaries.

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