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Valentine's Day Message For Boyfriend

Messages 1 - 100

  • A day without you is like a sky without a sun. I’ll be loving you till the day I die.
  • A flying kiss has just been issued to your address. Let me know when you receive it. Distance doesn’t matter as long as we love each other!
  • A hug sends more messages than you can imagine. It says you are all I have to hold when I feel down or alone. It also shows how special you are in my life to let you put your arms around me.
  • A true lover always feels in debt to the one he.
  • A whole box of candy hearts couldn’t express my feelings for you and what you mean to me. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my dear.
  • After meeting you, I feel I have found a person whom I can be count on always in life. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • After so many years of being together, my heart still feels the same for you. Happy valentine’s day, love.
  • All I care about is you and your happiness, I don’t really care if you want to be mine or not. I just love everything about you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • All I want from you is your love and I want it sealed for me forever. Happy valentines!
  • All I want is to wake up in the morning with your text on my phone and a day full of hugs and kisses from you. That’s my valentine resolution! Happy Valentine.
  • All I want to do every day come back home to you, and I know now that there is nothing and no one in the world who can change this and make me feel any differently about you
  • And each day I think and look forward to spend with you, and with each day I fell for you more and more. Will you be valentine?
  • Angel of my dreams and my waking hours, you thrill me with your presence. Say you’ll be my valentine.
  • Angel of my dreams and my waking hours, you thrill me with your presence. Say you’ll be my valentine.
  • As long as there are waves washing upon the shore is as long as I will be yours.
  • As long as you are with me, I can go anywhere and do anything. Thank you for being my guardian angel. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • As time goes on, nothing is sweeter and more precious than the love I have for you. I am the luckiest woman in the world! Happy Valentine’s!
  • As time goes on, nothing is sweeter and more precious than the love I have for you. You make me begin. Happy Valentine’s, my dear.
  • As we keep the fires of our hearts burning, we are always turning to each other. I am warmed by your company.
  • Because every long lost road, led me to where you are; others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, guiding me on my way, into your loving arms, this much I know is true. God bless the broken road that led me straight to you."
  • Because of you, my life is so full of melodies and sweet memories. I wish you a happy day full of love and kisses! Happy valentine’s day my love!
  • Being in life, alongside you – makes everything worth it. You make me the happiest person alive, babe. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Being single is boring this valentine’s day, so I was thinking of going on a romantic date with you.
  • Being with you, the world seems so beautiful to me, dear. Happy valentine’s day to my love.
  • By holding onto the past, you’re damaging your future. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Can’t believe I know all your bad and weird habits, yet I still love you like crazy.
  • Candy, flowers and cards are great. But having you as my boyfriend/husband is simply the best. Happy Valentine’s to the world’s greatest boyfriend/husband!
  • Cheers to forever us, I would chose you over and over again for all the lived. Happy Valentine’s Day darling!
  • Chocolate can’t compete with the sweetness of loving you.
  • Chocolates are sweet, flowers are romantic. But if you’re with me, I don’t need anything else. A box of love is on the way for you on this day!
  • Cupid’s shot was right on target for my Valentine and I am so lucky to spend it with you!
  • Cupid’s shot was right on target for my Valentine and I am so lucky to spend it with you. Thank you my soulmate for coming into my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Darling, no one understands me the way you do. Being with you is the only gift I want every valentine’s day. I love you so much! Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.
  • Dear boyfriend, thank you for making my life exciting and happening. Forever grateful to the Almighty for sending you into my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Diamonds and roses are awesome on Valentine’s Day, but having your love is enough for me.
  • Distance is painful, but it soothes my heart, thinking that you’re mine no matter how far you are.
  • Do you know why there are spaces between your fingers? So that I could fill in the spaces by holding your hand. Happy Valentines Day Dear.
  • Doing absolutely nothing with you means absolutely everything to me, babe! Happy Valentine’s Day to my darling. Let’s have our adventure on this Valentine day.
  • Don’t be tongue-tied this valentine’s day. Say it loud, I’m here to listen. I love you and happy valentine’s day!
  • During the bleak winter months your smile is like a ray of sunshine. Just had to say, I love you, to the guy who warms my heart!
  • During the bleak winter months your smile is like a ray of sunshine. Just had to say, I love you, to the guy who warms my heart!
  • Even if I was not your first kiss, date, love or Valentine, I want to be your last and only from here on until the end of time.
  • Even in the loudest noise, I can hear your voice. I don’t know how it happens, but I never miss any communication coming from you. Love you and happy valentine’s day!
  • Even the little gestures like holding my hand mean the world to me. Have a heart-filled day to my boyfriend/husband who’s a big part of my life!
  • Even though February is still a chilly month, your smile continues to melt my heart. Have a wonderful heartfelt day!
  • Even with our hectic schedules, I hope we can take some time for us on February 14th. Being with you brightens my day!
  • Ever since I met you. I have been living in an illusion. Everything seems to be a lie and the only thing true is you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Every moment I have spent with you have been special. I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Every move of yours break the strong defense my heart has to guard itself. Happy Valentine’s Day dear.
  • Every time I miss you, I go through your Instagram – and it warms up my heart seeing your happy face. Don’t forget; I love you now and forever! Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Every time I’m with you, the room gets a whole lot hotter.
  • Everyday is Valentines Day since I met you. Thank you for making every single day so special.
  • Everyday, I fall in love with you more and more. Well, not every day, yesterday you were quite annoying
  • Everything about you makes me smile like a stupid and I really don’t mind being your stupid. I love you that much my baby boy. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Everything in life is just a little bit sweeter knowing that I get to share it with you.
  • February 14th didn’t mean much to me until you came along. Thanks for making it a wonderful one, along with every other day!
  • Finding the right valentine’s day card is just the half job done. The rest of the work is to write an impeccable heart touching line appreciated by the receiver. If you are unable to write those magical words, even after numerous tries, borrow the same from us. We have put in place some of the most liked valentines day quotes for friends. You can either take inspiration from our collection and send it like that.I’m not a Shakespeare or Aristotle to emulate my love feeling as beautiful as they did. But I think, to express this feeling one doesn’t have to hold perfection in language. A simple “I love You’ is enough to say everything. From a naïve lover to her love, happy valentine’s day!
  • Football and beer may be very fun for you. But what’s even more fun for me and spending time with you on this Valentine’s Day.
  • For this Valentine’s, I want a mushroom and you, my dear, are a real fungi (fun guy).
  • Forever would be a long time without you and with you, it doesn’t seem like long enough.
  • From the first time I saw you, I knew you would have my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day to the best husband I could have asked for.
  • From the first touch in the morning to the last kiss at night, I love every little romantic thing we share.
  • Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl loves boy with all of her heart. That is our Valentine’s love story in short. When I saw a little girl skipping today, it reminded me of how I feel every time that I am with you.
  • Great Valentine’s Day cards may have great Valentine’s messages but what you have really done to me is written the words of true love on my heart.
  • Happy Valentine’s day 2021. May you celebrate love not only this one day but throughout the year.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day from the lucky girl who loves loving you!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day gorgeous. You deserve all my love. I’m coming to see your pretty face.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day love! Being loved by someone gives you confidence and strength. Make an imperfect person an impeccable one. Just like you have made me. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day Love, You are the best! Thanks for filling my tummy all through the year.
  • Happy valentine’s day love. You are the best and I love you, Sweatheart!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day my love. I couldn’t imagine my life without you by my side.
  • Happy valentine’s day my sweetheart. I want to spend my life in your arms, thinking about you, dreaming about you.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart. You are my asset and will be so all my life. I’m scared of losing only one person and that is you.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my beloved. Thanks for coming into my life, and making it special forever.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my tough manly man who still sometimes cries in sad movies. I love everything about you!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the apple of my eye and my stud muffin of a guy!
  • Happy valentine’s day to the love of my life; with you, I have lived the heavenly moments of life.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the one whose beauty can conquer the whole world.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest valentine I could want. You are my sweetheart, and I am glad you’re mine.
  • Happy valentine’s day to you, my love. I want to grow older with you, baby.
  • Happy Valentine’s day to you, my love. You are the most valuable thing I have in my life. Love you a lot!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Directly or indirectly, you have made many things easier for me. Thanks for everything. One again, Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Wish your business grow and prosper and we spend many years together
  • Happy Valentine’s day, handsome. In you, I have found my lover, best friend, and soul-mate.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, honey! You mean the world to me, and I will forever love you!
  • Happy Valentine’s day, love. I’m so grateful to have you by my side.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, my dearest. I so look forward to seeing you tonight.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, my dearest. I so look forward to seeing you tonight.
  • Happy Valentine’s day, my special one. Your love makes me feel over the moon.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day. My dear love, I cannot even think of having a life without you. You make me complete and I like it this way.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day. Sharing heart with someone could never be as joyful as it is with you!
  • Happy Valentines' Day my better half, my honey-bunny, my sweetie pie, my cute heart!
  • Happy Valentines Day to the man of my dreams! Be with me today and tomorrow, and forever! I love you.
  • Happy Valentines' Day to you my soulmate. Sending you lots of love wrapped in this envelope.
  • Hey babe, every day I fall more in love with you more than the day before. Except on those days, you really piss me off. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.
  • Honey, will you be my Valentine…next year? And the year after? And the year after that?
  • Hope you find love; not only in people but also in everything you do and everything around you.
  • How are you doing today, my friend? I hope all goes well. Know that you are cherished.
  • I always find my true self when I’m lost in your eyes. You’re the beacon of my salvation. I love you and happy Valentine’s Day.

Messages 101 - 200

  • I always thought the perfect guy was a dream. Someone who was made up in a movie or a book. But I realize even more so on this Valentine’s Day that my perfect man is you.
  • I am a great believer in fate and destiny. It was fate that I met you and destiny to be with you.
  • I am a great believer in fate and destiny. It was fate that I met you and destiny to be with you.
  • I am absolutely crazy about you and there is no other day like this one to tell you so.
  • I am lucky to have found my love, my Valentine, to have and hold for the rest of my life.
  • I am reminded this Valentine’s Day that loves conquers all so I am pretty sure that makes us invincible.
  • I am so fortunate to call someone like you “My Valentine” because you are everything I have ever dreamed of in a boyfriend and more.
  • I am the luckiest woman in the world to be able to say, “See that guy? He’s mine.” I love having you as my Valentine.
  • I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet. I asked God for a minute; he gave me a day. I asked God for true love; he gave me that too. I asked for an angel and he gave me you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I can feel the love in the air when you’re with me. I don’t know if it’s magic or reality. Wishing you a happy valentine’s day my love!
  • I can’t thank you enough for the wisdom you have given me over the years. I love you, my man of wisdom. Romantic Valentine’s Day Quotes
  • I can’t think of a single moment without you, my love. Happy Valentine’s Day, my valentine!
  • I cannot promise you Moon and Sun, but I promise you to wake up every morning next to you. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • I don’t care what we do to celebrate us. As long as we are together, the day is automatically special!
  • I don’t have any complaints because I know it doesn’t matter how far you are; I’m always in your mind. Same here darling. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I don’t need a reason to love you. Seeing your smile for me is enough to fall in love with you a thousand times. I love you!
  • I don’t need a special day to tell you that I love you, but happy Valentine’s anyway, And by the way, I love you!
  • I don’t need any reason to think of you and I don’t need any occasion to tell you that I’ve fallen for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I don’t want fancy gifts and fresh flowers. All I need is you holding my hands and saying that you love me. Happy Valentines Day.
  • I dreamt about you last night. We were together and your hands were holding mine. I smiled in my sleep thinking this is all I want. Thank you for giving me such joy.
  • I feel so lucky to have you right beside me, darling. Happy Valentine’s day, love of my life.
  • I fell for many guys but you were the sweetest of them all because you’re the one who picked me up. Happy Valentine’s Day to love!
  • I had been single long enough that Valentine’s Day was just another day but today, it is now a reminder to show you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
  • I have fallen in love for the first time and for the last time. And really I don’t want it to be otherwise. Will you accept my love?
  • I have given all of me to you. If you ever wrong me, sure I’ll ever be forgiving. You and I are inseparable as long as I am living
  • I have never known a love like this and I’m thankful to God that I have you, you are all my dreams come true
  • I have so many reasons to live for, but your smile comes to my mind first! I wish to make this Valentine’s Day the best one of your life!
  • I have the kind of love for you that never gets old and never goes away. I love you with all my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I just found an awful lot of reasons to fall in love with you. There’s no way I could ignore the numbers. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!
  • I just wanted to make sure that the best boyfriend/husband in the world knew how much I loved him. I feel so completely loved. Happy Valentine’s!
  • I know I’m safe when I’m lost in your arms. I don’t want to be rescued every time I fall in love with you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • I know that love means to be able to have someone in your life and cherish them, I have you and there is nothing more that I could ever want
  • I know you’re missing me there. I’m missing you too from here. Just know that we’ll be together on the next one. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I let you go, and you came back to me. Now we walk this path together. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • I look forward to pouring a little sugar on you tonight while we celebrate Valentine’s Day.
  • I love every small detail about you. I never knew love would be so beautiful until I met you.
  • I love everything you make, bake or do. Your imperfections and experiments are cute. Love you! Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
  • I love hugging you because you are cuddlier than a teddy bear. May we be able to celebrate this and have a day filled with plenty of hugs!
  • I love the feeling and the butterflies I get when I see you smiling. I would love to smile for the rest of my life too. So, I say it's a yes?
  • I love the way you love me, I love the way when we make love. Can you be mine and love me always and forever?
  • I love to walk with you! Not because it is kinda sweet, But because I love the jealous expressions of other girls seeing me walking with a smoking hot guy. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I love you beyond the rain, stars, and moon. You are completely out of this world, my Valentine!
  • I love you for always making me feel like the happiest girl in the world. I want to make this Valentine’s Day the best day of your life!
  • I love you from your head to your toes and everything in-between. Thinking of you today as well as every day!
  • I love you just the way you are. Stay the same throughout life. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • I love you more than porcupines have needles and that seems to be a lot.
  • I love you more than words can even describe and I have found the sweetest gift of love from you too.
  • I love you more than you'll ever know. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • I love you truly. I can’t wait to see you tonight. I am saving all my sweet thoughts and dreams for you.
  • I love you, baby, not just on Valentine’s Day but every single day.
  • I love you, my sweetheart. You are the best thing that happened in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I love you, this is something that I cannot say enough, for when I look at you I realize how perfect you are and nothing that I do can ever be enough
  • I loved you yesterday and I am reminded to express it on Valentine’s Day but even in the future, I want you to know that you make my heart happy and my soul burns with desire for you.
  • I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever. Let’s celebrate many more Valentine’s Days to come.
  • I may not be your first date, first kiss or first love, but I just want to be your last everything.
  • I may not climb mountains, write poetry or sing songs for you but I know I can love you forever and ever till my last breath. Love you!... Happy Valentine's Day!
  • I might not be able to spend 100% of this special day with you. But I just want to let you know that you will be in my head and heart 100%.
  • I miss our valentine special roaming around and date on our favorite corner. Wish you have a great day and miss me as I miss you on this Valentine’s Day.
  • I miss you more than I should. I think of you more than I’m supposed to. Is it because I’m in love with you? Happy Valentine’s Day, crush!
  • I need you in every moment in my life. My heart craves for you in every beat of it. I don’t want to breathe a single breath if it’s not for you!
  • I never knew it could take this long to have you, but to me, the longer it takes, the better I love you. Nothing is going to change that. Happy Valentine’s Day cutie.
  • I never liked Valentine's Day, and then I met you and I understood what it was all about.
  • I promise to fulfil each wish of yours and stand by your side in every up and down of life. I promise to love you forever and more with each day. Will you be my valentine!
  • I promise to love you more if you don’t steal french fries from my plate. Happy valentine’s day.
  • I really should be sending your parents a special card. After all, they made me the perfect Valentine – by making you! Just when things seem to be about perfect between us, they get even better. Happy Valentine’s to the guy who’s always making the day brighter!
  • I saw a little girl skipping down the street today. That’s how my heart feels when I see you.
  • I think today is the best day to reveal my love for you. I’ve been crushing on you for years but you seem not to care, please will you be my valentine?
  • I think we are a match made in heaven! We did the perfect crime to steal each other’s hearts. Right? Happy Valentine’s Day, my bubbletea.
  • I want nothing but your company on this day. You and I will make the best valentine’s moments in our life. Wish you all the love and happiness.
  • I want to celebrate my soul mate not just on Valentine’s Day but every single day. Even if I don’t tell you daily, you are my world.
  • I want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you by getting down and a little bit dirty.
  • I want you to be mine today, on Valentine’s Day, but also tomorrow and forever.
  • I want you to know I adore you and think you’re as awesome as the stars and planets. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I want you to know that you are the one. Be my one and only, valentine.
  • I want you to teach me a little more about the birds and the bees this Valentine’s Day. I could use a little refresher course.
  • I wanted to get you a special box of Valentine candy, but I couldn’t find bacon-flavored chocolate hearts!
  • I wanted to show you how much I love you. I thought of writing you a poem and singing you a love song. But all those attempts fail when I remember your love and caring heart
  • I wanted to text you to tell you about a dream I had last night, but I’m blushing just thinking about it. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • I was looking for a perfect gentleman and I found one. I want to keep you forever in my life. I love you! Wishing you a happy valentine’s day!
  • I wasn’t a believer of first sight love, but I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. It seems like we were always together. Together, we look so complete and perfect. This is the magic of love, this is all that I would say to you on this valentine’s day!.
  • I will always be there for you when you need me. I love you like crazy. Happy valentine’s day.
  • I will always be there for you when you need me. Love you like crazy. Happy valentine’s day.
  • I will never get tired of loving you. You are one of the blessings that I value the most. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I will stand with you on a mountain or along the sea. Anywhere on Valentine’s Day where you are is where I want to be. It would not be a heart pounding Valentine’s Day without you. I love you, babe.
  • I wish I could give you the world for Valentine’s Day. Will you settle for my heart?
  • I wish I could wrap up myself putting in a gift box for your valentine’s day gift.
  • I wish you all the love and happiness in the world on this special occasion. Thank you for always being with me!
  • I wish you find all the love in this world, all the warm hugs that block you from sorrow. Enjoy this Valentine’s day to the fullest.
  • I would choose you today, tomorrow and all my seven lives. Would be my valentine forever?
  • I would go anywhere and do anything because I don’t care. As long as I know, that I will always be going along with you.
  • I would love to grow old with you! The best is yet to be and it begins from the moment you say yes!"
  • I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I’ll never get tired of falling in love with you again and again. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I’m forever grateful to you for being my side and for loving me. Happy Valentine’s day, my love.
  • I’m really bad at this, but I know what I feel and I feel you. I hope we can be more than friends, Happy Valentines my crush.
  • I’m so busy falling in love with you so many times a day that sometimes I forget to catch my breaths. Wishing you a happy valentine’s!
  • I’m so happy to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!
  • I’m so in love with you that my love turned you a prince from a frog. Happy valentine’s day.
  • I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend as amazing as you. Thanks for being you and for being mine.
  • I’m still alive because you’re in my world. I still dream big because you’re there to inspire me. I love you with all my heart! Happy valentines!

Messages 201 - 300

  • I’m the luckiest girl in the world, and it’s all because of you. Be mine, valentine.
  • If I had a dollar for every time you, my Valentine, took my breath away…I would be a millionaire.
  • If I were to give you a rose for every reason I love you, I’d have to give you a million roses on this day of love!
  • If I were to make a thousand wishes this Valentine’s Day, every single one of them would include you.
  • If I were to sit back and watch our love story on a movie screen, it would be certain that it would be my favorite movie ever. Valentine’s Day messages for him
  • If life is like a box of chocolates, you are the one that’s wrapped in gold. You are the best pick – and have a heart of gold too!
  • If love had wings, baby, you would carry me away, flying high beyond the sky.
  • If my heart were a kingdom, you would be the king of it. Happy Valentine’s day, my precious!
  • If things have turned into my favour, it is all because of you. Thanks a lot for everything. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • If you don’t want to get old, either start loving someone or being loved. Because age can’t stop falling in love, but love to some extent can protect you from ageing. Happy valentine’s day!
  • In movies and books – Valentine’s Day feels so warm and romantic, but it is just so expensive in real life. Thanks for being my low maintenance super babe. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • In this journey of life, I am so happy that I get to spend another holiday with you and may it just be one of many special Valentine’s Days.
  • It breaks my heart, seeing couples on valentine’s day, and you’re not with me. Distance never bothered our relationship, but I miss you so much on this day, baby. Happy valentine’s day.
  • It hurts that miles separate us this Valentine’s Day, but I know our love will carry us through until we see each other again. I love you!
  • It is not all the sweet things you do that make me love you. I love you for your strong heart and because you are you.
  • It’s impossible to get any work done today because I can’t stop thinking about you. So, meet me as soon as possible. I love you my darling. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • It’s just one day in the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment. Take my love on this beautiful occasion!
  • It’s really difficult to think of you with another person as you are my crush and I really want to be with you in the coming valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • It’s really strange how my heart pounds ceaselessly whenever I hear your voice. I guess it’s really something beautiful. I hope you’ll enjoy this Valentine’s Day.
  • It’s sweet to be with you. Let’s stay this way forever, just boyfriend and girlfriend till the end of time.
  • It’s sweet to be with you. Let’s stay this way forever, just boyfriend and girlfriend till the end of time.
  • It’s Valentine’s Day and I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you!
  • It’s valentine’s day, and I’m happy to have you as my valentine beside me. I love you so much!
  • Just a simple message for you, become mine forever. I love you sweetheart and happy Valentine’s day.
  • Just letting you know how much I love and cherish you and am so lucky to have my white knight in my life!
  • Just wanted to say, I love you, to the guy who makes my heart soar. With us, the sky is the limit!
  • Life hasn’t been so beautiful, had I not have you as my partner. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my love!
  • Life is possible only when there is love. Without love, life is like exploring the desert.
  • Life without love is like the world without any sunshine. May your life never run out of love that you deserve. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Love doesn’t dominate, it cultivates. These famous words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe seem perfect to me after I had fallen in love with you. Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart!
  • Love has the capacity to grow endlessly when it finds the perfect heart. Take away your love from me and I become nothing
  • Love is a feeling, it could be enjoyed the best with the same feeling. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Love is more than longing gazes, dancing in the rain and candlelight dinners, but I am so glad we experience all of that and more. I love you!
  • Love is the one thing you never run short of. So give plenty to everyone and yourself! Happy Valentines Day 2021!
  • Love is truly blind. Otherwise, there was no way I could have fallen in love with an idiot like you. Just kidding! Happy valentines!
  • Love just supports you, no matter what. And now I’m feeling it. Thanks for being with me and helping me with everything I do. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Love me without fear and trust me without wondering. Love me without restrictions and accept me how I am
  • Love protects us. May we always feel like this, now and forever.
  • Love protects us. May we always feel like this, now and forever.
  • Love surrounds us like a light. We are warmed by the charm of our devotion.
  • Love surrounds us like light. We are warmed by the charm of our devotion.
  • Loving may hurt sometimes, but it is still the best thing we do. Happy Valentine’s day to all!
  • Loving you with all of my heart and letting you know on this extra special day.
  • Many-many wishes for the valentine’s day. May you receive ample love and respect from people around.
  • May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!
  • May this Valentine’s day brings all the love your heart can hold. Sending hugs and best wishes! Happy Valentines Day to all.
  • May you always enjoy the pleasure of love in your life and never be apart from your loved ones. Happy valentine’s day.
  • Maybe I am not your first love or first kiss, but all I want to be your last destination in life. Happy valentine’s day.
  • Money is no match for the richness you bring to my life.
  • My crush, I appreciate every single thing about you. Would you be my valentine this year?
  • My heart doesn’t want to beat if it’s not for you. My eyes don’t want to see anything but you. What can I do? Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
  • My heart is bleeding and the only person who can stop this is you. I’m waiting to have a great valentine’s day with you!
  • My heart is locked away, and you have the key. I am all yours, my valentine.
  • My heartbeat stops when I see you. I like you and maybe, who knows, we’ll be a couple next valentine’s day? Till then, enjoy your valentine, my crush.
  • My life is worth living because you’re in it. No other reason comes even close. I’ll love you till my last breath. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • My life was a blank canvas; you came and painted it with colors of your love. Love you so much, darling!... Happy Valentines Day!
  • My lips would whisper only your name, my heart would miss only you and my eyes would be looking in a crowd only for you. I love you so much, darling. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • My love for you has no end, no boundary. Happy Valentine’s Day my forever valentine.
  • My memories with you are what I cherish most about our relationship. Here’s to many more happy memories!
  • My past was empty without you and my now is today, Valentine’s Day, and I know that my future is full. It is full of love, excitement, and everything that means the world to me.
  • My sweet little lovey dovey nicknames might be kind of cheesy but at least today, I get to call you ‘My Valentine!
  • My valentine’s day will be awesome if you decide to be my valentine. So, will you be my valentine?
  • Never doubt the love that I have for you today on Valentine’s Day and forever.
  • No distance can weaken our bond. Nothing can erase our memories from our minds. Our hearts will always be tied together with each other. Happy valentine’s day!
  • Not all guys wear pink on February 14th, and not all guys should. But you would look great in pink because you look fantastic in anything!
  • Nothing can compare to the way you make me feel. Butterflies come close, I guess. See you later.
  • Nothing can take us apart as long as we live under the same sky and feel the same wind. I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • On the occasion of valentine’s day, I just wanna say -------------- I love you!
  • On this day of love and friendship, I don’t know how to put into words how wonderful of a boyfriend/husband you are. Let me start with this: I love you!
  • On this day of love I just wanted to tell you how much you make my life better. I love all of you!
  • On this lovely day, I’m sending all my love to you and cherish all the moments I was in your arms, in your warm hugs. Happy valentine’s day.
  • On this special day, all I wish for you is that you find the arms that give you the warmth of love & hugs of strength. Happy valentine’s day.
  • On today and always, you’ll forever be my favorite person to hold on to. Wishing you a valentine’s day.
  • On Valentine’s Day and every day, next to you is my favorite place to be.
  • On Valentine’s Day and every day, next to you is my favorite place to be. Happy Valentine’s Day my charming prince. I love you more than ever.
  • On Valentine’s Day, I am magnetized by your love.
  • Only a love-filled heart can love the other person. Look for the same and you will never be disappointed. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Only you hold the key to my heart and on this Valentine’s Day I will remind you how much you light up my life and fill my heart with love.
  • Only you, you're the one thing I'll see forever. In my eyes, in my words, and in everything I do, your sight is the only sight that will ever bring me peace!
  • Ours is the truest a love story can ever be. I love you now and forever!
  • Perhaps we wished each other upon the same star, to all the cuddles, hugs, kisses and loads of love! Happy Valentine’s Day baby!
  • Playful, loving, handsome and strong: those are words I would use to describe you, but they pale in comparison to the truth of your wonderful soul.
  • Please be careful with my heart. It’s yours to keep. Happy Valentine’s, my sweet love.
  • Plenty of love, Tons of sweet kisses, Hope that one day, I’ll be your Misses! Happy Valentines Day.
  • Regardless of the weather, I sure would like to heat things up with you this February 14th!
  • Roses are for girlfriends, love, respect and thanks for the one who made my love story so beautiful. Thanks with heart, happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Roses are red, fitness is great, I would’ve gotten you chocolate, but you need to continue your diet. Happy Valentine’s Day my dear boyfriend.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, and on Valentine’s Day, I just want to make sweet love to you.
  • Sending my warm wishes to my lovely friend. Wish you a lifetime of happiness and everlasting love. Happy Valentine Day.
  • Since we’re together, you make me complete. Cheers to another year of love and care. Happy valentine’s day.
  • Since you step into my life, everything seems brighter and happier. You are the man that I love, and cannot imagine being without. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Some people search far and wide for their soul mate. On Valentine’s Day, I am reminded of my luck that we crossed paths.
  • Some women need red roses, a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates to feel romantic. I just need you.
  • Sometimes I look for my carriage because I swear this love is a fairytale and you are definitely my Prince Charming!
  • Spread the love in the air and let everyone feel it in their hearts. Let us make this Valentine’s Day a great memory in our minds!
  • Staring at your dumb face on a candlelight dinner or going for a movie? I’d choose the second one anytime. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Strong and sweet, handsome and handy, roguish and romantic, wild and wonderful, these are just a few of the words that describe you. Thanks for being my ideal man this Valentine’s Day and every day!
  • Sweeter and sweeter, our time together grows. There is nothing as precious to me as your company.
  • Take good care of yourself while you are away from me. You mean everything to me. I think of you always.
  • Texting is good but when can I lay my eyes on those big brown muscles? Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet patatooh. I love you so much.

Messages 301 - 400

  • Thank you for being my better half. Happy Valentines Day 2021!
  • Thank you for being my knight in shining armor and making every fairytale real. I love you every day more than the previous one and miss you more than that. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Thank you for bringing so much love, joy, and adventure into my life. I love you.
  • Thank you for making Valentine’s Day and every other day worth celebrating and living. You make everything special. I love you so much.
  • Thank you, my king, for always making sure that I am okay! Thank you for being my constant. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Thanks for showering me with unconditional love. I promise you to love unconditionally for the rest of my life.
  • The beauty of your eyes has caught me off-guard. I thought I could defend my heart but I was dead wrong! Happy Valentine’s Day, crush!
  • The best thing I found in life this year is the love of you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • The best things in life are free and this Valentine’s Day, even a big bouquet of roses would be nothing if you were not here with me.
  • The biggest truth of my life, I am too crazy for you and everyone in my surroundings can notice it except you. Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest person ever.
  • The day I found you, I found my reason for life, happiness, gratitude, and love. I want to spend my entire life with you. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • The day of Valentine’s is one that is filled with hearts. Since we’ve been together, you have filled mine up completely.
  • The longer we’re together, the closer we get. So happy we found each other.
  • The moment I saw you first was the moment I was brought back into the world. I was hibernating for the rest of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • The more I spend time with you, the more I want to keep on spending time with you, babe. You never fail to give me butterflies. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • The more time we spend together, the more we fall in love with each other. Happy valentines!
  • The most beautiful thing about love is that it could not be touched. It can only be felt and lived. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • The only remedy of love is---------love more. Because the more you will love, the more you will find peace of mind. But love doesn’t mean loving a person. Love means loving everything that nature has given to us. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • The only thing I need for my February 14th is to have you smile at me. That’s actually all I need on any day.
  • The only wish I have after living is to be with you and I will not stop doing everything to make it possible, it’ll mean a great deal to me. Happy Valentine’s Day my crush.
  • The only wish I have for Valentine’s Day is for you to hold me in your arms, kiss me, hug me, and love me until the stars stop shining.
  • The only wish I have on Valentine’s Day is to be with you and only you for this day and every Valentine’s Day from here until forever.
  • The only wish I have on Valentine’s Day is to be with you and only you for this day and every Valentine’s Day from here until forever. I Love you!
  • The thing that’s between us is a promise of a better today, tomorrow and thereon.
  • The way that you love me every day is mesmerizing and you inspire me to love with all of my soul on this Valentine’s Day.
  • The way that you love me every day is mesmerizing. You inspire me to love with all of my soul on this Valentine’s Day. I love you so much.
  • The way we met surprises me till date, that’s why I wish we could start something between us. My crush, I hope to celebrate the next Valentine’s Day with you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • The way you nurture my heart and soul is something I always dreamt of having. Love you the most.
  • There are no limits to what we can achieve together. Let’s go for it, my brave one!
  • There is no day like today for telling you how I feel. I’m crazy about you!
  • There is no day like today for telling you how I feel. I’m crazy for you!
  • There is no Valentine’s Day card that can perfectly say just how much you mean to me. You are my sweetheart and I love you but that is only just the beginning of how you fill my heart.
  • There’s no beautiful garden without beautiful flowers. There’s no me without you. I don’t wanna crush on you anymore, I wanna love and be with you. Be my valentine for life.
  • There’s no one I would rather share my heart with this Valentine’s Day than you!
  • This ‘what to write in a valentine’s day card’ collection is just to help you in presenting your feelings to your partner. If you are reading this and like it, we think we have been successful in our efforts We strive to bring more innovative and love-filled valentine’s day messages for you.This is not a regular valentine’s card. It is full of feelings and my heart. Please handle it with care. With this card, I just wanna wish you happy valentine’s day!
  • This is good for one romantic dinner for two. Save room for dessert — it’s me!
  • This is yet another valentine’s day with you. Sometimes life is just way more unfair than it should be. Happy Valentine’s Day anyway!
  • This special day just gives me another chance to express my love for you. Happy Valentine’s day my forever valentine.
  • This Valentine’s Day, I want to be your Aphrodite and goddess of love. There is no myth about it.
  • This Valentine’s Day, the only thing that looks good on you is me.
  • This valentine’s I will make a confession that I loved you when I first saw you and from this valentine’s I would want celebrate each valentine with you. Would you be my valentine?
  • This world is nothing but an illusion and the only real thing here is my love for you. I hope you know that already. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Though I am sorry that you have had failed relationships or heartaches, I am grateful for every single girl who could not see in you what I do. I am the luckiest of them all to have found my perfect match to celebrate Valentine’s Day with and every other day.
  • Thoughts of you keep me awake at night. Yet you’re the reason why I go to bed hoping to have a dream of you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Through all the seasons, through all of time... I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
  • To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is Everything. Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart!
  • To my favourite human, happy Valentine’s day. You are a blessing I will always cherish.
  • To my hunky Valentine, you make my heart flutter and my pulse race. I love you, you sexy man, you.
  • To my only love of life, my dream of having you by my side for entire life is finally going to be lived. Be my valentine baby forever?
  • To my white knight on Valentine’s Day, I never knew that someone like you even existed but thank you for taking my heart and filling it full of love.
  • To the sweetest man on earth, thank you for being you and showing me what true love means on Valentine’s Day and every other day of the year for many years to come.
  • To the video gamer in my life, I hope you can take a break from them tonight for a romantic date together.
  • Today is the best day to express my feelings for you. I have a crush on you for many years and can’t wait to make my dream come true. Have a fantastic valentine, my crush!
  • Today is the day of love and commitment. I want to make a promise that I will always remain by your side. Happy Valentine’s Day, dear
  • Today, I will settle for nothing less than a warm hug and a passionate kiss! Be prepared!
  • Today’s valentine is OK but not great because I’m not with you, I hope the other Valentine’s Day will be great, because I hope to live it with you. Happy Valentine’s Day my crush.
  • True soul mates are together forever. I am ready to stay beside you, my faithful friend and partner.
  • Valentine, you are the whole reason I celebrate this day and every other day is filled with love and joy too.
  • Valentine’s Day gives me an extra chance to show you how much I care. Words cannot express all of my feelings for you, but I want to say how much I love you.
  • Valentine’s Day is just one, single day. But I love you, dear boyfriend/husband, every single day!
  • Valentine’s Day used to make me feel sad and lonely but with you in my life, it makes me want to shout from the rooftops how in love I am with the man of my dreams.
  • Valentine's Dayn WishesYou have entered into my life and changed it completely. You are a dream come true. Be with me all the time my love. Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Waking up next to you makes me feel blessed every day. I wish you a happy Valentine’s day, my love.
  • We are simply one soul in two-body; may our love grow stronger with the days passing by. Happy valentine’s day.
  • We are two souls together for eternity. I am here for you with all of my heart.
  • We are two souls together for eternity. I am here for you with all of my heart.
  • We celebrate our love today on Valentine’s Day but I just want to feel like this every single day. With you, my love.
  • We could go out to a fancy dinner or even just warm up a can of soup. Just the thought of you warms up my heart this special day of love!
  • We don’t always see eye to eye, but there is one thing we agree on: We are meant for each other. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • We met by accident. But I must say that it was the most beautiful accident of my life. Love you, sweetheart, thanks for choosing me as your wife. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • We’ve had our ups and downs recently, but there’s no one else I’d want as my Valentine this year. I love you!
  • When I get a chance to meet you, that day will be my valentine’s day, honey. I miss you.
  • When I hold your hand, share my space, care for you and kiss you, my heart whispers ‘I love you’. And I know, you know this well. Happy Valentine’s to you, my love!
  • When I see you my heart beats faster, violin plays in my ears and I could not resist saying that how much I love you. Would you be mine?
  • When I think about you, I am at my happiest and Valentine’s Day is just a reminder of the steps it took to find this love and as a reminder of what the future beholds.
  • When I think of you, my heart shines like the sun. It shines brighter when you’re near and feels like a fire I can’t tame. I love you so much.
  • When my heart thinks of you on this Valentine’s Day, I can’t think in just words or thoughts. It is more like my heart sings a tune like no other ever has heard.
  • When the heart wants something, the mind wants something else. But only this time, both wants the same; you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • When the love is true, distance never bothers you. Thanks for being my valentine on this day. You’re always in my heart! I love you!
  • When we met, I knew I wanted to spend every single Valentine's Day with you. You're my rock and I don't know what I'd do without you. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • When words fall short, I want you to look into my eyes and you’ll know how much love I have for you. All my love is only for you!
  • When you are in love, you don’t need any refreshments. Company of your partner is enough for you. On the valentine’s day, celebrate the love of two.
  • When you are in love, you find love everywhere. This is the magic of love. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • When you are there for me, no hurdle could stop me doing what I wanna do. You are my biggest strength. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart!
  • When you asked where I wanted to go for Valentine’s Day, just know that I will follow you anywhere you want to take me.
  • When you look into my eyes, I understand why poets and songwriters spent so many hours trying to capture the feeling into words. My heart melts when you look at me.
  • When you will honor love, you will conquer it. Because love could be conquered only with love, nothing else. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Whenever I look at the mirror, I see someone who doesn’t deserve to be loved as much as you do. But when we’re together, I feel grateful and blessed to be just with you.
  • Who knew that an imaginary flying baby in a diaper with a bow and arrow could be so spot on? I love you and cupid had perfect aim.
  • Who needs money when I am rich with the love that you give to me? I love you this Valentine’s Day!
  • Who would have taken care of me better than you! You have made me who I’m today. Thank You, and happy Valentine’s Day!.
  • Wishing you a happy valentine’s day with lots of love and kisses. Have a good day, darling.
  • With all love in mind and heart, I’m presenting this valentine card. Love you teacher!
  • With love, respect and devotion I will love you till the end of time my dear husband. May this valentine help our love grow stronger.
  • With you, my life becomes complete, with you my days become bright. In your hands I would love to lay, not only this night but for the rest of my life!
  • Without you I am nothing, with you I am everything. Thank you to be my everything. Happy Valentines Day!
  • You add color to my dull and monotonous life and make everything feel 10x happier and brighter than it actually is. Hope we celebrate more Valentine’s Day together.
  • You always find a way to make me smile. On this special day of love I hope I can return the favor!
  • You and me — it doesn’t get any better than us.
  • You are a little bit naughty and I am a little bit nice. On this Valentine’s Day, let’s make a little bit of spice.
  • You are better than a box of chocolate. You are better than a bouquet of roses. How I adore you.

Messages 401 - 500
  • You are hovering in my mind since I first saw you. And I hope you will never stop. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • You are more than just my boyfriend. You are my best friend, and I hope you know how much that means to me!
  • You are my bae, my one and only, my sweetie, my superhero, my knight in shining armor, and of course, my Valentine.
  • You are my heartbeat, my soul, and my better half, would you like to spend your life next to me!
  • You are my lover, my partner, my inspiration, my best friend, my one and only, my life. You are my everything. I love you.
  • You are my North, my South, my East and West, the sun of my morning and moon of my night. I love you with everything I have. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • You are my one and only Valentine and I could not think of anyone better to spend it with.
  • You are my sailor, my ship, and my captain and your love is like a strong, dark, mysterious sea that is forever there for me. I’m happiest when I am with you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You are one of the very best things that ever happen to me. I feel so lucky to have you as my love. Happy Valentine’s day!
  • You are so sweet to love that even chocolate does not even compare to you!
  • You are someone I absolutely adore, am amazed by every day and will cherish forever. I love that I get to spend my Valentine’s Day with the man who makes my heart soar with freedom and filled with love.
  • You are sweeter than a piece of candy, and finer than any rose. Basically, you are the perfect Valentine!
  • You are that person I would want spend my entire life with, from my sorrow to happiness. Be mine forever?
  • You are the beat to my heart and I am looking forward to spending the holiday of love with you!
  • You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy Valentine’s day, my happiness.
  • You are the best valentine I could have asked for. Thank you for all the thrills and grills. Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.
  • You are the feeling that people write about in their novels, you are my all time coffee person. Be my caffeine and addiction; be my valentine forever?!
  • You are the first thought in the morning and my last before I fall asleep. This is how I know that we were meant to be. I love you
  • You are the keeper of my heart and soul and I entrust you this Valentine’s Day to continue to hold it safely.
  • You are the man of my dream. My love for you is growing stronger day by day, and I can see my future with you. Happy Valentine’s Day, my handsome.
  • You are the most beautiful and best half of me and I love you better than I love me. Happy Valentines Day.
  • You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met in my life. Your beauty got me stuck in the place I met you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You are the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!
  • You are the one I need in my life, from this day on till the rest of my life. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • You are the soul god gifted me and I would want to spend rest of my life with you, would you be my valentine?
  • You are the sunshine of my life. Without you, everything is meaningless and nothing makes sense. Wishing you a happy valentine’s day!
  • You are unique, you are caring and you are the BEST. I’m the luckiest to have you in my life. Happy Valentine Day my beautiful wife!
  • You cannot define love in one word and you cannot celebrate love in one day. That’s why we don’t need Valentine’s day to celebrate. I love you every day my love.
  • You complete me baby; you make me strongest, you are my world. Would you grow old with me forever?
  • You deserve the world and all the happiness it has to offer. Happy Valentines' Day!
  • You don’t even have to ask me to be your Valentine. I’ll be your Valentine 365 days a year!
  • You have a way of making me feel so safe and loved. This Valentine’s Day I give you my heart once again, and I hope you can see how much I love you.
  • You have given me the world and I will love you even beyond when the sun burns out of the sky.
  • You have integrity, charm, a kind smile, the most gorgeous eyes, and warm arms to hold me tight. Happy Valentine’s Day to the man who holds my heart day and night.
  • You have the power the light up my world with just a smile and make all my pains go away in with a blink of an eye. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You hold the key to my heart and my heart is completely locked away because it is all yours.
  • You know that you have found true love when two people are comfortable in silence and this Valentine’s Day, I’m okay with any time we are in silence because the words we do not say are often stronger than the ones we do.
  • You make every day like Valentine’s Day. I never knew love could be so beautiful until I met you. Thank you, to the most wonderful man I have ever known.
  • You make me feel complete, that is something I do not say lightly for you have made everything in my life so much simpler
  • You make me more content with life by providing me with the love that makes my heart sing and not just on Valentine’s Day but every single day. I love you, darling.
  • You make the world so much more beautiful, I love being with you
  • You may find my jokes to be a bit insulting sometimes. But hey, I find your love to be torture. Did I ever complain? No! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You may not be a cook, yet you still manage to stir my emotions and heat things up. Thinking about and loving the spice of my life!
  • You may not know but your smile brings joy into my life and peace in my heart. I love you more than you know. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You mean everything to me, the world, the city, the home, my friend, family, everything. I love you, I feel fortunate to have you as my valentine.
  • You mean the absolute world to me and it is just another day to go out of my way to tell you so!
  • You mean the absolute world to me and it is just another day to go out of my way to tell you so! I miss you more than you can imagine, dear boyfriend. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • You mean the entire world to me. I want to make this Valentine’s Day special for you in every way. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • You mean the world to me. I am convinced that you will always be by my side in good times and in the wrong. I love you, my own Prince Charming, and Happy Valentine’s Day to you.
  • You rejuvenate my heart and soul every single day and I love you with my heart in every single way but fortunately this Valentine’s Day, I don’t have to worry about another “single” day because I have found my keeper.
  • You still make me laugh. You still give me butterflies. And I'm still falling for you every single day. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • You suit the profile of the girl I’ve been looking for to be my partner, I hope I’ll be the one that makes you happy every day of your life. Happy Valentine’s Day crush.
  • You take my breath away. As the blessings of God take curses away. I can’t go away. Like a tattoo, I can’t be washed away.
  • You wipe away tears and hold me when I have fear. You are everything I need, my Valentine dear.
  • You’re all I ever wanted and I’m so glad you’re mine. Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine!
  • You’re all that I need, sweetheart. Having you in my life feels like my dream come true.
  • You’re an addiction I never want to get over. I hope to spend every Valentine’s day of our life together.
  • You’re everything I always wished for, better than I dreamed of, all I’ll ever need.
  • You’re everything I always wished for, better than I dreamed of, all I’ll ever need. Happy Valentine’s Day babe.
  • You’re everything that I could ever want in a man – you’re smart, charming, handsome and caring. I would be a fool to let you getaway. Happy Valentine’s Day to my special man!
  • You’re luscious and lovely, romantic and radiant, sweet and sexy. You’re everything I could want in a soulmate. I’m so glad we met and fell in love. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You’re not the real Superman on tv, but you are the Superman in my life and that’s what matters most.
  • You’re sweet, strong, smart and sexy. I’m so glad you’re mine!
  • You’re the reason why my world is so colorful and full of melodies. You’re the perfect boyfriend of my dreams. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You’ve been there for me in good times and bad. Today I just want to say thank you for always being there. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You’ve shown unto me this kind of affection just as your crush, what if we outgrow this stage, I guess you’ll give me the world. Happy Valentine’s Day my crush.
  • Your beauty could have got me killed. Thankfully, I’m alive but injured in the heart. Now I want compensation. Happy Valentine’s Day, Crush!
  • Your beauty is unparalleled, your cleverness unmatched, your sense of humor unforgettable and your character unassailable. That’s why my love for you is unbreakable!
  • Your efforts will not be forgotten by people you send beautiful valentine’s wishes. When you are unable to pen down good messages, borrow messages or quotes from here. We hope, this famous valentine quotes will help you. Our team has drafted it with a lot of efforts.There is no happiness bigger than being loved by someone unconditionally and enormously. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Your eyes are like a smoldering flame, your kiss is like a spark, and your embrace is like a blazing fire. Happy Valentine’s Day to my red hot lover!
  • Your eyes are like a smoldering flame, your kiss is like a spark, and your embrace is like a blazing fire. Happy Valentine’s Day to my red hot lover!
  • Your flaws are quality for those who love you. It’s great to be in love, happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Your hugs make me feel safe in all my despair. Being your girlfriend is the best feeling I could ever have. Happy Valentine’s Day handsome.
  • Your love is like gravity and always pulling me in.
  • Your love is like the dose I need, till the end and eternity. Thank you for coming into my life and making it a better place. I wish you were here with me on Valentine’s Day. Love you, darling.
  • Your love makes my world colorful and happy. You’re the reason why I smile and you’re the reason why I cheer. Happy Valentine Day!
  • Your presence in my life is like the sunshine which warms up everything and makes life worth living. Happy Valentine’s Day, boyfriend. I miss you here with me every day.
  • Your smile is sweeter than any candy and your kiss is precious than any gift. Happy valentines!
  • The heart that loves you will find all your flaws as your qualities. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • t’s just one day in the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment. Take my love on this beautiful occasion!
  • May this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear.
  • One more year together celebrating this special day, and we will only think of our love and toast to our happiness forever.
  • Love is a strange creature. It goads, and it inspires. It is painful yet so sweet. Love is you and me living our lives together. Happy Valentine’s Day to us.
  • If I could die early I would ask God if I could be your guardian angel, so I could wrap my wings around you and embraces you whenever you feel alone…
  • I always thought the perfect guy was only found in fairy tale movies until I met you. But I realize even more so on this Valentine’s Day that my perfect man is you.
  • From the first time I saw you, I knew you would have my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day to the best boyfriend I could have asked for.
  • You have integrity, charm, a kind smile, the most gorgeous eyes and warm arms to hold me tight. Happy Valentine’s Day to the man who owns my heart day and night.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my handsome boyfriend. I am proud to be yours and love being with you on this day and each chance we can get!
  • You are the kind of man that I dreamed I would meet someday. I am so glad to know that dreams can come true! Happy Valentine’s Day my boyfriend!
  • There’s no one I would rather share my heart with this Valentine’s Day than you!
  • Who needs money when I am rich with the love that you give to me? I love you this Valentine’s Day!
  • As time goes on, nothing is sweeter and more precious than the love I have for you. I am the luckiest woman in the world! Happy Valentine’s!
  • To my sweet and precious boyfriend on Valentine’s Day, I never knew that someone like you even existed but thank you for taking my heart and filling it full of love.
  • Cupid’s shot was right on target for my Valentine and I am so lucky to spend it with you!
  • Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl loves boy with all of her heart. That is our Valentine’s love story in short.
  • Since we met, all I have known is happiness and peace of mind. This has been made possible because you are my true love. I love you
  • You are the only man that lifts me up when I am down, when I am worried you comfort me. You are a true friend and love. I love you so much. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • You have showed me the true meaning of love and how it feels to be loved. You have swept my feet away. I love you my dear.
  • I have the best boyfriend in the world. Wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • I don’t want fancy gifts and fresh flowers. All I need is you holding my hands and saying that you love me. Happy Valentines Day.
  • Chocolates are sweet, flowers are romantic. But if you’re with me, I don’t need anything else. I love you.
  • You are my lover, my boyfriend, my partner, my inspiration, my best friend, my one and only, my life. You are my everything. I love you.

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