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Thank you Message For Party Guests

Messages 1 - 100

  • We sincerely thank you for your company, gift, good wishes and for helping to make this day an occasion we will always remember.
  • Thank you for joining us as we begin our new life together.
  • Your generosity and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated.
  • We are honoured to have you as our guest, on this our Wedding Day.
  • Your presence on this happy day, will be a memory we will always treasure.
  • Thank you for making our wedding day so much better by just being here! We truly appreciate your time and effort just to share this special day with us.
  • We are honoured to have you share in our happiness on this special day.
  • We welcome you to our first meal as Mr and Mrs Happy Couple and sincerely thank you for your company, gift and good wishes.
  • We sincerely thank you for your company, gift and good wishes on the occasion of our wedding.
  • Our wedding day would not have been complete and successful without your support and love. We truly appreciate your time and effort for sharing our day, thank you for celebrating it with us.
  • A special thanks to you for taking part in our wedding day - the start of our new life together.
  • A special thanks to you for helping us celebrate our wedding day - the start of our new life together.
  • With your presence, you just made our wedding day dream complete.
  • Thank you for sharing our wedding day with us. You've added life and colour to our day.
  • You have been a special part of our big day! Thank you very much!
  • I spent superb time at the party. I hope you did too. I cherish and love you for coming to the party.
  • It made me so happy to see you at the party and I can not find words to I cherish and love you for making some time.
  • I cherish and love you so much for coming to my celebration. It would have not been so much fun if you were not present.
  • Today my celebration was so much fun because you attended it too. I cherish and love you so much for coming and being a part of my happiness.
  • I cherish and love you for finding time to come and share my happiness. I always find it a blessing to share my happiness with my special ones surrounding me.
  • I am so lucky to have my special ones surround me to celebrate my happiness with you. I cherish and love you so much for coming to the party.
  • It was one of the most big days of my life and I am so glad that I could celebrate it with the most important people of my life. I cherish and love you for coming to the party.
  • I had such a great time that I keep playing that event again and again in my head even though the party is over. I cherish and love you so much for being able to find time and come to the party.
  • The events of the party keep playing over and over in my head even though the party is over. I had so much fun that I won’t ever forget last night. I cherish and love you so much for coming to the party,
  • I cherish and love you so much for the wonderful gift and adding that energy to the party thar got everyone on the dance floor. Thanks a ton for coming.
  • My party felt like a music festival with your presence. I have always wondered that how do you do manage to shift the energy of the room to that high level. I cherish and love you for coming.
  • I want express my gratitude for making my special day more special by your presence. I cherish and love you for coming to my party.
  • It really means a lot to me that you were part of my big day. I cherish and love you for celebrating it with me.
  • It is because of awesome friends like you my birthday does not feel cold. I cherish and love you for celebrating my special day with me.
  • You blocking this date and taking flight to come and meet me made me realize how special I am to you. I cannot find enough words to I cherish and love you for all your efforts and coming down to attend my celebration.
  • Your presence made my unforgettable night even more unforgettable. I cherish and love you for finding time from your busy day and coming to my party.
  • My special night became even more special by the presence of my loved ones. You being a part of the party was the most unexpected thing but it was very special. I cherish and love you for coming.
  • When they ask about you I tell them that you are the biggest blessing of my life. I cherish and love you so much for attending the party and making it more special.
  • My birthday would have been some regular day in my calendar if you were not present. I cherish and love you so much for coming and making everything so special.
  • Even though you stay so busy, still you made time for me and came to my party to celebrate my special day with me. I cherish and love you so much for coming.
  • What I loved last night was your gift and your presence in the party. Even as a wallflower, you being there mean a lot to me. Maybe next time I will be able to convince you to show me some of your dance moves. I cherish and love you a lot for coming.
  • You being a part of our story since the beginning needed your presence when we are celebrating our togetherness. You had been bearing us ranting like no one else. I cherish and love you for being a part of our celebration.
  • Looking at you last night made me realize that these 10 years have not changed anything much. You are still the life of the party as you were back then. I cherish and love you so much for coming.
  • You had an option of excusing yourself up or simply saying no after what happened between us last time. Still you cared to show up and stay that long. I cannot find words to I cherish and love you for attending my special event.
  • Your presence in ever happy moment in life make that eve way more special for me. I count myself blessed that I have you. I cherish and love you so much for coming to celebrate with me.
  • The hand made gift that you made for me was the best thing some one has ever given me. I cherish and love you for coming to the party and making it all so memorable.
  • You are some one who is closest to my heart and your presence on this celebration brought me immense amount of happiness. I cherish and love you so much for attending the party.
  • You have always brought a lot of joy in our lives. today your presence at the party did the same thing. I cherish and love you so much for coming and making us so happy.
  • Your coming to the party today means a lot to me. I will always hold this close to my heart. I cherish and love you so much for coming.
  • Happy that you were a part of the crowd and cheering for me today. I cherish and love you so much for coming to the celebration today. It means the world to me.
  • Parties may come and go but the memories that we had made will stay with us forever. I cherish and love you for being a part of my happiness.
  • My massive headache and upset stomach is the indication of what an amazing party I had last night. I cherish and love you for being a part of such a night.
  • While going through the photos of the party, I had this amazing time recalling all that fun we did. I cherish and love you so much for showing up.
  • Just like a bottle without a cake, my parties are not complete without you. I cherish and love you so much for your presence last night. I will hold on to those memories forever.
  • Celebrations without you are dab and dull. I cherish and love you for showing up and making the party a great success.
  • I am blessed that I have someone like you who can turn simple parties to crazy nights. I have no idea how will I ever have a party without you. I cherish and love you so much for being there and making it insane.
  • I was expecting some pizza and a movie at home but you showed up and turned it into a party. That was crazy and memorable. I cherish and love you so much for doing that for me.
  • My entire party would have gone a waste if you would have not shown up. Therefore, I cherish and love you for turning up.
  • I really do not mind getting old if I have people like you each year to celebrate this day with me. I cherish and love you for showing up.
  • I recommend specifically mentioning any gifts, but if you don’t know who gave what, being generic “thank you for the gift” is better than not recognizing the gifts at all.
  • For messages where you want to mention your age like 50th, 70th, etc. when using the examples below, you can insert the 70th before the word birthday.
  • The words “coming” and “attending” can be swapped out based on your preference.
  • If you came across this post looking to thank people for attending a party that wasn’t for a birthday, many of the samples below would still work by removing the word birthday.
  • The examples below are the message section of the note or can be used as-is if you are not handwriting or emailing the letter. Words in [brackets] should be replaced with words that fit your situation.I just want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your dinner party last night. I had so much fun with all of you guys. The food and drinks were simply delicious and yummy. Thank you again.
  • Thank you very much for the dinner last night! Thank you because you invited me to come. I really had so much fun with you. The food was fabulous and yummy, wines were outstanding. Thank you.
  • Thank you for inviting me to your dinner party. That was one of the most amazing dinner party I ever attended. It was fun to be with you. Thank you!
  • Thank you for that amazing dinner party! I had so much fun. I appreciate your kindness for allowing me to join you on that dinner party. Thank you!
  • I appreciate it when you called me and said hi to me. But what is more romantic with you, is asking me for a nice dinner. Thank you and I just had the chance to know you more.
  • What a great evening! For me, that was a perfect dinner party ever. It’s my pleasure to be a part of your dinner party. We ate and drank too much but I’m thankful because I did with you. Everything was simply outstanding. Thank you!
  • Thank you for having me in your dinner party. I hope you had so much fun with me just like that I had so much fun with you. Everything was perfect and even the other guests; they were all great!
  • Your dinner party held in your home last night was really memorable and a great experience for me. Thank you for inviting me. Your cooking skills are really impressive. I can’t still forget the delicious and yummy taste of that shrimp on the plate. Thank you!
  • I still can’t forget that wonderful dinner with you. Everything was perfect, fun and cool. Thank your for kindness for inviting me. I feel so special. Thank you and I want you to know that I enjoyed it a lot.
  • I just want to write a quick thank you note for you. Thank you for that lovely dinner with you. We have shared a lot and it seems that night is too short for us. Looking forward for another dinner with you. Thank you!
  • I just want you to know that I had a perfect evening with you. Thank you for preparing that dinner for me. While we are in the (place), I really felt very happy and the place was really romantic.
  • Thank you for the dinner party you arranged for me. It was perfect and sweet. I know it’s not easy and I want to thank you for your time and effort.
  • Thank you Messages for New year Dinner/Sample Thank you Message for New Year Dinner /New Year Dinner Thank you Notes/ Thank You Notes For New Year Dinner/Thank you Wordings After New Year Dinner/Thank You Note After New Year Dinner Party
  • It was New Year and your loved ones invited you for dinner. It means you are special. Send your host a quick but read-worthy thank you message to show your appreciation. Here are some sample thank you wordings for New year Dinner that you can use.
  • Starting the year with you was a tradition I will not miss ever. Thanks for another awesome New Year party.
  • Thank you for that wonderful experience you have given me. It was a New Year’s party to remember, indeed.
  • The dinner was outstanding. Thank you for inviting me. Please extend my thanks to your wife who cooked the yummiest stew I have ever tasted.
  • Thank you for your hospitality. It was, indeed a heartwarming reunion last New Year. I hope to see you again soon.
  • Thank you for inviting me over to your New Year Dinner. It was truly a great way to start the year with a bang!
  • It was great to have sung Auld Lang Syne again with you after the New Year Party. Thank you for letting me join the fun.
  • The year ahead is brighter. I am thankful to have started it with you. Thank you for inviting me to your New Year Party.
  • The New Year party is something we all look forward to every year. Thank you for another awesome event.
  • The New Year party is over, but the memories of all the fun will last a lifetime. Thank you for the inviting me to join your family as you celebrate the start of another fruitful year.
  • What a way to look forward to a glorious year ahead! Thank you for having me at your New Year party. May you all have a prosperous year!
  • New Year memories will always have your parties on the list. Thank you for inviting me.
  • The start of my year is a notch above my past New Years. Thank you for inviting me to your New Year party.
  • You were such a great host. I really enjoyed the food, the company, and the fireworks during your New Year party. Thank you so much.
  • This year’s beginning has been unforgettable all because of your New Year party. Thank you for inviting me to celebrate with you.
  • Nothing compares to the parties you host, particularly your themed New Year parties. I am so thankful to have the chance to be part of it this year.
  • No wonder, everyone’s been raving about your New Year parties. They are simply awesome. Thank you for letting me experience it.
  • Your New Year parties are simply the best. You should be the queen of parties. Thank you for an awesome time. Happy New Year!
  • I had a grand New Year because of your party. Thanks for inviting me.
  • You are such an awesome event organizer. The New Year party was a hit again! Thank you for inviting me to enjoy it.
  • If all New Year parties are all like yours, it would be a more festive world. Thank you for the invitation. I really had a great time.
  • It’s the happiest New Year of all because of your party. Thank you for inviting me.
  • Thank you for a grand start of the year because of your party. Thank you! Happy New Year!
  • I’m really honored for having you at my birthday party, even though you came in at the last minute, you have left with me something to remember for a while. God bless you.
  • Last year’s party was dull without you but your presence this year made it lovely. I’m still feeling happy. :) Thanks a lot.
  • Writing wishes is good to me, but coming to my B’day celebration is better. Thanks, bro for coming!
  • You are a wonderful man. I ask God to make you as happy as you made me on my birthday. Thanks for coming!
  • I don’t know how I will ever repay you but I hope these words are enough, thank you for coming to my birthday party; you were an important addition to it.
  • Pleasant surprises make life really beautiful. Thank you for giving me the best and most appreciated surprise of my life. Thank you for coming to my party. I’m blessed by your love.

Messages 101 - 200

  • Writing wishes needs some mind power, but receiving them needs the heart power to get happy and fly to the sky. Thanks for giving me that on my birthday!
  • Thank you, mom. You are the angel of mercy and the example of love. No one can slice the cake like you do!
  • Is that a wedding message or just an engagement party greeting? Oh, it’s a thanks note. Thanks for attending my birthday party!
  • Thanks for dancing with me on my celebration. Let’s repeat that soon.
  • If you clicked this SMS message, know that you have left joy and laughter not only on my birthday, but in my heart. Thank you a lot!
  • Do you know that I can’t actually even sing at parties, but I did that with your help there. Buddy, Thanks for coming to my birthday party with your big heart.
  • Thanks for surprising me by your sudden presence at my special party.
  • Thank you so much, it was a great party with you.
  • You partied with us like an amazing person who knows everything about parties and fun. This means that you made my birthday different. Thanks, dude!
  • Your presence made a huge difference in my party, thank you for availing yourself for me; I hope you had as much fun as I did with you around. Be blessed.
  • You made me feel like Trump on TV, like Ronaldo around the pitch. Thanks for coming to my birthday party.
  • The truth about friendship is that when they have joy, you have joy too. Thank you for spicing up my occasion with your expensive jokes.
  • Hey, wake up, you received a new message. Open it now. Thank you for sending me the same message wishing me a wonderful birthday 3 days ago. Thanks for coming to my party as well.
  • Words aren’t enough to show my gratitude for showing yourself at my party; I hope you had a lovely time, thank you for coming to my birthday party.
  • I have goosebumps every time I see you on my special day. When a prominent figure like you goes for any occasion, the occasion is blessed. Thanks for coming to my party.
  • All my life, your good words encouraged me and made me like the firework. Thank you now for changing my birthday too!
  • My birthday would have been incomplete if you didn’t come. Thanks for completing it with fun and happiness!
  • Thank You Messages for Coming to My Son’s Birthday Party
  • Your elegant attendance made the party like a big festival. Thank you so much for giving my son the best birthday.
  • Thank you so much for leaving everything to attend my son’s birthday party. Do me a favor and come to my brother’s party soon!
  • The day would have definitely been a little boring without your presence; you are the life of any party, thank you for attending my son’s party.
  • It takes time to thank someone for an amazing thing they have done. For a person who came to my son’s birthday party I say: I’m so grateful to you for being there with him.
  • Thank you for making my son’s birthday a worthwhile one and I do hope you had lots of fun like he did. Thank you for making him happy!
  • Nothing lasts forever, that’s also about sweet things that pass fast like your attendance at my son’s party. You deserve many thanks!
  • Thank You Notes for Attending My Daughter’s Birthday Party
  • My heart prays for you that you may have all the good things that you deserve because you glorified my daughter’s birthday party with your presence. Thank you for coming.
  • One never really knows how much one cares until you see them on one of your most important days, thank you for coming to my daughter’s party and for showing me you care.
  • You painted the occasion and gave it the brightest color. I appreciate you so much for all that you did, it made me happy. Thanks for gracing my daughter’s party.
  • Anyone would be happy after knowing that you are one of those who came to their party. Thanks dude for coming and changing the taste of my daughter’s birthday.
  • You made my daughter’s birthday like a Halloween day, full of masks. Thank you, bro.
  • One of life’s greatest ways to show love is in being available to make people feel good on their special days. You made my girl feel great. Thank you for coming to my daughter’s party.
  • Different Thank You Notes After Birthday Party for All Guests
  • Having a birthday party is something good. Having the people you love and appreciate on the celebration is something great. Thank you all for coming!
  • Ice cream, cakes and desserts weren’t only the sweets of my party. My friends attendance was the best part. Thank you so much for coming here!
  • Once upon a time, someone told me that blowing candles out is the best part in birthday parties, but I see that my trustworthy friends coming was the best part. Thank you so much!
  • This message is prepared for the special people who made my birthday great. Thank you for bringing happiness to my party!
  • My day was so funny because of friends who shared it with me not because of the event. Thank you for attendance!
  • I had the most shallow birthday party, but with you guys there, I felt like flying over the moon because you made it so beautiful. Thank you for showing up at my party.
  • Thanks for the gifts and wishes I got from friends and relatives. I hope to be always together for hundreds of occasions.
  • Thank you my friends for congratulating me. The hell is waiting for all of those who couldn’t remember my birthday.
  • Many More Thank You Messages After Birthday Party Attendance
  • The good person is that who remembers the special moments of others. Thank you, buddy!
  • You made my birthday party an unforgettable experience for me, I’ll remember everything you did on my day for a long time because you made it so beautiful. Thank you for your presence.
  • You are my brother and I was so happy with your gift. Thank you so much, dear one.
  • Your words about me at my party made me wonder why you weren’t my best friend in the first place. :) Thank you for gracing my occasion, you are the best.
  • Life happens only once, and that’s why every great achievement should be celebrated. Thank you for celebrating with me on my great day.
  • Thank you, my grandpa. You gave me a great birthday party that made my friends so excited to dance.
  • I had the most fun I’ve ever had all my life not because it’s my special day but because you made it an awesome day for me. Thank you for your effort in making it possible and thank you for gracing my birthday party.
  • Dad, let me kiss your forehead. I celebrate my life events just because I feel proud of being your son. Thanks for helping me to make the best party.
  • Thank you for the great expression of love towards me, you made my day great and a memorable one.
  • Thanks, sister, you are so beautiful today and forever. The man who’ll marry you will be very lucky!
  • Thank you, my love. The birthday with you became completely different from all ones I celebrated without you. I’m so happy to be with you.
  • Ever since I know myself, you are the only friend that stood by me, even through thick and thin. Now you threw me the best birthday party ever. Thank you for honoring me on my special day.
  • The journey of our growth and development has been adventurous and I thank God for knowing you. Thank you for making my day a really special one.
  • Thank you, guys. It was the best birthday party in my life. Hope good wishes for you. [Post on Social Media]
  • Your creativity and enthusiasm are adorable, especially when it comes to bringing joy to the face of people. Thank you for coming to my party. You gave me joy.
  • Crazy friends are useful on the days like that. You made my birthday a part of the craze you have. Thanks for making that there!
  • Your lifestyle made me enlarge my thought, you are an excellent example for me. Thank you for coming to my birthday party. I’m really honored and blessed.
  • Millions of thanks go to one of my closest people. I hope you get all what you want in your life. Thanks again!
  • The greatest gift I could ever receive on this day is your presence, but you didn’t just show up, you came with lots of gifts as well. Thank you for honoring me on my great and special day.
  • Your presence alone on my special day gave me joy and exceeding gladness, but your deeds made it historical for me. Thank you for gracing my birthday party, I’m honored.
  • If I opened all books to collect the best thanks messages, I would fail to find a perfect one. Thank you, my friend for honoring me at home yesterday.
  • Having you at my party was a blessing, thank you for attending my birthday party.
  • You have sent a nice greeting to me on my birthday. Now, I reply to tell you how wonderful my party was because of you and my trustworthy friends. Great thanks!
  • You are the best friend and the only one whom I like speaking and celebrating with. Thank you very much for helping me in the party.
  • You made me feel really good, you gave me all I needed and your response of love to me is beautiful. Thank you for coming to my party. I’m really honored by your presence.
  • It’s easy to see many people in your party blowing up candles, but not easy to fill the party with sweet people like you. Thanks for making my birthday light up.
  • You made my birthday a wonderful one friend, the only bad part was when we danced. :D You are a terrible dancer, but that made it special. Thanks for coming to my party.
  • The joy and fun you gave to me on my birthday will never be forgotten. Thanks for changing my birthday from fun to crazy fun.
  • I hope you had fun attending my party, thank you for coming; I could feel your presence and saw you had loads of fun, chatting and bonding with new friends, thanks.
  • With lots of love in my heart, I want to thank you for attending my party, you made it a great occasion for me. Thanks!
  • Thanks for sharing the cake with me. I spared 5 more slices so you’ll visit me again. Don’t miss that, please!
  • Thank you, my wife. You are the best blessing as a life partner. You are also my birthday partner, so let’s eat one more cake.
  • The party wouldn’t have been the same without your presence. The memory will linger on for long. Thanks.
  • Can’t stop laughing when you were picked to sing a birthday song for me. You sang well but if your song was produced it wouldn’t sell a copy. :D Thanks for making my birthday memorable.
  • Growing older scares some people, but not me. As long as I have friends like you around, I’ll be glad to always celebrate my birthday. Thanks for coming to the party. You made it awesome.
  • I feel really great for inviting me over at your place. Thanks again for everything.The party was undoubtedly lit and you looked gorgeous while carrying everything so perfectly. It was really great to be accompanied by you and your family. Thanks for hosting us.
  • It was a privilege to be invited to such a well-arranged party and all credit goes to you. You are an amazing host. I really had a great time, thanks for everything.
  • Dear, the turkey was really delicious. Thank you so much for taking the time and showing me around your house. The party was delightful; thank you for having me.
  • Thank you for all those beautiful moments, full of laughter and fun. The day was incredible, and you are an amazing host. Thank you.
  • Thank you so much for your kind gesture. It was an amazing experience spending time with you. Thank you so much for hosting us.
  • Thank you for being such gracious hosts and treating us so royally. We enjoyed everything, from dinner to breakfast and everything in between!
  • I am delighted that you invited us to the dinner party and we made such beautiful memories. Your house, along with your family, radiated warm energy and we loved it so much.
  • I just want to thank you for your last night’s dinner party. The food was delicious. Thank you for inviting me and showering me with your hospitality.
  • Thank you for inviting me to your amazing dinner party. I had fun with everyone. It was a memorable party, and thank you for this lovely dinner.
  • I must say I really enjoyed dinner last night and the lively conversation. Thank you for being such a wonderful host.
  • Thank you for the sumptuous dinner you hosted last night. Your food is truly delicious and unforgettable. You make a wonderful chef, I must admit.
  • Even though the birthday party was huge and full of hassles, you pulled everything off so gracefully. Thank you for your hospitality and generosity. I appreciate it so much.
  • Thank you so much for this lovely birthday invitation. It was an awesome birthday party, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you for the treat.
  • Thanks for allowing me to attend such a wonderful birthday party. It was great fun. The delicious home-made food only made it better. Thank you so much for your invitation.
  • Thanks for arranging such an enjoyable time, dear. The baby shower was beautiful without any doubt, so was your hospitality. Sending warm wishes for the baby.
  • The baby shower was gorgeous. Thanks for making us feel like one of the family. Hope the baby comes out healthy, perfect, and fine! Congratulations once again. So happy for you two.
  • Thank you so much for inviting me to your baby shower. Much obliged for your care and love. You are an amazing cook. May God grant you and your little darling with beautiful things.
  • I appreciate everything you and your family have done for me in your baby shower. I was touched by your sweet words and generosity. I am looking forward to meeting the new one when he arrives.
  • Thanks for inviting me to your wedding. It was one of the best memories, and everything was so perfect at your wedding. I wish you the best and thank you once again.
  • Thank you for letting me be a part of your big ceremony. I had a great time with you and your family members. Everyone was so nice, and I’m touched by the sweet gesture. Thanks!
  • You guys are my most favorite people, and I am so happy for you. Thank you for hosting such an amazing wedding party. May God bless you two in this world and hereafter.
  • Congratulations once again on getting married! You two deserve each other, and we are extremely happy for you guys. The wedding party was fabulous. Thanks for having us. Love yaa.
  • Thank you so much for inviting me to your amazing Christmas party. Everything was perfect, starting from the food to the venue. One of the best Christmas parties indeed!
  • Your Christmas party was a big hit. Thank you so much for inviting me. It was a lovely evening with some lovely people and delicious food. Thanks again!
  • Thank you for inviting me to your thanksgiving dinner party. Your hand-made food was so yummy, and I loved the chicken soup the most. I hope next time it will be in our place.
  • Thank you for making us feel comfortable over dinner at your place. Your amazing cooking made the party extra special. I felt at home throughout. Thank you so much.
  • This thanksgiving was extra special, and all credit goes to you. We never expected you to give this much effort in preparing a refreshment plan for us. Thank you so much for the heartwarming party.
  • The Thanksgiving dinner was outstanding, and thank you for all your help with us. We look forward to the next vacation at our house! Truly your hospitality was outstanding!
  • Thank you for inviting us to the dinner party. It was an honor to celebrate with you. Congratulations!
  • Thank you for inviting me to your luncheon party. The food was great, the place was awesome, and most of all I enjoyed your company.
  • First of all, the food was delicious and I will never stop talking about it. I am so happy for all the generosity you showered me with. Thank you so much for inviting us.
  • My entire family wishes to extend their gratitude for inviting us to the barbeque cookout. Your home is quite amazing and the kids really enjoyed that dip in the pool.
  • Thanks for coming to my party. It is a memory that I’ll hold close to my heart forever. xoxo
  • The massive hangover I’m having right now after my birthday party last night means just one thing… you should start a band because you party like a rock star. Thanks for such an amazing time.
  • The best selfies of my life were clicked yesterday at my party, all thanks to friends like you who made it a perfect memory. Thanks.
  • Beautiful gifts, beautiful people, beautiful moments, beautiful toasts and a beautiful day – Thanks for coming and making my birthday beautiful.
  • Birthdays and parties will come and go, but the priceless memories will stay in my heart forever. Thanks for coming.
  • Times change, years go by and life takes its own turns, but the memories remain. Thanks for making my birthday one such beautiful memory.
  • You came, you sang, you danced and you enjoyed. I know that was your way of getting sadistic pleasure while watching me grow old. Thanks a lot.
  • I know YOLO but yesterday you taught me how to YOPO – You Only Party Once. Thanks for coming!
  • Just like how a cake is incomplete without a candle and a gift is incomplete without wrapping paper, my parties are incomplete without my besties. Thanks for coming.
  • The beautiful hues of my birthday selfies would have been drab and dull if it weren’t for you. Thanks for coming.
  • Without you, my birthday would have been just another day in the calendar. Thanks for coming!
  • I really don’t mind turning older on my birthdays, as long as I have friends like you who make life seem like a massive celebration. Thanks for coming.
  • My birthday party finds its spot in my life’s top 10 happiest moments… thanks to friends like you who made it so awesome. xoxo
  • The best day of my life was yesterday, not just because it was my birthday, but because you went out of your way, to make sure I had a party which made me go YAY. Thanks.
  • Because you came, my birthday remained less of a small party and became more of a massive festivity. Thanks for coming.
  • Awesome friends like you are the only thing stopping me from feeling old on my birthday. Thanks for coming.
  • Cakes and parties are useless, if you can’t share them with friends who make life priceless. Thanks for coming to my party.
  • My birthday party was cool, awesome and sexy only because it was attended by cool, awesome and sexy people like you. Thanks for coming.
  • I may be hung-over, tired and grumpy today. But I was happy, excited and cheerful last night – and I owe it all to friends like you. Thanks for coming and living it up.
  • My birthday party would have been like a quiet theater play. But thanks to you, it turned into a wild rock and roll concert. Thanks for the crazy times.
  • Friends like you make my life totally worthy of being hashtagged YOLO. Thanks.
  • I was pretty sure that you would come to my birthday party even if the city was washed away with floods, destroyed by an earthquake or conquered by aliens. After all, where else would you get free drinks and free food.
  • Thanks for coming buddy.The music wouldn’t have been groovy, the food wouldn’t have been yummy and the drinks wouldn’t have been slurpy… if you hadn’t come to my party. Thanks.
  • Your presence in my birthday party was like finishing off a delicious meal with a sinful desert – beautiful and memorable. Thanks for coming.
  • According to an urban legend among us friends, every party you attend goes from dull and boring to crazy and fun. Thanks for coming and living up to your legendary status.
  • You came and partied all night long, you came and same my birthday song. You came and brought amazing gifts, you literally gave my birthday a lift. Thanks.
  • Awesome music, food and drinks were the good things about my party. But the best thing was that I had you to share it all with. Thanks for being a part of the celebration.
  • Meet the star of my birthday party – this is how you have been tagged on Facebook in my latest album. Thanks for the good times rock star.
  • If I could go back in time and have the same birthday party again, I would have done a lot of things differently except one – the guest list, because it was perfect and awesome. Thank you all for coming.
  • You could have texted if you wanted to, made excuses if you wanted to, called in sick if you wanted to, sent in a gift if you wanted to… I’m glad you didn’t do any of these and came all the way to wish me on my birthday. Thanks.
  • To yet another year in my life as I bid adieu, I’m glad I celebrated with friends like you. Thanks for coming.Your presence was the biggest blessing and gift that I got on my birthday. Thanks for coming.
  • My birthday party would have been boring and lifeless, if it weren’t for friends who made it a blast of happiness. Thanks for making it, so memorable and truly priceless.
  • Thanks to all the awesome selfies we clicked yesterday, my birthday party has been a hit not just in my heart but also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • By coming to my birthday party with your presence, you filled my heart with happiness and my day with awesomeness. Thanks.
  • Friends make parties worth attending. But besties like you made my birthday party worth remembering. Thank you so much for coming.
  • The presence of a superstar like you, made my birthday party nothing short of a Page 3 do. Thank you so much for coming.
  • Awesome friends like you who know how to party like there’s no tomorrow, is the reason why I don’t mind saying again and again that ‘The treat is on me’. Thanks guys.
  • I would have been sitting in a corner sulking and sobbing if you hadn’t come to my birthday party. Thanks for coming and saving the day.
  • You came, you brought gifts and you partied the night away as if there was no tomorrow… thanks for celebrating my birthday as if it were your own.
  • Words are not enough to express how genuinely excited we were to have our favorite people in the world there with us as we start our new journey in life. Thanks a bunch for joining us and being such an important part of the best day of our lives. We will cherish the memories that we have from this day for the rest of our lives and are extremely happy to have you in them.
  • We wish to convey how appreciative we are that you spent our wedding day with us. Your presence was truly felt in our hearts as you helped to wrap us in love and surround us with support. We will forever be grateful that you chose to spend the time with us as we embarked on a new chapter in our lives as husband and wife.
  • It means the world to us to have you in our company on the most special day of our lives, surrounding us with support and encouragement and showering us with love. As one of the most important people in our lives, we just want to say thanks so much for celebrating the beginning of our new life as we united our two lives into one with our marriage. We are eternally grateful for you joining us on such an important day.
  • Our wedding day, one of the most important days of our lives, would not have been complete without you there. From the bottom of both of our hearts, thanks so much for joining us in making memories and sharing in our love. Your presence will be felt for years to come as we live our lives together as a married couple, knowing you were there to support us and celebrate in our exciting endeavor.
  • Please accept our little note loaded with heartfelt meaning to tell you how much your presence on our wedding day means to the two of us. Our special day was filled with love and happiness and together with you, we made enough memories to last the rest of our lives. We couldn’t have celebrated in such a joyous and momentous way without you there with us.
  • The beginning of our happily ever after could not have been so special without you there to celebrate with us. You helped to fill us with love and joined us in creating memories of our best day ever and we are eternally grateful for your support and encouragement as we start out as a married couple.
  • Thank you so much for joining in the fun and celebration of my bridal shower. Such an important day in my life was made into so much more than I could have imagined by friends and family like you. Memories like these will never be forgotten and I am so grateful for you taking the time out of your life to be with me in my special moments.
  • As we prepare for our wedding day, we are so thankful to have taken some time out for fun and friends. Thanks a bunch for joining the celebration at my bridal shower and helping to provide love, laughs and memories during this exciting time in my life. Looking forward to spending more joyous time with you at the wedding.
  • Thank you for your love and support as I get ready for the biggest day of my life. The fun and laughs while surrounded by special friends and family were just what I needed to take some stress away and truly celebrate the excitement of my upcoming wedding. I appreciate your presence at the bridal shower more than I can ever express in words.
  • I cannot express enough how much I appreciate your kindness and generosity for attending my bridal shower. As I prepare for the biggest day in my life, I know that I am surrounded by love and support from the most important people in my life, people like you who have been there to help in the fun and excitement of my wedding celebration.
  • Celebrating my upcoming wedding before the big day was so much fun and full of memories. I want you to know how much it meant to me to have my dearest friends and family together for such an exciting event full of love and support as I prepare to create a new life with my future husband. I couldn’t imagine this time of my life without you taking part in it.
  • Thank you so much for coming out to help us celebrate our growing family. With a new little one coming, we are immensely grateful that you took the time to come and celebrate our bundle of joy and contributed to our excitement. As our lives change to make room for a new member of our family, we are so thankful for your support.
  • As we prepare to bring a new baby into our family, we want to extend our sincerest thanks to those who came to celebrate such an important milestone with us. We know that we have all the love and support we could possibly need as our family grows and your presence at our baby shower was so kind and thoughtful. Many thanks for spending the day with us.
  • Now that the party is over, we are overwhelmed with the support we’ve received from those closest to us. Bringing a new baby into the world is a big event, and we thank you for joining in on the celebration and fun of our baby shower. Thanks for coming and sharing this special part of our lives with us.
  • What a wonderful time we had celebrating our newest family member with all of our favorite people. We wish to extend our sincerest thanks tyou for joining us at our baby shower and bringing so much love and fun while we created new memories and prepared to expand our family. Our family is so blessed to have people like you in our lives and I know our little one is excited to meet you.
  • We truly appreciate you spending time with us as we prepare for our new bundle of joy. Thanks for coming to our baby shower and helping us to usher in new life while having fun and making memories with our closest friends and dearest family members. It takes a village to raise a child, and we are so thankful you are a part of that community with your love and support.
  • What a blast! Our party was made so much more joyous and fun just by having you there. Thanks for sharing your time with us and making our party one to remember. There is just no way the night could have been so great without you there and I’m so thankful you were able to make it.Thank you for coming to my party.
  • Thank you for coming and making my party so special. Good friends are essential in life and I am so thankful you were able to come and spend time with all of us for a truly fun and joyous evening. I look forward to the next celebration that I get to spend with you, knowing that we have so many more memories to make in life.
  • After the party ended, I had plenty of time to reflect on all the fun we had. The memories we made will be with me forever and I am so appreciative that you were able to join me in the festivities. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my special occasion so much more special. I am eagerly anticipating the next time we get together.
  • Without you there, our party would have been nowhere near as wonderful. We are so grateful to have had you in our presence, bringing laughter, joy and fun while creating memories. Thanks so much for coming to the gala and helping us to create such a jubilant affair.
  • Thank you for attending my birthday party and making it a special event with your presence, it was so much entertainment and fun with you.
  • Dear friend, your presence made all the difference to my birthday party. Your laughter and enthusiasm made it a lively party. Heartfelt thanks to you for attending my birthday party.
  • There were many people at my birthday party but you were the star among them, you made my birthday party special by attending all the guests and taking care of their needs. Thanks a lot for attending my birthday party.
  • Thanks a lot for attending my birthday party.
  • Sweet sister, with your sweet smile and sweet talk you made my birthday so sweet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for attending my birthday party.
  • This birthday party was especially meant for special people like you. Thanks for making my birthday party special with your presence. I am so honored. May God bless you with health and happiness.
  • Dear friends, thanks to all of you for taking the time from your busy schedules and making my birthday bash a glorious occasion. I am grateful to all of you. Thanks for attending my birthday party. Hope to see you back again on my coming birthdays.
  • Thanks for attending my child’s birthday party and making it joyous by singing beautiful rhymes and bringing colorful balloons. My child is very happy and I wish you all the happiness in your life.
  • Dear guest, it was an incredible experience with you at my birthday party. It was so much fun with your gracious presence. You made an ordinary party, extraordinary. Thanks for attending the birthday party and making it so special by your presence.
  • I am extremely honored and thankful to you for gracing my birthday party with your brilliance. You were the brightest star among all the other people. It could never have been the same without you. Thank you so much for attending my birthday party. Have a bright life ahead.
  • We had so much fun at our birthday party. Your cheer fullness made others cheer with joy. Your energy was contagious ,you made other people joyous with your presence. It was the most memorable birthday of my life. Thanks for attending my birthday party. Good wishes for your future.
  • Yesterday was a day to remember with our beautiful selfies, gorgeous people, magnificent cakes and your presence, my dear friends. Thanks for coming to my birthday party and making it an unforgettable experience.
  • After such a beautiful experience at my birthday party, now I feel that it would be incomplete with your presence. You can make a boring environment interesting by your great sense of humor. It was such a beautiful evening, the memories of which I shall cherish for many more years in my life.
  • My birthday party is over, but the hangover still remains with me. As I write this message to you, I want to let you know that you made a big difference by coming to my party. You made my birthday party grand and splendid. Heartfelt thanks for attending my birthday party and all the best wishes for your future.
  • Parties will come and go, but the memories remain in our hearts. This birthday was the most beautiful birthday of my life, that I shall cherish forever. Thanks for attending my birthday party and creating a lifetime of memories.
  • Last year’s birthday party was not so exciting and fun because you were not there, but this year you made my birthday a grand affair by your presence, thanks for coming to my birthday party and showering so much love on me. May God bless you.
  • Thank you for attending my birthday party and sharing my cake with me.
  • I know how busy you are in your new job, but you still made it to my birthday party. I am grateful to you. Thanks for attending my birthday party and giving me an unexpected pleasant surprise. May your life be full of pleasant surprises.
  • Dearest dad, I am overwhelmed by your love, thanks for coming to my birthday party, all the way from abroad. Always keep your blessings on me. It felt so special to be in your company on my birthday. I love you a lot. Take care.
  • This birthday I got the most special gift of my life, the beautiful gift of your company. Thanks a lot for taking the time from your busy schedule and attending my birthday party. I wish you all the very best for your future.
  • Thank you for attending my birthday party and sharing my cake with me. It made the dull occasion fun-filled just by your presence. Thank you for attending my birthday party and making it joyous.
  • Dear mom, your presence was the only thing that I missed in my previous birthday. This birthday was extremely special for me as you were there by my side. Nobody can match a mother’s love. Thank you is just a small word compared to your love. But still thanks for attending my birthday.
  • Dear friends, as you know my birthday falls in winter. This year it was extremely cold on my birthday but you made my birthday warm by attending it and giving me warm wishes. Thank you so much and take my good and warm wishes. May God bless you always.
  • Friends, without your presence my birthday would have been a cherry without cake, a picture without colors and a birthday without fun. Thanks for attending my birthday party celebrations and making it colorful by your vibrant vibes. May your life be always filled with happy colors.
  • You can attract people like a magnet, you were the center of attention of my birthday party. You made it so special by your charismatic nature. I am so grateful to you. Thank you for attending my birthday party and sharing my joys.
  • Like this year, I hope to see you again on my birthday party in the coming years. Thanks for attending my party and being a part of the celebrations. Lots of love to you. Have a blessed life.
  • Dear brother, after a long time you attended my birthday party. It was so much fun going back to our memory lane and talking about our childhood. We relived our old memories. I remembered my childhood birthdays with you. It was an happy occasion. Thank you very much for attending my birthday party. Lots of love, keep in touch and may you have a bright life ahead.
  • I had absolutely no idea that we would have so much fun. I’m so grateful I got to spend my birthday with my best friends. Thank you for attending the party and for the most amazing gift!
  • Thank you for making it to my birthday party, I hope to see you very soon. The gift is really very lovely and creative!
  • The surprise was awestrucking and absolutely mesmerising! Thank you for planning all this out for my birthday! I never knew you guys would make me feel so special!
  • One more year with you guys, I feel like I’m still the same age! I have absolutely no idea what I’d do without my best friends, thank you for always having my back!
  • Thank you for making my birthday so memorable for me. I am absolutely awestruck! The gifts and the wishes are humongous in number, I do not understand how can someone organize a party so well! Thank you for making this day extra special to me!
  • Your presence really mattered to me! Thank you for taking out the time to attend my birthday party! I loved the flowers and the mesmerizing gift! I always look forward to hanging out with you more often!

Messages 201 - 300

  • Thank you for taking out the time to attend my birthday party!
  • I feel so lucky to have a best friend like you. Thank you for organising my birthday party, you totally made my birthday seem like a dream! I had absolutely no idea about the surprise and the gifts! I feel so blessed and grateful to have you in my life!
  • Thank you for your presence! I hope you enjoyed the part and had the time of your life! I’m glad you could make it this time to my birthday! All the countless photos and memories we have made will be cherished by me for eternity! Thank you for being a part of my special day!
  • This day would have absolutely been incomplete without you, thank you for the wishes and the presents, I hope to see you very soon again! You have seen me through thick and thin, thank you for being such a good friend and for being kind and caring in tough times
  • I enjoyed my birthday party so much with you. Dancing, singing, snacking, this party was totally a dream! I am so glad you came and also thank you for helping me organize the guests list and the cake! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you!
  • Thank you very much for that wonderful dinner party last night! It was an amazing experience for us! We enjoyed the food as well as the venue. Wine is perfect too! We are so thankful that we have been a part of your dinner party. More blessings for you and more dinner party too!
  • I wanted to call you up and just let you know how much I loved your dinner party last weekend. It’s something remarkable and I didn’t know that you can be an incredible host.
  • Thank you we really had some fun! Your dinner party is a beautiful event.
  • A million thanks for inviting us to be a part of your dinner party. It was an amazing night for us! Your party is so much fun; the food and wine are perfect! Simply perfect!
  • In behalf of our family, I would like to thank you for inviting us to see your dinner party. The food was really delicious. Thank you very much!
  • Thank you for making me as one of your important guests during your dinner party last night. I still can’t believe that you made that chocolate cake. Truly, it’s so yummy! Your party is a successful one.
  • Congratulations for the successful dinner party you just had last night. And our family would like to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting us to be one of your special guests. Your dinner party was a happy event! We truly enjoyed the ambience as well as the food! Simply perfect!
  • What a great evening! Thank for having us last night on your dinner party. Everything just seems to be perfect! Oh by the way, I love your night gown! You are so beautiful!
  • Thank you very much for inviting us in your special event last night! I had a great time and I know that everybody else just did.
  • It was so great to be a part of your gorgeous dinner party last night! We really had some fun! We loved the food, the drinks, and the program and most especially we really loved your dress! So thank you very much for inviting us and giving us the opportunity to witness your special event. Thank you!
  • Thank you for having me in your dinner party! That night was perfect! Two thumbs for your successful and beautiful event. Thank you!
  • What can I say? Your dinner party last night was truly a remarkable event. We had so much fun drinking all the wines and tasting all the foods. At the same time, I had a chance to meet all your friends and neighbors. Thank you!
  • What a superb night! Thank you for preparing an excellent dinner party for us! I know it’s not that easy to organize such event but you managed to! I will never forget that special night! Thank you!
  • It meant so much that you took the time to travel such a long way to see me. My days are always better when I get to be with you. Thank you so much for paying me a visit. I had such a wonderful time and will remember it for the rest of my years. I hope we can visit each other again soon.
  • When a friend like you comes to see me, it makes an undeniable imprint in my life. Thank you for that gift, my friend. Not only did you change my day, but you gave me lasting happiness that I can carry with me as I remember the time we shared.
  • Thank you sincerely for your kind visit. It meant a lot to me that you took the time to come by. I know how busy you are, and I truly value the time we spent together. Please know that I am very grateful for your kindness.
  • Your visit was just what we needed. Great friends, great conversation, and great food. You made it very memorable and we thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with you. Thank you so much for coming.
  • I’m already excited about the next time you visit! Thank you so much for coming into town and making it seem so much brighter and better. Your energy and worldview never cease to inspire me, and I’m so happy we found the time to see each other. Thank you for coming!
  • I know how much effort it took to get here! I hope you know just how loved you are and how much you can make my year better just by coming by. Thank you, my friend, for coming to visit.
  • What an excellent visit we had with you, hearing about all your exciting new plans! We are thrilled you made time to come and share them with us. Even though we don’t get to see each other face-to-face very often, you’re always in our hearts. It was fantastic to see you in the flesh!
  • As the years go by, we have come to realize how much our loved ones mean to us. You are a loved and dear friend, and it was especially kind of you to stop by and visit recently. I hope you enjoyed your time as much as I did. I treasure our friendship immensely. Thank you for paying me a visit.
  • Thank you so much for putting in the time to come see me. I cherish our visits no matter how long or short. Let’s please do this again. I miss you already.
  • The worst part about you visiting is when you have to say goodbye! I had such a meaningful time with you and will think fondly of the new memories we created and the old ones we shared. Thank you so much for visiting!
  • Thank you for coming to see me! I can’t stop thinking about all the laughs we had. I will tell stories of our time together for years to come. Let’s do it again soon!
  • When our loved ones are near, it warms our hearts and reminds us of how blessed we truly are. Thank you for coming to visit me. It was so very good to see you.
  • Near or far, I know that a friend like you will always be a blessing in my life. Thank you so much for coming to visit me. You were such a good, gracious guest and I only hope I did right by you as a host. Please feel free to come again anytime.
  • What a joy it is whenever you are around! Thank you for stopping by and visiting. Let’s do it again soon. I miss you so much when you aren’t around.
  • Friendship is more precious than gold. No matter where we are in life, it means the world that we have the connection that we do. Thank you for visiting. Let’s never be strangers.
  • The love of family can cross any distance, and it’s so wonderful to be reminded of that. It was lovely to see you and catch up with you again. You are more than welcome to visit again whenever you can. Thank you so much for coming.
  • Wishing you a safe journey back. It was just delightful to see you on your recent visit. We loved renewing our friendship and appreciated the effort you made to come. Thank you so much for visiting. It always means so much to see you.
  • It was truly a treat to see you, and I sure hope we can do it again soon. Thank you so much for coming to stay for a while.
  • Thank you for your visit. Each moment was a pure delight, and I’m looking forward to the next time we see each other. Thank you so much!
  • Although time and distance all too often gets in the way, whenever we reconnect, we pick up where we left off. That’s friendship. Thank you so much for going out of your way to see me. I am so touched. Thank you for visiting.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you for visiting! Seeing your face brightened up my day. I hope to see you again soon. I miss you so much when you aren’t around!
  • Your visit was like a balm to my soul. Thank you for coming by and bringing so much comfort, joy, and laughter. I will treasure those moments together.
  • Although we may not see each other as often as we’d like, distance is no match for the bond that we share. Thank you for coming to visit. It was fantastic to catch up.
  • Thanks so much for visiting! It always cheers us up to see you. We wish you safe travels on your journey back home. Please call or text us to let us know you arrived safely!
  • We always have so much fun when you’re here. Thank you for visiting and brightening up our home with your beautiful spirit. Let’s do it again soon!
  • Although life has taken us in different directions, whenever we’re together, I’m reminded of how much we have in common, and how much we both care. Thank you for visiting. We have a beautiful time with you.
  • Your visit meant the world, and this is just a little note to say thank you for coming to stay awhile. Seeing you always makes my day better!
  • I was looking forward to your visit for so long, and it did not disappoint! Thank you for taking the time to come see me. Your presence really brightened up my week!
  • Wishing you very safe travels back home. It was so nice catching up. You’re such an entertaining guest and I miss you so much already. You made my week so much brighter. Thank you for stopping by!
  • This is a little note to say thank you for coming to visit. Getting to see you was such a surprise and a very special treat! I hope we can do it again soon.
  • God has truly blessed me with a friend like you. Thank you for coming such a long way and staying to visit. We will treasure the time we had together.
  • Your recent visit meant so much. We are grateful for the time you spent here in our home and the encouragement it was to us. Wishing you all the best, now and always.
  • Each visit you make means the whole world to me. I’m so happy I got to see you. I love you and I hope you’re doing well.
  • When times are tough, it brings great comfort to be in the presence of the ones I care about. Thank you so much for visiting. You are such a comfort.
  • This is just a little note to say thank you for your visit! It was an honor to be able to host you on your recent visit. We hope that you enjoyed your time with us and felt very welcome. Thank you so much for your visit.
  • Your visits are always such a gift. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful friend. Thank you so much for coming to stay.
  • Your visit made me jump for joy! I loved that we were able to spend quality time together and enjoy the many memories we share. Come back soon!
  • How fantastic it was to see you recently! We cannot thank you enough for coming to visit us. Your friendship means such a lot to us. We had a great time!
  • What fun we had together on your recent visit. I wish we could get together more often! Please know that you are welcome any time you are able to come.
  • Thank you for your visit! I haven’t laughed so hard since the last time I saw you. You mean so much to me and it was so good to catch up. Thank you for coming!
  • Your visit was a real highlight for us and we had such a fun time with you. We really hope you can make it back here again in the not too distant future. Thank you so much for visiting!
  • What a fun time we had together on your visit. Thank you so much for spending that precious time with us. We appreciated it greatly.
  • I know you have a packed schedule and I truly appreciate you could find time to visit us. Thank you!
  • Thank you for visiting…it was so much fun! Getting to talk like that meant so much to me. I would love to see you again soon. Stay well, my friend.
  • My [broken leg] hurts less and the hospital doesn’t seem so dull and dreary after your visit. Thank you!
  • My wife and I would like to express our gratitude to you for visiting us [last week]. We enjoyed spending [the evening] with you. Let’s do it again soon!
  • Time flew by with our fantastic conversation about [politics and life]. Thanks for visiting! It was just the break we needed.
  • My door is always open for you. Thank you so much for visiting me. It means so much to me to know you took time out of your busy life to come to see me.
  • Your visits always make my life better. Thank you so much for coming to see me. I hope you had as good of a time as I did!
  • I am writing this note while enjoying the [delicious cookies] you brought me. Thanks for the lovely visit. Please come back soon!
  • Thank you for finding the time and making a visit. We’ve missed you so much! We all had a great time with you. Thank you, my friend, for coming to visit.
  • What can be better than celebrating [your birthday] with your best friend? Thank you for coming and thanks for the thoughtful gift!
  • It was a real joy to see you recently. Your visit meant so much more than you can imagine. Thank you for going out of your way to spend time with us.
  • I want to thank you for being so gracious and coming to visit us at our new place. I hope you’ll come again soon. Seeing you always makes the day better!
  • Thank you for coming to visit us with your beautiful family. I am so happy our kids finally got to meet each other. My daughter is already missing her new friend!
  • It’s been a while since we had a delightful evening with such good conversation. Thanks for the company. It was truly wonderful.
  • Having to spend summer days at a hospital is no fun. Thank you for being such a caring friend and coming to see me so often. Your visits are a great comfort to me and I will never forget your kindness.
  • I am thrilled to let you know that my health is improving, and I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming to see me. Thank you for being there for me when I needed it most.
  • Thank you again for coming to visit me. It was so good to catch up and remember our good old times. Let’s do it again!
  • Thank you for coming to stay! We really loved having our truly special friend share our home with us. We already miss you!
  • Thank you for making the trip to be with us at our [son’s first birthday]. Your visit made our celebration even more special!
  • Seeing you is always a gift. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to stop by and share your time with us. It meant so much to us.
  • There are no words to express our gratitude to you for the kindness and support you showed us in these difficult times. Thank you for visiting and sharing our grief. God bless you.
  • It’s only been [two] days since you left but we already miss you. Thank you for coming and spending your holidays with us!
  • Years will pass by and every year we will have few good memories to take in our hearts… Thanks to the best of the people I have in my life, I will carry with me another wonderful memory of my birthday party….. Thank you for being there to celebrate my day.
  • When I wake up today, I have the sweetest smile on my face because I had a blast on my special day with my special people…. Thanks for making it an awesome celebration my dear friends…. You truly made it a perfect memory for me….. Thanks for coming.
  • I would like to thank you for taking out time and becoming a part of my celebrations on my birthday…. I cannot thank you enough for your presence and for the thoughtful gift you gave me…. Thanks again…. Celebrations would have been incomplete without you.
  • Thanks for coming for my birthday party….. It means a lot to me and this memory will always be special to me as we spent the best time together….. Love you loads and love you more for making it for the bash!!!
  • The perfect recipe for a beautiful birthday is to be surrounded with the people you love, happy and cheerful moments, amazing presents and toasts….. Thank you for coming to my birthday party…. It was great fun having you!!!
  • When you wake up with a hangover, you know that you had a wonderful party last night…. Thank you people for making it a great night of celebrations for me and giving me such an amazing memory for lifetime…. Thank you for coming to my birthday.
  • The best present you can gift anyone on their birthday is your time and I am happy that my friends gave me all their time by being a part of my birthday party…. It truly means everything to me…. Thank you so much for being a part of my special day!!
  • Birthdays would come and go but they always leave beautiful memories of happy times with the people you love…. Thanks for helping me have these amazing memories…. Thanks for coming.
  • All those people who are there to make your birthday a special one are your true friends and I am truly blessed to have so many amazing people in my life…. Thank you for coming to my birthday party.
  • The party is over but we have another memory to cherish and lots of fun selfies to look at…. Thank you dear for making it to my birthday party….. I was extremely happy to have you…. You made me feel special.
  • My friend, you are the reason I woke up with a smile in the morning…. You made it a rocking party with your presence last night and I will always remember all the fun we had…. Thanks tons for coming for the party.
  • Birthdays are special days to create special memories with special people…. Thanks to you all that I had another amazing day with the best of the people…. Thanks for being a part of my celebrations.
  • No matter how old I get, I would always be celebrating this day with the people I love because having you in my life is the best thing about growing old…. Thank you for coming to my birthday party and making it a mind-blowing celebration.
  • Though the party is over but we are left with such wonderful memories in our hearts…. I am glad that you could make it to the party and enjoyed the celebrations….. Thank you so much… Your presence meant a lot to me.
  • I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the gift!
  • Thank you for the beautiful blouse, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.
  • Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.
  • The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room, thank you!

Messages 301 - 400

  • This is exactly what I’ve been wanting, thank you so much for getting it for me.
  • Thank you for the gift card, it will help me get everything I need for my upcoming move.
  • The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.
  • I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent, our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.
  • I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life.
  • I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.
  • Thank you for always stepping in to help when I need you most.
  • Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really meant a lot.
  • Thank you for sharing your home with me, I had such a great time catching up.
  • My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.
  • You made me feel so at home that I forgot I wasn’t! Thank you for having me.
  • Thank you for putting a roof over my head this weekend, it was so kind to invite me into your home.
  • Thank you for hosting my event, my day just wouldn’t have been the same without you!
  • It is a beautiful day! It is a great reminder of how thankful I am for all the beauty I have in my life. Thanks for being a part of this great feeling!
  • Thank you to all my friends for the birthday wishes, gifts, laughs, weird birthday jokes, and everything. I keep our more than 20 years of friendship and love in my heart. You guys are too much. Love you all. See you later!
  • I just wanted to take a moment and say "thank you" to everyone for all of the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me that you all took time from your busy lives to wish me a happy birthday. I feel very blessed to have each and every one of you as my friends.
  • Hi everyone! Thank you for all your birthday greetings. Yes, another long year and another number added to my age, but it is still great to hear from all of you out there. I hope you are all doing well. I will get in touch with each and everyone soon.
  • Thank you so much to all my friends and family that wished me a happy birthday. Special thanks to all my friends who are currently globetrotting who still made the effort. I got messages from South Africa, England, France, Morocco, and Canada! Love you all.
  • My Facebook was acting weird the other day and obviously didn't post my status, but I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I got to celebrate this week with my amazing friends and awesome family! I am so blessed and couldn't ask for more.
  • I thank each and every one of you for your lovely ‪‎birthday wishes and for loving me. All of your wishes and blessings mean a lot to me! [Smiley emoticon] Sorry, I was busy so I wasn't able to reply to the calls and messages from my friends and some close ones. I hope you guys don’t mind. I thank my besties for being around me. I love you guys for making my birthday such a wonderful and memorable day of my life. Thanks for making me feel special and for being a special part of my life. Love you all, I so feel humble! Stay blessed.
  • I was overwhelmed by receiving so much attention for my birthday and would like to thank each and every one of you so much for your kind greetings and blessings. I'm sure that with all these wishes, it will become a great year.
  • From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts . . . and for those who didn't do anything, shame on you!
  • First, I want to thank God for my life! Thank you to all who wished me a wonderful birthday. I love you all!
  • Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes on just another day in ecstasy. You people are so special to me. Thanks so much, everyone for the astonishing birthday wishes.
  • Thank you very much for all the superb birthday wishes. They really mean a lot to me.
  • Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes! I had a great day, got spoiled by my entire family, and feel very blessed to have such great people in my life
  • Thank you to all the people who greeted me on my birthday yesterday and today.
  • I am flying thank you kisses in the air for everyone who greeted me on my special day.
  • I had a wonderful birthday with family and friends. I spent those beautiful moments in fellowship with my loved ones and missed all those who were not with me. I thank God for all his love bestowed on me the last year. I cherish each day and each moment of the year. I believe this year is the year of restoration in all that I do. Thank you all for wishing me and standing by me the last year and all the years. I promise this year I will be a better person.
  • Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes today! I appreciate the love! Those who know me know that I don't typically make a big deal of my birthdays, but for some reason, this year seems a little bit different. I feel like a grown-up. I feel more in tune with myself and my God. I feel that I am in a position to become all God has intended for me to be. Thanks all for the love today!
  • I want to thank everybody—my brothers, sisters, friends and all well-wishers who sent birthday messages to me on Facebook and via text. May God in His infinite mercy bless you all beyond your expectation and guide and protect you all. I appreciate you.
  • I want everyone to know that I'm so thankful for all the blessings I received during the time of my birthday. God has been really good to me, therefore may God bless you all and thank you.
  • Giving honor to God for his grace and mercy, he woke me up this morning and started me on my way. May God bless me to see my 60th birthday. Thank you, God.
  • I feel so blessed to be able to have spent this birthday with so many loved ones. This past year has been very special. I was able to reconnect with God and accept him as my personal savior.
  • I want to thank each and every one of you who wished me a happy birthday. I feel so blessed to have you all in my life. I pray that God continues to bless me with a lifetime of happiness and peace.
  • This past year was filled with challenges, and I thank you all for helping me through and celebrating this beautiful birthday with me. I also know that God was with me the whole time and has a plan for me. Looking forward to seeing what this next year brings!
  • Birthday Appreciation Messages for Family and Friends
  • I've had a lovely birthday! Thank you for all my messages, cards, and gifts but most of all thanks for being my friends and family. Not a bad bunch at all.
  • Thank you to everyone for all the love and support you have shared with me on my birthday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It feels great to know I'm surrounded by an amazing family and wonderful friends.
  • I would like to thank everyone for wrapping me in prayers, singing songs for me, making tweets for me, updating Facebook statuses for me, posting my pictures on Instagram, and wishing me a happy birthday. Thank you for helping make my day special. It meant so much to know you were thinking of me on my special day.
  • I want to give thanks to the highest for granting me another year, I feel so blessed and privileged. To my friends and family who sent birthday blessings, my thanks to you. Whether you called, texted, messaged, or visited me, thanks again. You guys sure made me feel special on my special day.
  • I know I'm terrible at keeping in touch with you guys, but it really does mean a lot when you send me a message for my birthday. Thank you, guys!
  • I would love to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Thank you so much. This man knows how lucky he is to have friends. I have been one lucky man. Thank you, God, for that and for my friends. One day we will all have a great big party, and I hope that I am there.
  • I couldn't have asked for a better family. I am so grateful I was able to celebrate my birthday with you all. I feel so loved. I look forward to making more memories this next year. Much love to you all.
  • I'm so lucky to have such a supportive group of friends. You all took time out of your day to wish me a happy birthday. I cherish these messages and hope to see you all soon.
  • Thank You Messages for Birthday Texts
  • I can truly say how blessed I am to have such great people in my life! I woke up this morning with too many text messages from all of you for my birthday! Thank you so much for being such a great part of my life.
  • Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, texts, Twitter shout-outs, phone calls, hugs, and love you all gave me yesterday! Thanks for making my birthday such a memorable day!
  • I want to thank everyone who took the time to share a text, calls, hugs, and Facebook messages to say happy birthday. It was, without a doubt, a great day, but the celebration will continue all week long. Once again, thank you! I am glad you are all in my life.
  • To all my family and friends, I am very blessed to have all of you sending the beautiful and thoughtful messages full of love on my birthday. Thank you so much.
  • Thank You Messages After a Birthday Party
  • I would like to say a massive thank you for all the messages, cards, presents, surprises, and gifts that I received today. Thank you to everyone who came to see me and for making my birthday really special.
  • A big thank you to all who came to the birthday bash at Treasure Island and for the gifts! I had loads of fun!
  • Though I'm feeling a bit tired, I had an absolutely great birthday weekend! I'd like to thank you all again for the birthday wishes. I'm truly blessed to have such great friends and family in my life. Cheers!
  • Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Another year older! Where does the time go?
  • Wow! So many birthday wishes and not one said, "Have a crummy day." I have the best friends! Thank you!
  • Thank you, everyone, for the lovely birthday wishes. The years have gone by so fast, and God has blessed me with a wonderful family and friends. This quote brings a smile to my face: "Every day above ground is a good day." Love to you all.
  • I would like to thank everyone for your kind birthday wishes. I have had a great weekend with family and a great day today.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, thanks so very much for your birthday wishes. Above all, I thank the Almighty God for taking me this far.
  • Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me! Now if I could shoot a monster duck tonight that would be the best present of all.
  • I would like to thank all my family and friends for partying with me for my birthday. I had a blast. I am now getting ready for my big brother's birthday party.
  • Thank you to my brothers, my lovely cousins, my home gals, my pals, dear friends, classmates, and to my colleagues for the birthday wishes. I really enjoyed my day, and you guys made it extra special.
  • Thank you so much to all who sent cards and wished me a happy birthday. It means a lot to me. It feels so good to be loved by family and friends. It's been the best birthday ever! It's great to be alive.
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my lovely friends and family who made it to my party! I had a brilliant night and felt so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people.
  • A big thank you to our kids for celebrating my birthday with a celebratory dinner! Not only was the dinner good, but I couldn't have asked for better company. I'd also like to thank all of you who remembered my birthday and sent me a birthday message. You all made my day. Love to all of you with much appreciation.
  • Facebook Status Thank You Messages for Birthday Wishes From Work Mates
  • Thank you all for the birthday wishes. With my birthday being so close to the long weekend this year, I took the day off and enjoyed four awesome days of this great weather we have been having. I spent my birthday yesterday relaxing with my sweetie and my family, hanging out on the deck, and a BBQ. A special thank you to everyone from my office team since I wasn't at the office; they sent me a video of them singing "Happy Birthday" with a cake. That was awesome! Sadly, the quality of the video got lost between my phone and posting it here.
  • One of the best parts of my birthday was hearing from so many family members, friends, and former university students. I sincerely thank each and every one of you for your kind birthday wishes. It just warms my heart to see your pictures and families on Facebook. I must admit that I do not spend much time these days on the Internet. I feel so blessed to celebrate another birthday, and I thank God for making my life so wonderful. Much appreciation, thankfulness, and love are sent to each of you.
  • Thank you to all my family and friends for the birthday wishes. My day started off bad, but you all made it a very happy birthday. I was surprised at work with an overwhelming display of appreciation, cards, cake, flowers, and more. My husband wrote me a beautiful poem. I got to get my shimmy on. It was a great day reminding me how blessed I am.
  • A very big thank you to everyone who dedicated a few seconds of their time to wish me a happy birthday! Thank you, guys! Thanks to my team!
  • To all the Kings and Queens who wished me a happy birthday, thank you so much. Even though I was nursing a sick child, you made my day special. Thank you, and stay blessed.
  • “Thank you for being an important part of my story.”
  • “I appreciate you…especially your heart.”
  • “One thing I’ve learned is when you find a best friend in this life, you better hang on.
  • “The older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.”
  • “Thank you for accepting me as I am, with my virtues and defects.”
  • “Your friendship has touched my life in ways you will never know. I wouldn’t trade material wealth for the friend I have in you!”
  • “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.”
  • I had a great time and I hope that you had a great time as well. Thank you for coming to my birthday.
  • It is always a blessing to be surrounded by the people you love the most. You showed up and you have my thanks.
  • Another year has passed and I am only getting older. Time tests all bonds but for all those that showed up our bonds stay strong. Thank you for coming to my birthday.
  • I love you all. Not just for showing up but it gives a big help to be able to tell you. Thank you for showing up to my birthday.
  • If there was a great time to be alive, this would be it. You partied well. I am happy that everyone had a great time. Thanks for coming.
  • You never know when our time on this earth will run out. But since you are here, it is wise to show appreciation to one another and give each other love when we can. Thank you for coming.
  • I hope that this will be a birthday party that you will never forget. It was awesome to see everyone here with big smiles on their faces. Thanks for coming.
  • If you loved great parties, I hope this will be in your top ten of parties. We want to thank you for coming. It was an amazing time.
  • You never knew that the best gift you could give me was the gift of you showing up. A party wouldn’t be a party without you. Thank you for showing up. I love you.
  • If we never show each other love and appreciation, we wouldn’t be a tight knit group as we are. Thank you for showing up. Let’s keep this group strong and together.
  • I could not imagine celebrating a birthday without you guys here. It would not be the same. Thank you for showing up. It means more to me than you will ever know.
  • It’s my birthday! Let’s party, dance, and have an awesome time! It will definitely be worth your time to have a great time. Thanks for coming. Now let’s dance!
  • Can you see all the love that’s here? You will never find love like this so pure within this group. It’s our own brand and it can never be replaced. Thank you for coming and being a part of it.
  • We have met many people in our lives. However, not all of them stick around. You showed up and I thank you for sticking around. Stay awesome and incredible.
  • A great party needs one important ingredient. It needs people to show up! Thanks for showing up. I hope you had a great time. We will see each other again.
  • If you only knew what it meant to me that you came to my birthday, you wouldn’t believe it. Thank you for showing up. You are amazing.
  • My birthday would have been nowhere near as fun without you guys showing up. Thanks for coming and making this birthday awesome.
  • There are moments in life when you realize what is important. For everyone that showed up to my birthday, you may have experienced that moment yourself. Thank you for showing up.
  • know you couldn’t be here, but your presence was felt thorough the message you sent me. Thank you for being part of my happy life.
  • I hope you feel my gratitude through this message, having you around on my birthday was the best thing to ever happen to me.
  • How can I surely show how you made my birthday special? I really did enjoy the day. Thank you so much for being a part of it.
  • Thank you for attending my birthday party, the day would not have been the same without your presence. Thanks so much.

Messages 401 - 500

  • Thanks for the presents I really love what you got me. I can’t show you how grateful I am to have had you here on my birthday. Thanks.
  • You were here with me that was the biggest part of my birthday. Thanks for showing up and staying close. I love you so much for that.
  • I might have received your messages late, but they made my heart warm all the same. Thank you for showing that you cared.
  • I will never forget the blast I had with you on my birthday babe. Thank you for making it memorable for me.
  • This party was grand. It was grand for all the people who showed up. For everyone who danced, partied and ate, Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.
  • You are the light of my life, and having you with me on my birthday really meant the world to me. Thank you so much darling I love you.
  • What would life be without you? I cannot begin to imagine how boring my daughter’s birthday would have been without you there, thank you for being there for me.
  • A million thank you wouldn’t make up for the joy I felt having shared my daughter’s birthday with you. You surely made it memorable, thanks.
  • I have never had as much fun as I did with you. You surely make it worthwhile, thank you so much for being part of my life and for throwing me the best birthday bash ever!
  • I can’t believe you did all that for me. I cried because I didn’t have the right words to tell you how much you mean to me.
  • Thank you so much for attending my son’s birthday party, without you it wouldn’t have been the same. I feel so elated. Thanks a lot.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for attending my daughter’s birthday party. I had a blast with you around. I couldn’t have asked for anything better, so thank you so much. I love you.
  • You are the light that makes the party glow, I was happy you were there because I know it was a little hard to make all the arrangements by myself. Thanks so much.
  • Thank you for helping me with the party. It would have been a mess if you weren’t around, I am happy you were there for me. I love you a lot.
  • Good feelings follow today’s party and I hope it will last for life because you guys made my day an unforgettable one. Thanks for showing up at my son’s birthday party.
  • Friends make life good and interesting, but awesome friends like you makes it better and worth living to the fullest. Thanks a lot for coming to my son’s birthday party.
  • Because you have honored me on my son’s special day, may you be honored in all you do and may you never lack help when in need of one. Thanks for making my son’s birthday a memorable one.
  • I am thankful for you, what you did during my birthday is unforgettable. Thanks you so much dearest.
  • One look back at what you did during my birthday, and for that I feel a deep sense of gratitude for you. Thank you so much for being there I love you.
  • Growing older is scary, especially to the one getting older; you made my birthday the best. I love you for that. I can’t find the words to properly thank you, but thanks, I love you for that.
  • I will surely make your birthday as memorable as you made mine, thank you for being there sweetie, it made all the difference.
  • Thank you for making my birthday awesome, you were there for me. Thank you for showing me the best day of my life.
  • You are the most amazing person in my life; you proved your love on my birthday. Thank you for being there and for all you did for me. I love you.
  • Thanks for attending my birthday. Your presence surely made a big difference I know I can’t repay you but, thanks so much. I love you.
  • Babe, you helped me cut the cake and have fun to the maximum. I love you so much, thank you for being there.
  • Thank you for throwing me the party of the year. I felt like a princess with all of you around to witness this grand day. I love you so much!
  • Thank you for attending my birthday. A party is not a party without the people who mean so much to you close by. I love you so much. Thank you.
  • I don’t know how to thank you. I can’t believe you all showed up for my bash. Your love and support was surely felt and I was happy to turn a new age.
  • Thank you so much for taking time off your busy schedules to make time for my party. You all made it come to life; I love you all so much.
  • Honey, you surely made my day memorable, for that, I would buy you all the diamond and gold. I really had fun love, thank you so much!
  • I wish the day went on forever. I had fun with all of you around, I love you so much. Thank you for being there.
  • I really had fun on my birthday; I did things I thought I would never do in my life. Thank you for making my day special I really did have a blast. I love you.
  • Words are too trivial to express my gratitude for your presence at my birthday party. You made it a special day for me, better than my best imagination. Thank you so much.
  • May the bond that hold us never lose its strength, because you are so important to me, and you hold a very important place in my life. Thanks for making my birthday a special one.
  • Thank you for celebrating me like a king, even if it’s for this once, I indeed feel like a king heheheh. Thanks for coming to my birthday party.
  • Thank you for being the most supportive, amazing and like-minded friend I have had, you made my party to become awesome just by being there. I love you and hope you know how grateful I am for it.
  • Thank you for attending my party, for being by me and for being the best friend ever, I love you and I don’t think my party would be fun without you, I love you.
  • Thank you for an unforgettable night, I hope you get to enjoy your birthday as much as I did mine. Thank you so much for being a part of me, I will never forget this.
  • How can I ever thank you, words alone are never enough, I hope you know how much you mean to me, all you did for me was more than what it seemed to your eyes.
  • If I could give you the world, I would, if I had the right words for gratitude I would tell you, but you left me speechless, thank you for being there for me during my birthday.
  • I hope you get to enjoy your birthday as much as you made me enjoy mine, I will forever be thankful for what you did for me. I love you dearest.
  • Words alone cannot express my gratitude, so sit back relax and enjoy each moment of this time, I love you and I am blessed to have you as part of me.
  • Thank you for being a great important part of me, I love you so much and wish you the best in all your endeavors, you have proven to be a friend.
  • Thank you for an unforgettable night, I hope you get to enjoy your birthday as much as I did mine. Thank you so much for being a part of me, I will never forget this.
  • All that I can say is that you did it! You caused a memory at my Birthday party; I cherish you so much for that. Thanks so much for coming, I can’t thank you enough.
  • Being the DJ and the MC at my birthday party means you made the party a great one single-handedly. Without you, we wouldn’t have had a great time. Thanks for making my birthday party lovely.
  • The turnout was surprising, looking at my kind of person; I wouldn’t have drawn so much crowd to this party. Thanks for making my party crowd flooded. I enjoyed myself so much.
  • I will never forget the fact that you came to my birthday party, I hope you had as much fun as I did with you around, hope to do this again next time.
  • You are definitely someone I will never forget, thank you for coming to my birthday party, you really made everything light up.
  • I can never repay you for the kindness you shone on my birthday party, be blessed and I love you so much, thanks a million.
  • Your presence at my birthday party was of much significance, thank you for making my day a special one. I wish you a safe journey back to your base.
  • Thank you for witnessing the most fantastic day of the year. My birthday means so much to me and the dedication of your time and resources made it possible.
  • May you receive multiple folds of the love, care, and support that you showed during my birthday, you have shown how far you can go to support your own. Regards
  • Just as you made my birthday, I pray that you never lack support when needed. I got every necessary support from family and friends and felt special.
  • Every strand of my hair to the sole on my feet says thank you, my birthday party it would have been impossible if the hall was empty, but you came to my rescue.
  • I could not have had a better ceremony without you; I say a million thank you for being part of our love story. Your actions meant a lot to me.
  • I was not expecting many people to honor my birthday invitation however you proved me wrong not by just attending but also by participation. I cannot thank you enough.
  • It could have been just any day, but your presence made it a special day, a day I’ve never had before, it means a lot that I had a great time. Thanks for your presence.
  • You didn’t just come to my party, but your effort to make it successful was highly appreciated. All this food can’t do enough to thank you. Thanks a lot. I’m honored by your presence.
  • Thank you for coming to my birthday party, you really made my day more special. I love you and appreciate everything you said and did.
  • I can’t believe you came all this way to share my birthday with me, it meant so much to me having you around, thanks a bunch.
  • It would be impossible for me to achieve a successful birthday party with empty tables and chairs so thank you for saving me.
  • You made time to attend my birthday party despite your tight schedule; I not know how I can ever payback the kind gesture.
  • Today birthday celebration was successful because of your presence and intervention. I am happy to know that you care so much.
  • For every bit of happiness, I feel you shall also receive yours in multiple portions. Thanks for making my day memorable.
  • I say Cheers to you on this unique day for your support. I will always remember today not only for my birthday but also the good people that came.
  • I am short of the right words to describe my true feeling when I saw you at my party; honestly, I was shocked and excited at the same time. Thanks for coming.
  • I am continuously surprised by your ability to outdo yourself with gifts. You are amazing.
  • Thanks for being the type of person who picks out excellent gifts for me!
  • How in the world did you know exactly what I needed yet never asked you for?
  • I appreciate your gift-giving skills. I am sure that you get a lot of practice, being as generous as you are.
  • I wish to give you so much more than just a thank you note for the beautiful gift you gave me. I absolutely love it. But as for now, thank you.
  • Just wanted you to know that I really appreciate all the trouble you took to get me such a wonderful gift. Thanks a ton.
  • Many sincere thanks go to you for such a thoughtful gift. I can tell that you truly enjoy giving to others.
  • Thank you so much for sending me such a lovely and meaningful gift on this special day. Your gift made today even more special. Thanks a ton.
  • You made my birthday a special day. Thanks for your thoughtful gift.
  • Thank you for being a great friend and for being so thoughtful with the Christmas gift.
  • Thank you for supporting us in our celebration. We really appreciate your generous gift.
  • You made me feel so special when I opened your gift. I knew that you spent time, effort, and energy to make sure it was awesome, and it was just that. Thank you.
  • Perfect is the word that comes to mind when I try to describe your gift. I don’t think I myself even could have gifted anything better. Thanks for knowing me so well.
  • Thanks for the wonderful gift. I really loved it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  • In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Thank you for everything.
  • Your creativity and attention to detail is truly outstanding. Thank you for the gift!
  • I would have never thought to pick something so perfect. Thank you for everything!
  • You seem to know what I would like more than me! Thanks for being so thoughtful!
  • Every time I look at your gift, I think of you. Thanks again for such an amazing present.
  • Thank you for your generous gift, it was really thoughtful of you to remember me on my birthday, I will be using it towards buying a new pair of shoes that I've been eyeing.
  • Thank you for getting me the perfect gift, you know me so well. I absolutely love it!
  • I'm truly overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you so much for your wonderfully generous gift.
  • Thank you so much for your thoughtful birthday gift. Every time I use it I will think of you.
  • I just wanted to let you know how much I love the birthday gift you got me! Thank you so much.
  • Your gift means so much to me, thank you for taking the time and effort to pick out such a perfect gift for me.
  • Thanks for making my birthday extra special with your generous gift.
  • It means so much that you thought of me on my birthday; thank you for your amazing gift.
  • I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the truly wonderful gift that you gave me for my birthday.
  • Your gift made me feel so loved on my special day. Thank you so much.
  • Celebrating my birthday with you was so much fun. Thanks so much for making my special day extra special.
  • Thanks for adding to the joy of my birthday celebration with your presence.
  • I was really happy that you could join me on my special day, it meant a lot to me.
  • Thanks for always being there for me, especially on my birthday.
  • I'm thankful that we got to spend time together on our birthday. I had a really good time catching up with you.
  • Thanks for coming to my birthday celebration. You were a lot of fun; everyone thought you had were funny and had great stories.
  • It was such a pleasure to see you on my birthday. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
  • Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to come out and celebrate my big day with me.
  • I'm so grateful that you could make it to my birthday celebration. I hope you had lots of fun.
  • Thank you for celebrating with me on my birthday; it means the world to me that you were there.
  • My birthday wouldn't have been the same without you there, thank you so much for making it out and for your lovely gift.
  • Thank you for making my birthday so amazing with your love, presence, and thoughtful gift.
  • Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me and for your wonderful gift.
  • Having friends like you makes getting older more bearable. Thank you for coming out and thank you for the your generous gift.
  • Thank you for blessing me with your presence and making my birthday extra special. Also, thank you for giving me such a great present.
  • I'm really glad that you were able to make it to my birthday celebration, it would not have been the same without you there. Thank you for your presence and lovely present.
  • Thank you for attending my birthday party. Your presence really made my day feel extra special. Thank you for the generous gift, I really appreciate it.
  • Thank you for making my birthday extra special with your loving gift, kind words, and warm presence.
  • Thank you for coming to my birthday party and making it the best birthday I ever had. I also really appreciate your generous gift, it was really thoughtful of you.
  • Though I'm thankful for the gift you gave me, the best gift was seeing you on my birthday.

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