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Republic Day Message

Messages 1 - 100

  • Happy Republic Day 2019! Let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Let us join hands to protect our nations from all the social evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Be proud that you are an Indian because lucky are those who are born in this great country. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • On this special day, Let’s promise our motherland that We will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would strive to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • It is the time to show our love toward our nation. Happy Republic Day 2019 to all my friends and people in association.
  • Happy Republic Day 2021! We shall never forget the freedom struggle of our brave hearts.
  • Freedom is indeed the most expensive as it came after the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Happy Republic Day 2021! Let’s recall the sacrifice of the true heroes of the nation.
  • Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom.
  • Let us take a pledge to not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • May we always have the freedom to choose, freedom to live, and freedom to dream. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts, let’s salute our nation on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Happy Republic Day 2021! Let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • May this Republic Day lend each and every heart great spirits and love for the country.
  • On this day let us make a promise to strive for justice, freedom and equal rights for every Indian and for peace and unity among all who are fortunate enough to live in this glorious nation. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021! Let us spend some time today in reflection of the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • You should be proud that you are an Indian because those who are born in this great country are truly blessed. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers, who's vigilance and sacrifice keeps us safe. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • On this special occasion, let us make a promise to our motherland that we will do all we can to enrich and preserve our heritage and our national ethos. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Let us join our hands and work together to protect our nations from all the social evils that are tarnishing it's greatness. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Our brave heroes waged a valiant struggle for years so that the future generations could live their lives with freedom and dignity. This is a day to celebrate them and what they fought for. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day!
  • On this special anniversary, let us make a promise tp our mother land that we will do all we can to enrich and preserve it's glorious heritage and make it even better. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • A thousand salutes to all in this great nation of ours. May we make it become even more prosperous and great. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom of thought, strength in our convictions and pride in our heritage. Let’s salute our brave martyrs on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day!
  • We are all 72 years old together as a nation, no matter the age of our bodies. And the power of unity is that we are celebrating the 72nd year of Republic Day together. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in this world." and those words are relevant even today. Be a Leader. Make the Difference. Wishing you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • The celebration of the 72nd Republic day is in our minds, may it strengthen our body, sharpen out mind and fill our souls. Let us all stand proud today and give respect to our nation on the Republic day. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us make a promise that we would not let the hard sacrifices of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would word hard to make our country the best in the world. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Indian, Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom was not won easy, it was at the cost of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so we should never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day!
  • May the brave leaders of our glorious nation guide us to peace and prosperity so that we can hold our heads high and be proud of our country. We salute the work they did for this country on this day. Wishing you a very Happy Republic day!
  • You should take pride that you live in a country that has such a diverse glorious history and rich heritage. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • You should always be proud that you are Indian because not everyone gets the honour and privilege of being born in this amazing country. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Today is the day to show the love we have toward our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021 to all my family, friends and people in association.
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Our nation is the greatest country in the world, but let that never stop us from striving to make it even better. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • A thousand salutes to this amazing nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • May you have joy to make you sweet, strife to make you strong, sadness to keep you human and hope to bring joy to our nation. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day 2021! On this day, let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • Never Forget The Hero’s Who Sacrificed Their Lives To Bring Up This Glorious Day To India, Happy Republic Day
  • I am proud to be an Indian and respect the culture of my country. Happy Republic Day
  • Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts, let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • A thousand salutes to the great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • We might not be the richest nation in the world, we might be deprived of the finances and the luxuries of this world, but my brothers and sisters let us maintain our peaceful coexistence and above all, the love for our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • As we march out in the spirit of brotherhood and nationhood, let us not forget to defend the colours of our flag with all we have. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let every teacher teach students how to love this nation, Let every parent instil in his or her sons and daughters the beauty of our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Today is the day when everyone – young or old, tall or short, light skin or dark must come together to show the whole world that this nation is the best nation under the sun. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • May you have joy to make you sweet, strife to make you strong, sadness to keep you human and hope to bring joy to our nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day!
  • I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021! Let us spend some time today in the reflection of the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • On this special anniversary, let us make a promise to our motherland that we will do all we can to enrich and preserve its glorious heritage and make it even better. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • A thousand salutes to all in this great nation of ours. May we make it even more prosperous and great. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • The celebration of the 72nd Republic day is in our minds, may it strengthen our body, sharpen our mind and fill our souls. Let us all stand proud today and give respect to our nation on the Republic day. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us make a promise that we would not let the hard sacrifices of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would work hard to make our country the best in the world. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Happy republic day! If you want to celebrate the day in a true sense, respect everything that you have today!
  • Republic day is the day when we got freedom in the true sense. Always remember this day and pass on its significance to the next generation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Warm wishes for the republic day. Celebrate the day with fun, but don’t forget to pay tribute to our national heroes.
  • Sacrificing life for the nation is laudable. We all should respect and pay tribute to our real heroes. Happy Republic Day!
  • A nation is made perfect by its system, government or authority but a nation can be made perfect by their citizens and culture. Happy Republic Day
  • Our nation won’t look up to other nations to become like that one rather our nation would be one to set examples for others. Happy Republic Day!
  • We salute the tri color flag and people, citizens and army who keep safe the flag and pride of our Nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Wishing Republic Day to all the republicans of the country. Let’s make our nation proud with integrity and togetherness. Jain Hind!
  • We all are 71 year old together; the youth and the elders. And the power of unity is that we are celebrating 71st year of republic day together. Happy Republic Day!
  • No terrorist can apart us, but only we can. Let’s pledge this year to stay strong and united as one. Happy Republic Day!
  • To the 71 year old constitution, we request changes and a more powerful Indian constitution. Happy republic day!
  • To the heroes of the Nation, To the people of the nation. Happy 71st Republic Day!
  • Be proud that you live in a country that has such a rich history and heritage. Happy Republic Day!
  • I am so lucky to have been born an Indian and to have an opportunity to live in this great land. Happy Republic Day!
  • After many years of slavery, we finally got our independence because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day!
  • Always be proud that you are Indian because not everyone gets the privilege of being born in this great nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Everyone who is born in this great land has only one identity - we are all Indians. Happy Republic Day!
  • Today we are a great Republic. This would not have been possible if our freedom fighters had not made numerous sacrifices for the independence of the country. Always honour them. Happy Republic Day!
  • The world will respect us only if we keep our heads high and take pride in the fact that we are Indians. Happy Republic Day!
  • We would have never known what freedom is had it not been for the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us make a pledge to our motherland that we will do everything that we can to rid it of all the evils. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our nation is the greatest in the world, but let us strive to make it even better. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our freedom was taken away from us, but because of the valiant struggles of our freedom fighters we got it back. Always cherish your independence. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day!
  • Be proud of your country, its history and heritage. Happy Republic Day!
  • We did not get our freedom in a flash but it took many decades and numerous struggles of our freedom fighters for the attainment of independence. Let us remember their sacrifices. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us join hands to protect our nations from all the social evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day!
  • Have lots of fun and enjoy your freedom, but also spare a thought for the numerous sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our heroes waged a valiant struggle so that the future generations could their lives with dignity. Happy Republic Day!
  • Be proud that you are an Indian because lucky are those who are born in this great country. Happy Republic Day!
  • Never forget the sacrifices of our great freedom fighters. Follow in their footsteps and strive to make your country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom has not come easy. It is because of the sacrifices of ur freedom fighters that we are free. Let us cherish our independence. Happy Republic Day!
  • As we celebrate our independence, let us also free or minds from negative thoughts. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us take a pledge to save the environment and keep the country clean. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us bow our heads in gratitude and resect for the numerous sacrifices our freedom fighters made for us.
  • Let's take time to remember the glory of the country and feel proud of its rich heritage. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us do away with procrastination and start working for the development of the country. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our valiant freedom fighters got us independence; it is now our turn to safeguard the freedom of the country. Happy Republic Day!

Messages 101 - 200

  • Our freedom fighters made numerous sacrifices for the independence of the country. Let us honor them by working hard for the betterment of our nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our freedom fighters gave us the gift of independence from colonial rule, it is now our turn to give the future generations the gift of a strong and corruption free India. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy republic day! Today the constitution was India was made and we got independence in true sense. Don’t celebrate, but respect the day.
  • Happy republic day! Today is the national holiday, don’t plan the beer party. Let’s do something for nation.
  • Our nation still needs heroes like Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar. Let’s live and act like them atleast on Republic Day.
  • Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would strive to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let’s salute the men and women who gave s our precious freedom. Happy Republic Day!
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and remember the supreme sacrifices of the freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy republic day! Let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom.
  • Happy republic day! This freedom is not cheap. People of every family had sacrificed a lot for this. Respect it by heart.
  • The republic day is not for celebration, it is for realization. The realization of the true meaning of independence.
  • Happy republic day to people who are Indians by heart. No matter, Hindu, Muslim, Christan or Sikh
  • We celebrate republic day in school and colleges unitedly. Don’t let the word religion divide us ever. Happy republic day.
  • Let’s make Independence day and Republic day the biggest festival of India for every religion and caste. Happy republic day!
  • Make this republic day the biggest festival of India. Let’s get united to celebrate it and drench in color of patriotism.
  • India is a country of religions and caste. But, respect and celebration is in every heart. Happy republic day!
  • India is the place of lovely people, enchanting beaches. There is no place of hate, let’s not forget. Happy republic day.
  • Our identity should be an Indian and not any caste or religion. Be a proud Indian. Happy republic day.
  • We are one of the biggest nation in the World. Let’s celebrate the 26 January with same euphoria.
  • I am proud that I am born in India, the heaven on earth. Happy republic day to all of you.
  • Republic day is the day to show respect and love to all those who had scarified something for this independence.
  • It is the time to show our love toward our nation. Happy republic day to all my friends and people in association.
  • No country is perfect, it’s citizens make it perfect. Our country needs citizens like Gandhi, Bose, Bhagat once again.
  • Happy republic day! Be proud we live in a country that gives us so much freedom, safety and liberty.
  • Three rounds of applaud for India Hip hip Hurry! Hip Hip Hurry! Hip Hip Hurry! Happy republic day.
  • Happy republic day. Let’s be united by heart and soul. Don’t ever allow anyone to break us. We will be called independent only then.
  • Our nation has cultural and religious diversity, its good. But, diversity should be replaced with disaster ever. Stay united HRD.
  • We are still not independent in the true sense. Let’s make it happen by lifting ourself above caste, religion and language.
  • Happy republic day to all my dear friends. I am proud that I am an Indian, are you?
  • Being an Indian is a proud feeling, let’s not hide it, show this to everyone. Come out and devote some time for the nation.
  • This is the day recall the patriotism of our national heroes who had gifted this independence to us. Happy republic day.
  • If you think India is a bad country, think about those countries where there is no democracy. You’ ill start loving India. HRD.
  • Let’s be united and show to people that no one can break the unity of India. Be proud, be Indian. Happy republic day.
  • Happy republic day! Today is our national holiday, let’s celebrate it differently by devoting some time for nation building.
  • Instead of watching 26 January pared, I have decided to take part in cleanings drive. What abt u? Happy republic day.
  • You have no rights to say India is a bad country, until ur doing something to make it better. Happy republic day.
  • Have a wonderful republic day. Celebrate the day educating your children the history of Indian independence and our national heroes.
  • Happy republic day to all my dear friends who are Indian by heart and soul.
  • Great republic day wishes to dear friends. Let’s celebrate the day with zeal and enthusiasm. It is our biggest festival.
  • Happy republic day! I’m celebrating the day devoting some time in cleaning my surrounding. Plz come and join me in this drive.
  • Instead of sitting in-front of the TV, I will show my nation love by doing something. Are you? Happy republic day.
  • Happy republic day, dear friends! Have a grt day. Let’s make our school memories real participating in the children’s school program.
  • Lots of wishes for republic day. Have a wonderful year ahead. Let’s not forget to show respect to our national heroes.
  • Remember! if Gandhi, Bhagat, Shukhdeve, Bose and many others would have thought the same way we do today, we had not got this independence.
  • Happy republic day, let’s make this day special by doing some special things, instead of wasting our time.
  • Let’s salute our nation on the republic day for everything that has given to us. Happy republic day.
  • Happy republic day! I’m an Indian, not Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Chiristan and I love my country.
  • I am proud that I am an Indian. The country that has given me rights of freedom of expression
  • We live in a land that welcomes everything except the hatred and I am proud of this fact. Happy republic day
  • Happy republic day! My patriotism for my nation is eternal , still I express it on occasions.
  • I am Indian by heart and soul and I know the meaning of Independence very well. Happy republic day.
  • Either it is Holi, Diwali or Eid, Muharam. Being an Indian, I celebrate all festival with the same enthusiasm. HRD.
  • Happy republic day! Wishing you India, you have a great future and enjoy your everlasting independence.
  • Today we are free because of the hardships faced by our freedom fighters. Let us salute them. Happy Republic Day!
  • It is time for all of us to unite and rid our country of all the evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let’s remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives so that we could breath the fresh air of freedom. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us pay homage all those who fought for the freedom of the country by following in their footsteps and making our nation the best in the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us honour our heroes by working for the betterment of the nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us work together to rid our lovely nation of vices like corruption and nepotism. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy independence day, wish you a great day and a prosperous year. I love my country.
  • Changing status to Happy republic day is not just a formality, but a deep feeling of patriotism.
  • On this day, let’s promise that we will enrich and preserve our heritage, our ethos, and our treasure. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us celebrate Republic Day by thanking those who sacrificed lives for us. Happy Republic Day
  • Independence is a wonderful gift from God. May our nation remain independent and prosperous forever. Happy Republic Day!
  • Today is the day to show the love we have toward our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021 to all my family, friends and people in the association.
  • Our brave heroes waged a valiant struggle for years so that future generations could live their lives with freedom and dignity. This is a day to celebrate them and what they fought for. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day India! No matter where I am… You will always be my identity.
  • Freedom in mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls. Let’s salute the Nation on Republic Day.
  • Freedom in mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls. Let’s salute the Nation on Republic DayFreedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts. Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us make a promise that we would not let the hard sacrifices of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would word hard to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • May the brave leaders of our glorious nation guide us to peace and prosperity so that we can hold our heads high and be proud of our country. We salute the work they did for this country on this day. Happy Republic Day!
  • On this special day, Let’s promise our motherland that We will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Take pride that you live in a country that has such a diverse glorious history and rich heritage. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Let us join hands to protect our nations from all the social evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Be proud that you are an Indian because lucky are those who are born in this great country. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • On this special day, Let’s promise our motherland that We will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day 2019.
  • Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would strive to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day 2019!
  • It is the time to show our love toward our nation. Happy Republic Day 2019 to all my friends and people in association.
  • Freedom in Mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls, Let's salute the Nation on Republic Day
  • India has no dearth of brave young men and women and if they get the opportunity and help then we can compete with other nations in space exploration and one of them will fulfil her dreams.
  • Our ancestors gave us a glorious past, we need to create the future. This Republic Day, lead the change and become a real Indian. Jai Hind.
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Happy Republic Day.
  • Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high...Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. Happy Republic Day.
  • On this special day, let's promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve the heritage of our ethos and our treasure.
  • Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls and zeal in our hearts, let's salute our India on Republic Day.
  • Let us pray for the prosperity and unity of our country on this Republic Day. As we remember those who fought to give us freedom. Vande Matram
  • One nation, one vision, one identity. No nation is perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let every teacher teach the student how to love this nation/ Let every parent instil in his or her sons and daughters the beauty of our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Let us join hands to protect our nations from all the social evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Be proud that you are an Indian because lucky are those who are born in this great country. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would strive to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom Is Nothing But A Chance To Be Better. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let Freedom Never Perish In Your Hands. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Happy Republic Day
  • As We Match Out In The Spirit Of Brotherhood And Nationhood, Let Us Not Forget To Defend The Colors Of Our Flag With All We Have. Happy Republic Day!

Messages 201 - 300

  • Let every citizen, From the east where the sun rises, The west where it sets, North and south where It has no footprints come together And pay tribute to our national heroes. Wish You Happy Republic Day
  • If not other than our common ground to meet, let me remember the anonymous, for once at least, beyond the patriotic floats display on a Republic Day."
  • Have lots of fun and enjoy your freedom, but also spare a thought for the numerous sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day.
  • India is the song we must sing. India is the dream we must realize. Happy Republic Day.
  • This year, let’s pledge to keep the country clean and people safe. Happy Republic Day!
  • Rocky terrains, mesmerizing hills, enchanting beaches, enthralling deserts, pristine backwaters and wonderful people. India as we know it! Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us bow our heads in gratitude and resect for the numerous sacrifices our freedom fighters made for us. Vande Mataram!
  • With freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts, let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Freedom In The Mind, Strength In The Words, Pureness In Our Blood, Pride In Our Souls, Zeal In Our Hearts, Let’s Salute Our India On Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021
  • Let Every Teacher Teach The Student How To Love This Nation, Let Every Parent Instill In His Or Her Sons And Daughters The Beauty Of Our Nation. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom in mind, Faith in our hearts, Memories in our souls. Let’s salute the Nation on Republic Day.
  • On this special day (26 January) let’s promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve the heritage of our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day.
  • When They Resisted The Booming And Shelling Of The Colonial Guns, Our Founder Fathers Wanted Nothing But Sovereignty For This Nation, Let Us Always Defend This Gift From Our Predecessors. Happy Republic Day!
  • Never Forget the Heroes Who Sacrificed Their Lives To Bring Up This Glorious Day To India, Happy Republic Day.
  • On this day, think of our past and try to build a better future for all of us. It is a duty of all of us! I am proud to be an Indian. Happy Republic Day!!!
  • All May there be Peace and Prosperity and may we rejoice In the blessings that Our Country Has given us. Happy Republic Day Wishes to All!
  • We are Indians, firstly and lastly Happy Republic Day.
  • Turn your wounds into wisdom. Happy Republic Day
  • You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.
  • Never Forget The Hero’s Who Sacrificed Their Lives To Bring Up This Glorious Day To India, Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Happy Republic Day 2021
  • Feel The Freedom. Happy Republic Day.
  • Never forget those why have fight for this day. Happy Republic Day.
  • I am proud to be an Indian and respect the culture of my country. Happy Republic Day.
  • Raise your hand If You’re Proud To Be A Indian. Happy reppublic Day.
  • India Is Great; India Is Grand, Where We Celebrate Republic Day.
  • May The Glory Of Republic Day Be With You Forever.
  • One Nation, One Vision, One Identity No Nation is Perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Meri Pehchaan Mera India. Happy Republic Day.
  • Some like Sunday, Some like Monday, But I like One Day And that is Republic Day.
  • As We Match Out In The Spirit Of Brotherhood And Nationhood, Let Us Not Forget To Defend The Colors Of Our Flag With All We Have. Happy Republic Day!
  • On this special day, Lets promise our motherland that We will do everything To enrich and preserve our heritage Our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let every citizen, From the east where the sun rises, The west where it sets, North and south where It has no footprints come together And pay tribute to our national heroes.Wish You Happy Republic Day
  • Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom To live independently in our country Cheerfully, helpfully, hopefully, peacefully By remembering our national heroes Who gave us freedom After suffering years of pain & humiliation. Happy Indian Republic Day.
  • Lets celebrate and salute the noble cause, Its our nation which is shining as it was, Its REPUBLIC DAY Today…
  • If not other than our common ground to meet,
  • let me remember the anonymous, for once at least, beyond the patriotic floats display on a Republic Day.
  • The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems. Happy Republic Day
  • Freedom in mind, Faith in words, Pride in our heart, Memories in our souls, Let’s salute the Nation on REPUBLIC DAY.
  • Independence Is Always A Wonderful Gift From God. May This Wonderful Nation Remain Independence Forever! Happy Republic Day To You!
  • Let Every Teacher Teach, The Student How To Love This Nation, Let Every Parent Instill In His Or Her Sons And Daughters, The Beauty Of Our Nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us pledge as the citizens of India that we will work for the brighter future of our country, we will work together to fight against illiteracy and terrorism to make our nation a happy, progressive and harmonious country…. Wishing you a very Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us celebrate the occasion of 26th January by remembering the sacrifices of the national heroes and soldiers who gave their lives for our safety, for our nation and let us promise to make their souls feel proud of us by making India a better nation…. Happy Republic Day.
  • India is a land of diversity and Republic Day is the celebration of harmony, synergy and synthesis of different cultures and customs…. Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Republic Day… May our nation is blessed with peace and harmony.
  • Today is the day to salute our country…. The day to honor our fighters… The day to make promise to ourselves to work for the success and growth of our nation, to make India a happier nation…. With such thoughts, I wish you a very Happy Republic Day my friend.
  • Let us promise our Motherland that we will put in our heart and soul to preserve our culture, heritage and morals and enrich them for our generations to come… May our country and its rich heritage live forever…. Warm wishes to you on the occasion of Republic Day!!!
  • We are a country of diversity strongly connected with our nationality. Wishing you a wonderful Happy Republic Day 2021. Let us make us country proud with our good deeds.
  • Being the youth of our country, let us pledge to keep it protected, let us promise to work for its growth and development. Happy Republic Day 2021. Jai Hind.
  • Think of our past and promise you can build a better future for all. This day brought smiles to everyone’s face a long year ago and our task is to broaden that happiness in the coming years. Wish you a Happy Republic Day.
  • Scarifies of the past made possible to live a beautiful life for us. Salute those noble sacrifices on this eve of the Republic Day and make chance for you to enjoy the peace of sacrifice.
  • Go with your honesty and always fight against the corruption. Do not bother with what others are doing, if you are dedicated to your work and nothing can stop you to make a perfect nation.
  • Republic Day is a celebration of unity and it urges everyone to spread the harmony all over the county. No caste, no creed, rather it is the joy of humanity.
  • Make your county such a place where the mind can stay without fear. Feel the freedom and break all superstitions and customs that push you back on this Republic Day.
  • Win hate with love and spread peace all over the nation. Empower your people and lead them towards a happy life. Happy Republic Day.
  • On this day, promise your motherland that you preserve its all happy moments and protect it from any odds. Wish your nation a Happy Republic Day.
  • Martyrs had surrendered their life to bring democracy in our nation. Now, it is our turn to keep their gift shining forever.
  • Thank your mother land for giving you the freedom of speech and expression. Make it your weapon to fight against all wrongs in this nation.
  • We can make a perfect country and can overcome any obstacles in our way. Raise your voice against any kind of injustice and let everyone know you are free.
  • Republic Day reminds every Indian that we have the responsibility of making our country a prospering one.
  • A very Happy Republic Day to everyone. This day is a special one for every Indian because it celebrates our feeling of being Indian.
  • We are a one nation with one vision and one inspiration. Wishing everyone a very Happy Republic Day.
  • Warm wishes on Republic Day to everyone. If you ever think that what’s good about being Indian, watch the parade and celebrations and you would know.
  • On the occasion of Republic Day, I extend warm wishes to you and your loved ones. May our country keep moving ahead on the path of progress and glory.
  • Seeing the strength and power of India on the occasion of Republic Day fills every heart with great zeal and emotions. Happy Republic Day to all.
  • Let us celebrate the occasion of Republic Day by thanking all those because of whom this day is possible for us. Warm greetings on Republic Day.
  • May the high spirits and bright celebrations of Republic Day continue to inspire the Indian inside us. Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to all.
  • On the occasion of Republic Day, I extend my warm wishes to everyone. Let us make this day a memorable one in every respect.
  • Salam hai Indian Army ko jo har paristithi mein, har mushkil mein, har Mausam mein tenaat rehti hai apne desh ko dushman se bacha kar rakhne mein…. Happy Republic Day.
  • Republic Day ke paavan parv par hardik shubh kamnayein Indian Army ko jo apni mehnat aur shraddha se humare desh ko surakshit rakhti hai.
  • Republic Day reminds us that we are fortunate to be born in an independent country and we must value it.
  • Let the spirit of Republic Day spread across the year…. Let us have the feeling of patriotism infused in each and every day of our life.
  • We are truly blessed to be born in a country like India which is so rich in heritage and culture. Warm wishes on Republic Day.
  • The best way to celebrate Republic Day is by taking the oath that we will always follow our constitution and make India proud. Happy Republic Day.
  • On the occasion of 26th January, I extend my warm wishes to you. May this special occasion fill our hearts with more and more love for India. Happy Republic Day.
  • Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to everyone. We must always take pride in calling ourselves Indian because we have no idea how blessed we are.
  • Extending warm greetings on Republic Day to everyone. It is certainly a day to celebrate as Indian constitution was implemented on this day.
  • As an Indian, we can never forget the importance of Indian Republic Day as this day brought us all together as one big nation. Happy Republic Day to all.
  • May the colors of patriotism and respect for our country get deeper and deeper as we celebrate this day. A very Happy Republic Day to all.
  • On the occasion of Republic Day, we must recall the sacrifices of all those who sacrificed their lives for the country. Happy Republic Day.
  • Republic Day gives all of us a chance to thank our Indian soldiers who are always guarding us with their heart and soul.
  • Warm wishes on Republic Day to all the Indian soldiers and a big thank you for being there for us and for our nation.
  • Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to everyone. Let us celebrate this day with high spirits and enthusiasm.
  • Always be proud of your nation, your identity, your culture and your history. Warm wishes on Republic Day to you.
  • Today is the celebration of unity and celebration of integrity. Wishing everyone a blessed and memorable Republic Day.
  • On the occasion of Republic Day, let us pray for the growth and prosperity of our country. Warm wishes on Republic Day.
  • Republic Day is the day to remember our martyrs and our soldiers who are there for us always. Warm wishes on Republic Day you my dear.
  • Let us rejoice this day of glory and let us not forget how grateful we are to be born in this country. A very Happy Indian Republic Day.
  • Let us take a pledge on the occasion of Republic Day to celebrate this day with high spirits, great enthusiasm and lots of joy.
  • May India always hold a special place on the map of the world. May we have a special and wonderful Republic Day.
  • Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to all. Let us thank our soldiers and remember them for all their courage and dedication.
  • Let us do all that we can to honour our motherland and to bring it glory and goodness. Warm wishes on Republic Day.
  • Wishing you a very Happy Republic Day full of love for nation and inspiration for the people of nation.
  • May the positivity of Republic Day inspire us to be more responsible citizens of our country and motivate us to do things that keep our nation ahead.
  • Today Is The Day When Everyone Young Or Old, Tall Or Short, Light Skin Or Dark Must Come Together To Show The Whole World That This Nation Is The Best Nation Under The Sun. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let’s pledge to our motherland that we will do everything that we can to rid it of all the evils. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our freedom was taken away from us, but through the valiant struggles of our freedom fighters we got it back. Let’s always cherish our independence. Happy Republic Day!
  • Our valiant freedom fighters got us this independence; it is now our turn to safeguard the freedom of the country. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our motherland on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • Let us take a pledge that we would not let the efforts of our brave freedom fighters go in vain. We would strive to make our country the best in the world. Happy Republic Day 2021
  • Whether you be young or old, tall or short, light skin or dark skin, we all must come together to show the whole world that this nation is the best under the sun! Happy Republic Day to you and your loved ones!
  • Be proud to be a part of the country that has such a rich history and heritage. Happy Republic Day!

Messages 301 - 400

  • It's 26th January today, The historical day to remember our national heroes and freedom fighters, who suffered to give us a republic nation.
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our India on Republic Day.
  • Let every teacher teach their student how to love this nation. Let every parent instill in his or her daughters the beauty of our nation.
  • Today, let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India.
  • Everyone who is born in this great land has only one identity- we are all Indians.
  • We did not get our freedom in flash, but it took many decades and numerous struggles of our freedom fighters for the attainment of independence. Let us remember their sacrifices. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us make a pledge to our motherland that we will do everything that we can to rid it of all the evils. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Hope peace reigns in your part of the world today and every day. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom In The Mind, Strength In The Words, Pureness In Our Blood, Pride In Our Souls, Zeal In Our Hearts, Let’s Salute Our India On Republic Day. Happy Republic Day!
  • We Might Not Be The Richest Nation In The World, We Might Be Deprived Of The Finances And The Luxuries Of This World, But My Brothers And Sister Let Us Maintain Our Peaceful Coexistence And Above All Love For Our Nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • Wisdom – comes not from age, but from education and learning. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let Every Teacher Teach The Student How To Love This Nation, Let Every Parent Instill In His Or Her Sons And Daughters The Beauty Of Our Nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • If not other than our common ground to meet, let me remember the anonymous, for once at least, beyond the patriotic floats display on a Republic Day.
  • We Salute the Brave Souls of India Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu, and Rabindranath Tagore on This Republic Day!
  • On this day let us make a pledge to struggle for justice, freedom, and equal rights for every citizen for peace and unity among all the citizens of this nation. Wish you a Happy Republic Day.
  • Our heroes waged a valiant struggle so that future generations could live their lives with dignity. This is a day to celebrate. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day!
  • Wish you a very happy republic day. May you always be free and sound.
  • May Republic Day infuse each and every heart with great spirits and love for the country. Best wishes to the country and you on this special occasion.
  • On the glorious occasion of Republic Day, let us all promise ourselves to always be responsible and promising citizens of our nation.
  • Be proud of your country, its history, and heritage. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Be grateful to those who bring this freedom to you, sacrificing everything. Happy republic day.
  • Republic day is the time to remember all the real heroes of the country who never thought about themselves own self but for the country and its betterment. Happy republic day.
  • To the heroes of the nation, we salute you with a proud heart. Happy Republic Day, everyone.
  • Let’s promise to protect this freedom with our everything. I hope you are having a wonderful republic day today.
  • Let’s take the moment of pride in the real heroes of our country and salute them on this special occasion of Republic Day. Remember the sacrifices our leaders made to get independence for our country.
  • I wish for a nation where the women get equally treated and the nation with zero crime rates. I wish for peace and harmony. Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to everyone celebrating.
  • I wish for a nation where the women get equally treated and the nation with zero crime rates. I wish for peace and harmony. Wishing a very Happy Republic Day to everyone celebrating.Be proud of your country, its history, and heritage. Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • Freedom never came easy; our heroes waged a valiant struggle so that future generations could their lives with dignity. A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours.
  • May all live in peace and harmony and prosper together. Happy Republic day 2021.
  • Feel the freedom in the air. A very happy republic day to everybody.
  • This freedom gives us everything, but the best thing it has given to us is a chance to get better. Happy Republic Day.
  • Wising a very happy republic day to every proud republic in this country. Salute you big with my proud heart.
  • Be proud to be born in this great land and for being a citizen of this glorified land. I wish you all a very meaningful republic day this year.
  • On this republic day, sprinkle kindness because it is free. Have a delightful one, everybody.
  • As the youth of India, we should take the pledge that till our last breath we will fight terrorism, gender discrimination and everything that holds any nation down. Happy Republic Day, everyone.
  • India is a country of diversity bonded by love and affection. On the auspicious occasion of Republic Day, let us come together to celebrate this day with respect and love for each other.
  • Feel the freedom in the air, smell the finest smell of it through your soul and protect it with your everything. A very happy republic day to you all.
  • Happy Republic Day dear fellow Indians. The country is our pride. May it live a hundred and thousands year long. Let’s vow to respect and care for each other once again.
  • Happy Republic Day. May we take India’s name to greater places than the past and build the very best nation for our future generation. Best wishes for the country.
  • As our ancestors gave us a glorious past and a beautiful nation – it is our fast and foremost duty to create a better future and greener one. Happy Republic Day, everyone.
  • Every day waking up in a peaceful nation is something that cannot be gained easily so let’s take out our moments to praise God and salute to the ones who made it possible. Happy Republic Day.
  • Today we are a free country because we are a land of brave souls who never surrendered to the wrong and always fought for the right. May we all come together to make our nation a brighter and a happier country.
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers. May the nation become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day! May God bless our nation.
  • Proud to share this country with you like my heart. Happy Republic Day.
  • Thanks to you for never make me feel like a bird in a cage. Happy Republic Day.
  • I love how we understand each other and ready to give space whenever one needs it. Have a beautiful republic day.
  • I am as proud to be working under you as I am a citizen of this country. Happy Republic Day.
  • You have given us enough freedom to flourish ourselves in this professional world. Thank you. Happy Republic Day.
  • Only a great Boss like you can make us feel free even though we had this much pressure of works. Have a meaningful republic day.
  • May the spirit of republic day stay with us forever. May we keep this with us even in our professional life. Happy Republic Day.
  • Let’s salute our India on this Republic Day and take pride in being an Indian. Happy Republic Day!
  • May our country be more prosperous and stronger. Happy Republic Day to everyone.
  • Happy Republic Day to every Indian. Let’s recall the brave heroes of our country on this day, who sacrificed their lives to save the nation.
  • On this day, let’s remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be an India. Happy Republic Day to everyone!
  • Freedom in mind, faith in hearts and memories in the soul, let’s salute our nation on this Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day to all Indians! Let’s salute our nation and honour the Constitution of India.
  • On this Republic Day, take an oath to never forget the heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to protect the country.
  • Think about the past, and try to make a better future for all of us. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day to everyone. May there be peace and prosperity in our country always. Jai Hind!
  • One Nation, One Vision, One Identity, No Nation is Perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Meri Pehchan Mera India. HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY.
  • Today the constitution was India was made and we got independence in the true sense. Don’t celebrate, but respect the day. Happy Republic Day!
  • We the youth of India should take the pledge that till our last breath we will fight terrorism, we will protect our mother INDIA with all we have — JAI HIND!! Happy Republic Day.
  • Let’s honor those who have made us proud and celebrate the spirit of a free nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • We The Youth Of India Should Take, The Pledge That Till Our Last Breath We Will Fight Terrorism, We Will Protect Our Mother INDIA With All We Have, JAI HIND!! Happy Republic Day.
  • Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our hearts And Memories in our souls, Lets salute, The Nation on Republic Day.
  • Other might have forgotten, But never can I The flag of my country furls very high. Happy Republic day.
  • Happy Republic Day to you! May your day be an exciting one filled with merrymaking.
  • Today is the day to cherish this great nation and feel so proud to be part of it. Wishing you a glorious Republic Day.
  • May peace and happiness be abundant throughout every corner of the nation and may these precious gifts last forever as we commemorate Republic Day today.
  • Being part of such an amazing nation like this is a great blessing and something we should all treasure. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day to you! As we mark this special moment in our history, it is my greatest wish that peace, joy, and success will forever surround this great land of ours.
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our great country on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2021.
  • We shall be successful as a country if we unite and work together towards one common goal – putting India first. Have a peaceful and lovely 26th Jan
  • Celebration of Unity! Celebration of Freedom! Celebration of Pride! Wishing you a Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us bow our heads in gratitude and respect for the numerous struggles of our freedom fighters for the attainment of independence. Let us remember their sacrifices. Happy Republic Day!
  • Recalling and rejoicing in the victory of our freedom fighters on this Republic Day!
  • Rejoice in the glory of india and it’s freedom fighters on this Republic Day. We wish you all a Happy Republic Day
  • Let us pray for the prosperity and unity of our country on this Republic Day as, we remember those who fought to give us the freedom. Happy Republic Day.
  • Bring forth a new hope to make our today and tomorrows cheerful and full of positivity. Happy Republic Day.
  • This Republic Day let’s also take time to pray for the martyrs. Happy Republic Day!
  • Never forget the people who sacrificed their everything to bring glory to India. Happy Republic Day!
  • The change you want to see in the country is going to begin with you. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let’s spread the message which the tricolor gives. Let’s spread peace, humanity, and prosperity among the people. Happy Republic Day!
  • Don’t just wish but also spread the words of freedom fighters today. Happy Republic Day!
  • May India always hold a prestigious position on the map of the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • May we always choose freedom to live pecefully over everything. May we always make our country proud. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let’s promise to preserve the heritage of our motherland forever. Happy Republic Day!
  • This Republic Day let’s wish for a safe and happy life of all citizens. Happy Republic Day!
  • Recalling and Rejoicing In the Victory of Our Freedom Fighters on This 72nd Republic Day Best Wishes to All Happy Republic Day
  • On this day. Let’s take oath To build up our nation to be the best in the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us not allow the world to take our culture and civility as our weakness. Happy Republic Day.
  • Make in India is ensuring Making of India. A New India is Happening. Happy Republic Day.
  • May all live in peace and harmony and prosper together. Happy Republic day.
  • Bring forth a new hope to make our today and tomorrows cheerful and full of positivity. Happy Republic Day
  • Rejoice in the glory of the nation and do not forget to thank the soldiers. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let's promise to preserve the heritage of our motherland forever. Happy Republic Day!
  • Recalling and Rejoicing, In the Victory of Our Freedom Fighters, on This 71st Republic Day, Best Wishes to All Happy Republic Day
  • We cheat, we evade and still call India great. Seriously? Let us truly make India happen.
  • May our actions demonstrate our love for the nation. Happy Republic Day.
  • India and diversity go hand in hand. Happy Republic Day.

Messages 401 - 500

  • Let us fuel our desire to win, let us energise every part of our country. Happy Republic Day.
  • We are winning the war on corruption and nepotism - Happy Republic Day.
  • It's about our people and our world. Happy Republic Day.
  • One Constitution, One Nation, One People - Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us come together to felicitate our glorious nation and feel proud to be Indian! Wish you a Happy Republic day!
  • Let's bow our heads and fold our arms and respect the great freedom fighters who earned us the precious gift of independence. Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic Day! May the God shower His choicest blessings upon this great nation!
  • Sweetness of Bengal, colors of Gujarat, beauty of Kashmir, and the culture of Kerala. This is one nation that is great from north to south and from east to west! Let's salute the nation on Republic Day.
  • Let's celebrate Republic Day and honor the brave hearts who gifted us a free India. Happy Republic Day
  • Let the spirit of freedom... soar up high today... Happy Republic Day
  • Let us come together to felicitate our glorious nation and feel proud to be an Indian wish you a Happy Republic Day
  • Let us work together for one nation, one vision and one goal. Happy Republic Day!
  • A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day 2020!
  • Rejoice in the glory of india and it's freedom fighters on this Republic Day. We wish you all a Happy Republic Day
  • This Republic Day let's also take time to pray for the martyrs. Happy Republic Day!
  • No nation is perfect, it is us who can make it a prosperous one. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let's spread the message which the tricolor gives. Let's spread peace, humanity, and prosperity among the people. Happy Republic Day!
  • Don't just wish but also spread the words of freedom fighters today. Happy Republic Day!
  • Never forget the supreme sacrifices of soldiers who died for the welfare of the nation. Happy Republic Day!
  • It's time we invest in soul connect with our nation - Happy Republic Day.
  • North, South, East, West and North East - India is the best. Happy Republic Day.
  • India is enough to make this world a better place. Let's do it! Happy Republic Day.
  • Let us make India happen at the speed of thought - Happy Republic Day.
  • We are a world-class republic, it is time to deliver a world-class performance. Happy Republic Day.
  • India has been built to last, we have to move it from 'arriving' to 'Have Arrived'. Happy Republic Day.
  • Be the Leader. Make the Difference. Happy Republic Day.
  • Our soldiers are awesome; we salute their bravery, comradery and love for India. - Happy Republic Day.
  • India has an edge over other countries, now is the time to further sharpen it. Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom of mind, Freedom of faith, Freedom to dream. Let’s be proud this Republic Day!
  • Let us come together to celebrate the making of India. Happy 26th January!
  • This Republic Day let's make a promise that no one stays hungry, uneducated and without health services.
  • Let's not forget that it has cost us three hundred years of struggle to earn freedom. It is time to rise and stand for our beliefs.
  • Lets forget all our differences and rifts. It's time to come together to celebrate the Republic Day.
  • Let's admire the heroes who were determined to give us a republic India, Hope you too achieve everything with courage and faith in yourself. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let's honor those who have made us proud. and celebrate the spirit of a free India. Happy Republic Day
  • May our India be successful and prosperous today and always Happy Republic Day
  • Celebrating the spirit of India feeling joy & pride... of being an Indian... sending you my warm wishes for A Happy Republic Day
  • We are the proud sons of the nation that has taught the world the lessons of righteousness, non-violence and courage.
  • We are proud Indians. Happy Republic Day! Let's congratulate ourselves for being a part of this great nation.
  • On this Republic Day, wish you all a better tomorrow and a greater nation.
  • Let's take an oath on this Republic day that we will all work together towards a better tomorrow. Jai Hind! Happy Republic Day!
  • My India, My pride Vande Mataram! Happy Republic day!
  • A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic day.
  • Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, Let’s salute our great country on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day 2020.
  • Let us bow our heads in gratitude and respect for the numerous struggles of our freedom fighters for the attainment of independence.
  • Let us remember their sacrifices. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us pray for the prosperity and unity of our country on this Republic Day as, we remember those who fought to give us the freedom. Vande Mataram! Happy Republic Day!
  • One nation, one vision, One identity No nation is perfect it needs to be made perfect. Meri pehchaan mera India Happy Republic Day!
  • This year, let's pledge to keep the country clean and people safe. Happy Republic Day!
  • Saluting the legends who kept the country before self. Happy Republic Day!
  • This Republic Day let's wish for a safe and happy life of all citizens. Happy Republic Day!
  • Never Forget The Hero's Who Sacrificed Their Lives To Bring Up This Glorious Day To India, Happy Republic Day.
  • We the people. We are India! Happy Republic Day.
  • India, the land which invented Zero is now much respected for inventing 'Jugaad'. Time to celebrate India.
  • On this day. Let's take oath... To build up our nation to be the best in the world. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us celebrate the glory of our nation, and share the pride of being an Indian. Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us put our hands together, let us celebrate our constitution - Happy Republic Day.
  • Our constitution rocks, may we never abuse it. - Happy Republic Day.
  • India is mine, I am India's. Happy Republic Day.
  • Best wishes for the Republic Day! May you become one of the greatest sons of this soil!
  • Let's salute the sacrifices made by our hero and celebrate the glory of our nation on Republic day.
  • Never let us forget never let us be shy, Let’s make the flag of the nation fly very high. Happy Republic Day!
  • May our country proper and continue to progress, on Republic Day let us resolve to work for India in earnest! Happy Republic Day!
  • Let's uphold the spirit of peace, liberty, and fraternity this Republic Day and always. Happy Republic Day!
  • Hope our country is blessed with everlasting peace & prosperity, this Republic Day and always. Happy Republic Day!
  • Thousand Salutes to those patriots who gave us the opportunity to celebrate the Republic Day.
  • Saffron means courage, White represents purity, Green means growth, That’s why it is the most beautiful flag. Salutes to the Indian national flag! Happy Republic Day!
  • Let us join our hands and work together to protect our nations from all the social evils that are tarnishing it’s greatness. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • A thousand salutes to all in this great nation of ours. May we make it become even more prosperous and great. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • The celebration of the 72nd Republic day is in our minds, may it strengthen our body, sharpen out mind and fill our souls. Let us all stand proud today and give respect to our nation on the Republic day. Wish you a very Happy Republic Day!
  • You should take pride that you live in a country that has such a diverse glorious history and rich heritage. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day 2021! “
  • Today is the day to show the love we have toward our nation. Happy Republic Day 2021 to all my family, friends and people in association.
  • Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day 2021!
  • May you have joy to make you sweet, strife to make you strong, sadness to keep you human and hope to bring joy to our nation. I wish you a very Happy Republic Day! – Happy Republic Day Quotes of 2021
  • Happy Republic Day 2021! On this day, let’s recall the true heroes of India who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Happy Republic Day
  • 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 6 religion, 6 ethnic groups, 29 major festivals, 1 country. Proud to be an Indian. Jai Hind. Happy Republic day.
  • India Is Great; India Is Grand, Where We Celebrate Republic Day. “Happy Republic Day!
  • Be proud that you live in a country that has such a rich history and heritage. “Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts. Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. “Happy Republic Day!
  • Celebrate in the wonder of the country and remember to thank the fighters. Cheerful Republic Day!
  • Freedom in the mind,, Faith in the words,, Pride in our hearts,, And Memories in our souls,, Lets salute,, The Nation on Republic Day.
  • Rejoice in the glory of India and freedom fighters on this republic day. We wish you all A Happy Republic Day and Vande Mataram.
  • Freedom in the mind, strength in the words, pureness in our blood, pride in our souls, zeal in our hearts. Let’s salute our India on Republic Day. Happy Republic Day!
  • Independence is always a wonderful gift from god. May this wonderful nation remain independent forever and grow according to our Constitution! Wishes happy republic day!
  • ​Celebrating the day the Constitution of India came into force… And remembering the brave hearts of Indian Independence… Happy Republic Day!
  • Happy Republic day, wish you a great day and a prosperous year. Be proud of your country.
  • On this special day, let’s promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure. Happy Republic Day!
  • ​Celebrating with you the glory of the heritage and sovereignty of our nation… Happy Republic Day!
  • It’s 26th January today, the historical day to remember our national heroes & freedom fighters, who suffered to give us a republic nation. Happy 26th January, Happy Republic Day!
  • I feel that the constitution is workable, it is flexible and it is strong enough to hold the country together both in peacetime and in wartime. Indeed, if I may say so, if things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we had a bad Constitution. What we will have to say is that Man was vile. Happy Republic Day.
  • Republic day is a good time to examine who we are and how we got here. Happy republic day.
  • The celebration of the 72nd Republic day is in our minds, may the strength in our body the pureness in our blood flow and lets us all stand and give respect to our country India on Republic day. A very Happy Republic Day!
  • Freedom, strength, pureness and pride lead us to salute India on the republic day. Happy republic day 2021!
  • Let us all reunite and relive the pride and joy of being an Indian on our Republic Day. Vande Mataram!
  • The tricolor gives the messages of peace humanity & prosperity very warm greetings on this republic day. Happy republic day 2021!!!
  • On the 72nd Republic Day, let’s pledge to nurture our India with love, compassion and dedication. May our country always prosper and flourish. Happy Republic Day!
  • May the purity and peace lie within each citizen of our country and that we continue with the wheel of progress every day. May the majestic colours of our Indian Flag wave high with prosperity and patriotism. Happiest Republic Day!
  • It is joy to share a picture of the Wagah trip where one could stand amid many army personnel. May you get to live memories like this on this Republic Day.
  • Happy Republic Day! We celebrate today the unity & integrity of our wonderful nation & pray for peace and patriotism to prevail over everything else.
  • It is the time to show our love toward our nation. Happy Republic Day Indian!!

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